Kenton Runners


Welcome, Brian (Read 263 times)

    Brian, are you training for any particular race? Your mile pace is pretty good. Rick
      Thanks for the welcome. Nope, not for any particular race, just following's beginner 10k training schedule. I've started at week two, I spent the summer just getting the miles and endurance up.
        Russ (Chill) is registered for the Columbus Marathon Oct. 15. I might still get in it, if my long run Sun. morning goes well. Ryan (KentonRunner) and Russ are running a half marathon in Oxford on Sunday.
          Not ready for either of those, although I think I could muster enough strength to do a half sometime, relatively soon. I guess right now I am running just for fun although I would have to say that a goal would be to see if I could manage a half or even a full. That's a ways off right now though. I am new to the running scene, so to speak, and I would be interested to know when there are 10k or half's in the fall, I could be persuaded to enter one. I have never competitively ran a road race. I played soccer in high school and have picked up running since there are no adult soccer leagues in or near enough to Kenton.
            I usually stick to the 5ks. I ran the cleveland marathon with Rod in 2001, then a 10K on thanksgiving day in Cincy that same year. I am going to try to continue running through winter. I took almost 5 months off and it took awhile to get started again. Although this site has helped keep me going!