Green Bay Marathon


100 Days and Counting (Read 225 times)

    If I counted the days correctly, it is 100 days until the big event in Green Bay. That makes me kind of happy, but also a little nervous about how I'm going to bump up my mileage. Currently I'm doing long runs at about 12 miles, so that's less than half way. I've been running way too much on treadmills and indoor tracks, so once my feet hit pavement I may breakdown like a 1978 Pinto.
    Fortitudine Vincimus - "By endurance we conquer,"
      I am def in the same boat. The longest run that i have done since this summer is 11 miles. I am bumping up my weekly miliage by 10% each week.

      Orion Goals: 5k 18:30 10K 38:00 Marathon 3:10



        I agree, need to take it slow and ease into the outside running. I usually find my pace to be quicker outdoors for some reason, but different muscles get sore and sometimes end up with shin splints from ramping up too fast. Better off going easy now than having to take off completely to nurse an injury! I usually use Hal Higdon training plans, anyone else?
          I'm kind of going with a hybrid training plan; mixing a couple of different plans. I'm running 5 times a week, with my long runs on Saturday and Sunday a slow recovery run. Currently I'm bumping up my mileage about 4% per week and adding about a mile a week to my long runs. I have a history of injuries, so I'm building very, very slowly. Last year I bumped up my mileage too quickly and wound up with a stress fracture in my left foot. The year before I had a wicked case of plantar fasciitis that had me down for about 3 months. Each injury always seems to be something completely new, so I can't pinpoint shoes or training methods, just too many miles too quickly. I plan on topping out my long run at 21 or 22 miles prior to the race and should hit 45 miles per week. Right now I'm at about 32 and adding a mile or so a week. What really sucks is the weather (it's 7 below as I type this) and I'm not doing the speed work or hills that I want/need to do. I hate to complain about the weather, but..........
          Fortitudine Vincimus - "By endurance we conquer,"

            Ok, I officially signed up for the race and booked the hotel so there's no turning back! Still have one more adventure race 3/8 before the marathon training starts, but we ran/trekked about 40 miles through swamps and singletrack last weekend at the Swamp Stomp 30 hour race so I'm pretty sure my base is there. How's everyone else progressing on the training plans?
              I'm doing OK I guess. I'm at about 30 to 35 miles per week and will be ramping up from there. I still worry that almost all of my running has been on treadmills and indoor tracks, but it's been so terrible outside I haven't had the chance to run outdoors. My long runs are topping out at about 14 miles, so I'm almost were I want to be. I'll be doing the Remax Trailbreaker in Waukesha on the 5th or April, just as a trial to see where I'm at. I've run it the last three years and have run an amazingly consistant pace and finished between 1:51:00 and 1:53:00. This year I want to be below 1:45:00. You have to have goals!!!
              Fortitudine Vincimus - "By endurance we conquer,"

                That sounds like a good solid base this far out. I wouldn't worry about treadmill and indoor running, those are still quality workouts. I've done about 95% of my running/cycling indoors the past couple of months, making sure I keep 1 or 2% incline on the treadmiill to better simulate wind and hills. Started using heart rate as a guide and doing lots of zone 2 work with some zone 3 pickups thrown in for good measure, and an occasional tempo/interval workout (runervals dvds are an awesome challenging tempo workout). When I finally got outdoors for a 10 miler during a brief thaw a few weeks ago, my pace was significantly faster at the same level of effort than it was before moving indoors for the winter - very encouraging!