Green Bay Marathon


What race are you planning on doing before the Green Bay Marathon (Read 189 times)

    Right now i only have one race set in stone. I am doing the Capital City Half Marathon in Columbus, OH,, on 12 April 2007. I hope to do two other race. One in February and one in march. I just like using races to test my fitness and help with my motivation. The problem is finding races so early in the season is not that easy. Ideally I would run a 10k in February and 15K in March. Right now i have found a 15k in February that is here in Green Bay, WI, Though I am thinking it might be to early for a race of that length and I just might do the 5k. There is a race in FL that would be cool, Gate River Run 15K/USA 15K National Championships, but I am not sure if I want to travel yet. I am still looking for a race that is closer. What races are you all doing before the Marathon?

    Orion Goals: 5k 18:30 10K 38:00 Marathon 3:10


      I'll be running the Remax Trailbreaker Half Marathon in Waukesha on April 5th. I've run this race on three previous occasions and although it may be the most boring race to run, it helps keep me motivated and running in the winter. The weather usually sucks and the race is run on an asphalt bike path with only the Waukesha Police as spectators. There's also a full marathon, but that's way too early for me and at the midpoint of the race you have to run up five flights of stairs on an observation tower, ring a bell and run back down. It kind of brings running and the Stairmaster together at one event. No thanks! Here's the website. I'd give you the link, but apparently I'm too stupid to paste a link.
      Fortitudine Vincimus - "By endurance we conquer,"