Green Bay Marathon


Pettit Center Track (Read 187 times)

    OJ, I was being kind of nosey and looking at your mileage log and noticed that you ran at the Pettit Center. How did you like it? Since I'm doing all of my long runs there now, I've actually started to hate the place. I can't wait until the snow clears off the trails near my house.
    Fortitudine Vincimus - "By endurance we conquer,"
      It was really nice not to have to worry about ice and it was cool seeing all the other runners. The surface was really hard and by the end of the run i was feeling it in my legs. Overall, it would be a great place to workout once inawhile or when the weather is really bad. I wish there was something like that near me. I would def do all my interval workout there during the winter. I had to do two treadmill workouts this week. It would have been nice if i could have done them at Pettiet.

      Orion Goals: 5k 18:30 10K 38:00 Marathon 3:10


        The biggest surprise for me when I first started running there was how hard the track was. It's almost like you're running on concrete, but it's kind of a thin hard rubber. I did a long run last week of about 15 miles on the track and my knees were bothering me all week. How are you coming along on you're training schedule. I'm at about 35 or so miles a week and I hope to be picking things up a bit and plan on hitting the 40's after this week. I always worry that I'm not running enough, but its been tough to run outside.
        Fortitudine Vincimus - "By endurance we conquer,"
          Plan was going well until last week. I hurt my back and had to take some days off. Then last saturday i sprained my ankle. It is still a little sore. I have been riding the bike and hope to start running again on saturday or sunday.

          Orion Goals: 5k 18:30 10K 38:00 Marathon 3:10


            Hey OJ, Sorry to hear about your setback with injuries. You still have some time so take things easy and don't try to catch up all at once. I hope you get back to running soon.
            Fortitudine Vincimus - "By endurance we conquer,"