Garmin Runners


Elevation accuracy for 305? (Read 226 times)


    I took a 305 out for its first play today. The mileage was very accurate. On a straight trail with half mile markers the Garmin agreed with every one within its resolution. Now I know that I can put it back in the box and never wear it again. Smile The elevation was poor. It thought I finished 100 feet lower than I started, even though I was on an out and back flat course. Sad It also measured a total ascent and descent of 1000 feet over the 5.4 mile course even though the trail is essentially flat with a handful of 20 foot inclines.

    The process is the goal.

    Men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call Destiny.

      Elevation accuracy is known to not be as accurate as the rest of the features on the GPS. Running around in my town I never noticed it to be too far off, but maybe because you're running trails it may not get that great of a reception. If you're really interested in getting a true graph of your elevation, head over to MotionBased and set up a free account, then in your preferences, set it to auto-correct elevation using MBGravity. Then upload using your GPS. Unless you go over bridges, this is the most accurate way I've found to get your true elevation data.
      2009 Goals: Run 5x a week, Iron Horse Half-Marathon on a 6-month C2HM Program that completely made up and is probably unhealthy.