Green Bay Marathon


What are your plans for the weekend (Read 195 times)

    Just wondering what everyone is doing the weekend of the race. Personally, my wife and I are going to the Timber Rattlers baseball game in Appleton on Saturday and will head up to the Expo to the packet pickup. I figure that I'll get there around 4:30 or so and hang out at the Expo for a while. I decided to do the pasta dinner, just to soak up the atmosphere! I'll be staying in Manitowoc on Saturday night and plan to leave at about 5:30 AM on Sunday - good thing I'm an early riser. I hope to get to the race at about 6:00 or so, though I have no idea what traffic will be like. It's finally starting to sink into my head that the race is really coming up. After training all winter, it really snuck up on me.
    Fortitudine Vincimus - "By endurance we conquer,"

      I live close by, so I will be sleeping at home the night before the race. I will have several guests at my house who are coming to town to run in either the 5k or the half. We will likely head down to the Expo sometime on Saturday afternoon and then hang around for the pasta dinner. The menu sounded pretty good, and the price for my kids to eat was cheap, so I thought "Why not?". It will be a solid 30 minute drive from Manitowoc to Lambeau, but leaving at 5:30 should still give you plenty of time before the race. Right now, the weather forecast is calling for showers on Saturday night & Sunday morning...I hope that changes between now and then.

        I'm planning (with my 2 daughters) to come up on Friday. We're staying at Quality Inn. I live in Mayville and didn't want to make a 2 hour drive before the race. We don't have any real plans for the weekend, although I'd like to check out the expo on Saturday, (I have to pick up the packet anyway...). I've signed all 3 of us up for the pasta dinner too. That Timber Rattler's game may be tempting. I'll be catching the shuttle from the hotel to the race at 5:45am and doing some walking/stretching to get myself ready on Sunday morning. My daughters will be coming a little later to sit in Lambeau for when I get to the end. They'll have the camera too!

          Getting in town with a friend Friday evening (wife and kids staying home), Hampton Inn, going to Favre's (the restaurant, not his house) for dinner. Hanging out and relaxing Saturday and picking up packet. Probably take the later hotel shuttle Sunday morning at 6:25 so I don't have too much time to kill before the start. Hope for good weather, but I'm packing a big garbage bag in case it's raining at the start. Tip... use some extra foot lube to prevent blisters if it's wet or raining. I use both Body Glide and smear on some Hydropel whenever I'm going to be running with wet feet, works pretty well so far.

            Brett sold his house here, so you're out of luck with that one, anyhow. But I just ate at his restaurant again on Tuesday does have some good food.
              I will just be going to the packet pick up on Saturday. I am hoping to get some replacment water bottles at the expo if not i will have to buy a whole new fuel belt. I live pretty close to the start of the race. I plan on having my wife drop me off 45mins before the start of the race. I will do a mile job. My wife and mother in law are planning on cheering me on at the 6, 13, 20 mile markers. I am actually pretty nervious and trying not to think about the race. That is the main reason i have not been on here at all in the last three weeks.

              Orion Goals: 5k 18:30 10K 38:00 Marathon 3:10