Grandmas Marathon


Grandma's Marathon 2006 (Read 283 times)


Good Bad & The Monkey

    I read this awhile ago- thanks for the update. this will be my 1st marathon. Been reading alot on runners world about the do's and don'ts. They have specific comments on the big three, NY, Marine corp, and Chicago. Any words of advice on Grandmas or a 1st time marathon? Tom

    2018 Goals:

    Get Lucky Half  1:47:59

    Grandmas Marathon

    Fall Marathon - Twin Cities??


    Good Bad & The Monkey

      Advice for Grandma's - - Follow all the training you see for Chicago or NY - Get out a day or two early to drive the course and to grab a bite at Betty's Pies in Two Harbors - Grandma's starts fast, YOU should not. Make sure your pace is steady and slow at first. - Get a hotel if you have not already - Make sure you know where the bus will pick you up and how you will get back to your hotel after - Plan to spend plenty of time in the finish area, it is a great one - Plan to wade in Lake Superior to cool down your legs afterwards, there is a place to do so right near the finish (to your left, facing the lift bridge and light houses). - SMILE for the finish line pictures Have fun!
        Thanks for the info! Since this is the 1st time actually training for a race, its been a "learning on the run" thing. Because of my schedule, I have turned to a 3 day a week training program. I'm sure I will finish, but not so sure it will get me in on a time I really want. But for a 1st time, I think it will do. Hardest thing so far is trying to control the pace. I run with a garmin, and my pace fluctuates quite a bit. I hope this is something that will come with time. Part of the problem is that there are a lot of rolling hills near my house, so tight pace is not a reality for my shorter runs. I started doing my longer runs on the Erie canal path, which has minimal variation in elevation. I know Chicago has pace groups - anything like that in Grandmas? Looks like Grandmas is relatively flat most of the way. On the course map, there is a little blip at mile 8 and then Lemon Drop Hill. Hopefully after a few miles I can settle in with a common pace group.

        2018 Goals:

        Get Lucky Half  1:47:59

        Grandmas Marathon

        Fall Marathon - Twin Cities??


        Good Bad & The Monkey

          They have lots of pace groups, just like Chicago. My pace group leader last year went out too fast under hot conditions, so that was not a good experience, but generally they are good. I will probably go out with a group again this year. Did you see my Grandma's Marathon map in runningahead? There are lots of small rolling hills that keep the monotony at bay. Yes, it is generally flat and Lemondrop Hill is a big change. There is another big downhill at mile 25 and some good rolls downtown. I wore my GPS last year, but lost signal between miles 23 and 25 or so. But generally it was useful for monitoring my pace. What is your goal finish time?
            One piece of advice I liked from RW forum was goal planning. Not sure the terms they used, but basically - 1.) very realistic (finishing) 2.) Possible (break 4 hours) and 3) pie in the sky - which for me is beating my brother. He is aiming at a 3:50 time. I am a late comer to running, and never trained or ran track in school. Got into it through HHH and the Pittsburgh running groups. Used to run quite a bit, but not so much the past few years until getting back this year. I'm finding my speed isn't very close to what I thought it would be.

            2018 Goals:

            Get Lucky Half  1:47:59

            Grandmas Marathon

            Fall Marathon - Twin Cities??