Green Bay Marathon


Today's Run Report (Read 157 times)

    Ok it was actually yesterdays run but I finally got time to sit down at my computer. The run was ok. The side walks were still pretty covered with snow. Overall it was pretty slippery. I tried these grip things you put on your running shoes. Around mile three i found that one had fallen off. So those did not help me at all. Even though it was slippery i only almost fell once. That’s a lot better then my last outside run. Over all the run was ok. My right Achilles was felling sore but it felt better towered then end of the run. I am planning to do another 6 miles tonight. I am not sure if I should do it outside or on the treadmill.

    Orion Goals: 5k 18:30 10K 38:00 Marathon 3:10


      I ran on the Pettit Center indoor track on Wednesday and the Marquette University track team was there as usual. Talk about making me feel inferior - I don't remember being able to run like that when I was 20.
      Fortitudine Vincimus - "By endurance we conquer,"
        Yeah, I bet those kids are quick. Is that tack open to all? It would be really nice to have a tack to work out on in this area. Sometimes i go down to Milwaukee and it would be nice to know were to go in bad weather.

        Orion Goals: 5k 18:30 10K 38:00 Marathon 3:10


          Everyone with $3. Generally there are just a handful of people running and even less walking - no more than a dozen or so at the busiest. The track itself is made of a hard rubber and it's a little hard on the legs, but much less so than concrete. It takes about 3.5 laps to do a mile and there's the speed skaters to watch, which makes it a little less boring. The temperature is about 50 degrees and a few people run in shorts.
          Fortitudine Vincimus - "By endurance we conquer,"