Letters & Opinions

Introverts’ Clubhouse (Read 142 times)

runny eggs

    I had to conduct a phone interview at the end of the day.  Not a fan of doing that.


    Embrace the suck


      This was me although I'm not on the spectrum.  I preferred to go hungry and not eat than talk to someone on the phone for something like ordering food.




      Admission time:  DW still has to order our pizzas.  I can't stand to talk with pizza shop.  I'd say it mostly stems from having to speak so slowly and repeat the most basic instruction three times; even then knowing it is 50/50 at best if they got it right.

      I finally quit drinking for good - now I drink for evil

      Prince of Fatness

        I hate phone conversations so much, just the sound of a phone ringing is enough to piss me off. 


        Yeah me too. Mrs Finn thinks that I have a problem because of this.

        Not at it at all. 

          Introvert checking in.


          Note: I have read no posts in this thread but the first one.  Can someone re-post the good ones.


          Embrace the suck

            When I'm visiting my Mom she'll interrupt our conversation to answer the phone.  Most of the time I'm taking second fiddle to the telemarketer.

            I finally quit drinking for good - now I drink for evil


            Lord of the Manor

              Introvert checking in.


              Note: I have read no posts in this thread but the first one.  Can someone re-post the good ones.


              Jason put together a pretty good summary. It's toward the bottom of the first page.


              Summary of the thread: it's a miracle that some of us ever leave the house. If Amazon and Uber could get their acts together and deliver everything to us without having to interact with another sentient being some of us would never leave. Especially if we didn't have to go to work.


              And then Jason threw us off by posting a picture showing that he purchased TWO rocking chairs for his front porch. WTF, Jason? Are you with us or against us?

              If I could make a wish I think I'd pass



                And then Jason threw us off by posting a picture showing that he purchased TWO rocking chairs for his front porch. WTF, Jason? Are you with us or against us?


                Two rocking chairs = no big deal, especially since the other chair will be empty most of the time.


                (I just thought that it would seem stranger to have just one rocking chair on my porch, so I figured that I may as well get two.)


                Now, more than two rocking chairs would be a problem.  I see some porches that have eight or 10 rocking chairs out front and this sort of astounds me.  That negates the whole point of a porch.

                You got 'em.  Let the anticipation begin.  


                Lord of the Manor

                  I was just busting you for dramatic effect. 


                  Last Saturday I spent 4-1/2 hours working the Help Desk at the Pittsburgh Marathon expo. I spent the entire afternoon talking to people (I was hoarse when it was over). That didn't bother me in the least because all of the interactions were limited. Confined to a single topic and over in 90 seconds or so. Still, I was glad when it was over.

                  If I could make a wish I think I'd pass


                    Jason put together a pretty good summary. It's toward the bottom of the first page.


                    Summary of the thread: it's a miracle that some of us ever leave the house. If Amazon and Uber could get their acts together and deliver everything to us without having to interact with another sentient being some of us would never leave. Especially if we didn't have to go to work.


                    And then Jason threw us off by posting a picture showing that he purchased TWO rocking chairs for his front porch. WTF, Jason? Are you with us or against us?


                    Fact: Amazon now delivers Whole Foods to my house within the hour.



                      Last Saturday I spent 4-1/2 hours working the Help Desk at the Pittsburgh Marathon expo. I spent the entire afternoon talking to people (I was hoarse when it was over). That didn't bother me in the least because all of the interactions were limited. Confined to a single topic and over in 90 seconds or so. Still, I was glad when it was over.


                      I work the Pace Team desk for several hours each year for the Atlanta Half Marathon.  Like you said, it’s only a series of short interactions, but I’m always happy to be home after the fact.

                      You got 'em.  Let the anticipation begin.  

                        I was on a silent meditation retreat (yep, as most of you have probably already guessed, I am a full enlightened being) and on day three I met with a teacher where we could talk about how things were going.  When asked my response was "Are you kidding, this place is great. It is like camp for introverts".  It was awesome. It also helped you can get slightly high from extended periods of meditation (think real low dose of LSD). If you people ever get the chance you should try it.

                           It was awesome. It also helped you can get slightly high from extended periods of meditation (think real low dose of LSD). If you people ever get the chance you should try it.


                          LSD? already rode that crazy train once, do not want a return trip

                          "Famous last words"  ~Bhearn


                          Embrace the suck

                            I was on a silent meditation retreat (yep, as most of you have probably already guessed, I am a full enlightened being) and on day three I met with a teacher where we could talk about how things were going.  When asked my response was "Are you kidding, this place is great. It is like camp for introverts".  It was awesome. It also helped you can get slightly high from extended periods of meditation (think real low dose of LSD). If you people ever get the chance you should try it.


                            In this neck of the woods we call it Rehab.

                            I finally quit drinking for good - now I drink for evil


                              LSD? already rode that crazy train once, do not want a return trip


                              Wimp.  If I could be placed in totally risk free and peaceful environment I would totally do a LSD again. Well, at least a low dose.


                                In this neck of the woods we call it Rehab.


                                Nah, people talk to you in rehab. Ruins the whole thing.