The Graduates


hey Guys and girls ,did this group hit the wall ? (Read 373 times)

    Man ,I must be the only one goofing off at work ,ha! Jenner,I may camp out on Mossalakie Mt.(spelling ?) Did the recent ice storm hit up your way ? Hiked Savoy state park newyears day (Mohawk trail area ) and the downed trees on the trails blew my mind ,and my knee ,ouch!
      Nope, you're not alone among the slackers at work Smile The ice storm did get us, there are a LOT of downed trees everywhere. This ice stom was actually worse than the ice storm of '98 which we all thought was the end of the world, haha. Fortunately I only lost power for ~36 hours, a lot of people were not so lucky and were out for a week or more Shocked Have fun on Mooselauke, that's a great mountain to hike. I had actually thought about bringing DH up there this summer sometime.
      2009 Goals:
      PR 5K (Ha, current 43:10)
      Run a 10K
      Meet Seasonal Weight Loss Challenges
      Complete my first Sprint Tri

        Hi everyone. Jenner I live in MA and the ice storm was incredible. My son was out of school for 3 wks (including Christmas vacation). Thankfully I only lost power for a few seconds twice. I stopped running once the time change hit because it was dark so early in the evening and was dark until about 7ish every morning. I did manage to use some fitness tapes to stay in shape. I got a treadmill for Christmas and have run almost 40 miles during January. My goal is45-50 miles per month. I am pregnant with # 3, and have been running 2.25-2.5 every day. I'm hoping to stay fit during this pregnancy and to pick up running again after I have the baby. I can't believe how much easier it is to run on the treadmill vs the road. I don't have any IT band pain, or knee pain. It's wonderful!!! Hope everyone is doing well. Robin
          Wow, good for you! I don't find the treadmill easier at all. I still have all kinds of leg pain I am battling. Sad Oh well. Keep up the good work. It feels great to exercise while you're pregnant, doesnt it?
            Hey Rj nice to hear from Mass. ,Running while preg. God bless you ,I can't belive thats comfortable ! Weather and early darkness is a drag .Takes longer to get dressed than to run (kidding but almost !)