Green Bay Marathon


Change in Training Plan (Read 187 times)

    I did something that I haven't done in a pretty long time - took a weekend off of running - and hopefully it was a good decision. I guess I'll find out in about a week. I've been running a lot of miles so far in 2008 and I had some nagging problems with knee pain and some foot issues, so I decided not to run the entire weekend and I think it really helped. The last couple of weeks have been tough as I bumped up the mileage. My legs felt tired and running had become more of a chore than a pleasure. Today I'm feeling a better and I'm actually looking forward to running tonight. I just hope it didn't screw up my overall fitness. Just to keep up conditioning, I rode an exercise bike at the health on Saturday and nearly had a horrible accident. I figured riding the bike would be a good way to get in some work, but stay off of my feet. The bike I used was a little unusual and I actually sat it in more like a chair than a bicycle seat. About 15 minutes into my workout I dropped a hand towel off of armrest (it actually had an armrest) onto the floor and just out of my reach. Instead of stopping and picking up the towel, I kept peddling, leaned over to pick it up and smashed my right knee into the center column of the bike. It hurt like hell and all I could think of was that I had actually hurt myself and I wouldn't be able to do the race. Luckily I ended up with a pretty good bruise and a sore knee, but it shouldn't be a problem. Cross training can be hazardous!
    Fortitudine Vincimus - "By endurance we conquer,"

      I doubt you'll lose any fitness with a few days off, even a week off would probably be ok and get you to the race healthy and rested. I haven't run since Wednesday since my calf wasn't getting any better with physical therapy and lots of stretching and exercises. They taped it today with some flexible tape that's supposed to take some of the strain off it so I can try to run on it again. Chances are I won't have a decent run in before the race, and may not even decide until Sunday morning if I think I can run it without doing more damage. Hoping it will heal up in the next few days and I'll still have enough fitness to run the race.
        Oh man, sorry to hear about your leg - that really sucks, particularly this close to the race. I hope you're able to run, but one of the worst/stupidest things that I did was to run a half marathon on what turned out to be a stress fracture in my foot. It sidelined me for about three months, so just be careful about your decision.
        Fortitudine Vincimus - "By endurance we conquer,"

          Thanks, I actuall ran 4 miles today and it's the first time it felt a bit better than the previous day so there's still hope. Not sure if it's the tape that's helping but I plan to snag some from the PT office tomorrow to bring with. One more 3 miler tomorrow then I'm done. Looking forward to getting this show on the road!

            Good luck to both of you with your nagging injuries. It sounds like they may be getting a little better, so there's still plenty of hope for the weekend! Now, if the rain and wind hold off Sunday morning, everything will be good.

              Calf is feeling slightly better the past 2 days, so I think it will at least get me to the starting line on Sunday. I'm planning on lining up behind the 3:20 pace group and see if I still have enough fitness to hang in there. We'll see what happens 20 miles or so in, but I'm guessing it will be numb by then anyway. Weather forecast has been changing back and forth, was showing 40% chance of rain, then down to 10% as of this morning, but now I just looked and it's back up to 30%. Plan for the worst, hope for the best!