Toronto and Beyond


Goodlife marathon - NOW with pictures on page 2 (Read 173 times)


    Yippie! Just saw Jason go by Smile Actually managed to go from camera shut down to a couple of good pics. Will download them all afterwards. Came inside for a snack and will head down again to catch the marathoners!

    First or's the same finish line

    HF #4362

      It's tough following on Sport Stats. The 'live' results on show finishing times for the HM (gun/chip), and 21 and 30k splits for the marathon. Sheesh.


      To borrow a phrase from a much faster RAer: It's bluebird day out there, let's hope they don't fuck this up.

        Jason is done. 2:02:06 gun time; 1:59:51 chip time.


        He was hoping to come in under 2 hrs, so success! Way to go Jason.

          Dave is through 21k in 1:36:36


          Predicted finish is 3:13:12 (assuming steady pace, using chip time)!


            Thanks for the updates Dave! I got pics of Jason and I just have to figure out how to download them Smile

            First or's the same finish line

            HF #4362


              Jason is done. 2:02:06 gun time; 1:59:51 chip time.


              He was hoping to come in under 2 hrs, so success! Way to go Jason.




              First or's the same finish line

              HF #4362

                Congratulations to Jason!

                Go Dave!

                PBs since age 60:  5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41.

                                                    10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44.




                  Gun 3:18:29, Chip 3:18:20* (*a BQ!)

                  Overall 148/?

                  Male 137/?

                  M40-44 28/?


                  Way to go! Now, go drink some beer.


                  PS ~384 days from now, do you want to pace each other to a sub 3:15:59 at the 2011 Road2Hope in Hamilton?


                    a good day out there..... this may be what i needed to get my mojo back..... thinking of the Hamilton half on November 7.


                    tuf_aint_enough actually added 10 seconds... I was 1:59:41.  Wink


                    I saw daddyo (was chatting with MrsDaddyo) at the top of queen's park... he was looking great with 250 meters to go..... lots left in the tank.  congrats on the BQ for 2011 & 2012

                      the guy who cam 3rd in the marathon is from Latvia.... he was flying the flag as he looped queen's park.... I recognized it from Lisa's hockey sweater.

                        Woo hoo!  Way to go guys!  A second BQ too.  That is fantastic news.  What a beautiful day for a race!

                        Suffering Benefiting from mature onset exercise addiction and low aerobic endorphin release threshold. Hoping there is no cure.

                          Great stuff, guys.

                          PBs since age 60:  5k- 24:36, 10k - 47:17. Half Marathon- 1:42:41.

                                                              10 miles (unofficial) 1:16:44.



                            Okay some pics. More also on facebook or here (let me know if I did that right...)


                            Thumbs up

                            Thumbs up


                            Jason and Spiderman

                            Jason and Spiderman

                            First or's the same finish line

                            HF #4362






                              Needless to say I LOVE my new camera Smile

                              First or's the same finish line

                              HF #4362

                                Great shots Lisa.... thanks for posting


                                Dave looks laser focused.... and the result shows.


                                MTA:  Spiderman finished ahead of me.......
