Green Bay Marathon


Taper Time? (Read 256 times)


    Did everyone get in the last long run over the weekend and begin the 3 week taper? Hope it went well for everyone! I did a 7 mile warm-up jog, then ran the Drake 1/2 Marathon on Saturday at my marathon goal pace. Got to practice pacing and drinking from a cup at the water stations, and felt really good at the end. I only hope I feel that good in 3 weeks for the actual marathon!
      I did my last long run on Sunday and I am doing the 3 week taper as well. I did a 20 mile run on, which is pretty much what I had planned to do. I would have gone a little further, but my right knee was bothering me and I didn't want to take any chance of hurting myself. I don't think I have any real problem, but at this point I figured it was better to just stop running. The goal is to run a marathon on the 18th and not an extra mile or two on the final long run. I topped out at about 50 miles this week and I'll drop to about 40 this week and 30 the next. It will be nice to take a little break from ramping up the mileage and just enjoy running again. Drinking from a cup will be an issue for me because I haven't run a race in about a year. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet, but I may walk through some of the water stops. I've never been good at drinking from a cup on the run and I'll end up taking a Gatoraide shower.
      Fortitudine Vincimus - "By endurance we conquer,"

        I think my mileage and taper are the same as yours, I'm using the Hal Higdon Intermediate I training plan with some extra miles thrown in on some days. When drinking from a cup during a race I'm usually happy if I get about a third of it down my throat (lungs) and the rest on the ground and myself. Luckily it was just water at the 1/2 marathon so I wasn't all Gatorade colored at the end. Actually my stomach and energy level felt really good using only water and GU so I may have to try that during the marathon. My best results with the cup were when I dumped part of on the ground first, then squished the end down into a spout, tipped it kind of sideways into my mouth and sucked the water out of the spout. Also helped a lot to fast-walk about 3 steps while drinking it, I found less of it went down my lungs.
          I like to mix things up between water and Gatorade. Usually on longer runs I take Gatorade and by the time I'm finished I can't stand the stuff and it doesn't quench my thirst. I've become addicted to the Sports Beans and stay away from the gels now. I always had a hard time getting a gel down - it's almost like swallowing snot to me and I love jelly beans in general, so it works great. Are you staying in Green Bay for the race or driving in on race day? I originally was going to stay at my mother-in-laws house in Kiel, but realized it would be about an hour plus ride. By the time I realized this all of the hotels in Green Bay were booked, so my wife and I are going to stay in Manitowoc. It's only about a half hour out, so I should be fine. My wife is not a runner and she be doing a run/walk 5k - wimp!
          Fortitudine Vincimus - "By endurance we conquer,"

            I'll be riding up with a friend that used to live in Green Bay and wants to come back for a visit. We'll be staying at the Hampton Inn, I think it's only about a mile from the start. I've been doing some of my training using Gatorade Endurance since that's what they'll have on the course, and I'll carry a few GUs. I'm used to the GU from adventure racing (24 to 36 hour races) so I know I can stomach it when nothing else is working and it gives me some pretty quick energy. I like the Sports Beans too but have a harder time eating them when running hard. I'm kind of dreading the taper, sometimes it's harder to cut down on the miles when everything's feeling good but I'm going to stick with the schedule and hopefully show up refreshed.