Letters & Opinions

Biden In The Post Orange White Nationalist World (Read 326 times)


    Drove 10 miles out of my way to sign a petition that will hopefully get enough signatures to put AZ abortion access on the ballot. They didn’t get enough signatures last time. I hope it works this time and we can let Arizonans decide if abortion should remain legal in this state.


    Good on you for making the trip!  I hope that it goes through.

    You got 'em.  Let the anticipation begin.  


    kind of a big deal

      Abortion made it onto the Florida ballot. Can’t wait to see what new and creative way we manage to fuck this up.

      Tar Heel Mom


        Nolite te bastardes carborundum.


        Tribal Elder


          Whoo!  That was fun.  I learned something, too, I'd never heard of a case being "ripe" or not.


          Is it at all common for decisions to read like that, in "Explain Like I'm 5" style?  Does it make it seem unprofessional?


          It depends on the judge and the court. Federal judges are mostly dignified and keep their snark on simmer. But faced with increased cases involving MAGA/J6/sovereign citizen/militia types and increasingly weird legal arguments, the judges are more and more unleashing their inner Judge Judy. State court has always been a street fight.   

          "Keep doing things." - Jim Martin, 93 year-old paratrooper and badass.


            Spoken to? By whom? The Gestapo?



             “Biden is no fan of Israel.”  How does Trump figure that?


            From what I gather, Biden has given plenty of leeway to Israel lately.

            You got 'em.  Let the anticipation begin.  

            n a m

            1stBrn ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Unicrn

              Jennifer and James Crumbley are the first parents in the United States to be convicted over deaths caused by their child in a mass shooting. 15 years for involuntary manslaughter. 

              MTA in Michigan

              You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


              Good Bad & The Monkey

                I am aware of a lot of extremely liberal people who will not be voting for Biden (they say) because of his support for Israel, which they are now convinced is an apartheid state committing genocide with weapons Biden has provided.


                From what I gather, Biden has given plenty of leeway to Israel lately.


                Proboscis Colossus

                  I am aware of a lot of extremely liberal people who will not be voting for Biden (they say) because of his support for Israel, which they are now convinced is an apartheid state committing genocide with weapons Biden has provided.



                  So...they're voting for Trump, then.

                  "God guides us on our journey, but careful with those feet." - David Lee Roth, of all people

                  Tar Heel Mom



                    So...they're voting for Trump, then.


                    Maybe not, but they will facilitate the election of Trump. That will be so good for Gaza.

                    Nolite te bastardes carborundum.

                    Tar Heel Mom


                      I am aware of a lot of extremely liberal people who will not be voting for Biden (they say) because of his support for Israel, which they are now convinced is an apartheid state committing genocide with weapons Biden has provided.



                      He's caught in either end of the horseshoe, too.

                      Nolite te bastardes carborundum.


                      Good Bad & The Monkey

                        This or that third party candidate.


                        In Tennessee, it really won't matter who these folks vote for. Same is true in many states.


                        So...they're voting for Trump, then.


                        That Death Thingy

                          Fuck you, AZ Supreme Court 🖕


                          On the other hand, rumor has it that enough signatures were gathered to get abortion on the ballot in November. Let’s hope AZ voters can fix this mess.

                          Prince of Fatness

                            Same is true in many states.


                            I don’t worry about many states. But a few I do. I don’t think that enough people realize how damaging another 4 years of Trump would be. There is nothing that a liberal could do to make me not vote against Trump.

                            Not at it at all. 


                              I am aware of a lot of extremely liberal people who will not be voting for Biden (they say) because of his support for Israel, which they are now convinced is an apartheid state committing genocide with weapons Biden has provided.

                               So...they're voting for Trump, then.

                              Maybe not, but they will facilitate the election of Trump. That will be so good for Gaza.


                              A lot of left-wing folks may not be voting altogether, although Biden is at least doing something to address the death toll and potential famine situation in Gaza.  Trump will not even do that if he is elected.


                              The Gaza situation is going to hurt Biden, sadly.  What is probably hurting Biden even more right now, though, is the smug idiocy of some of his supporters.  To be more specific, I am thinking of Hillary Clinton's "Get over yourself." comment when asked about the wavering support for Biden.   A lot of Democrats are under the impression that, just because Trump is the opposing candidate, that they are entitled to our vote.  That smug entitlement vibe needs to stop now if Democrats are serious about helping Biden win.


                              With regard to Israel and Gaza, I can be, and I am, concerned about more than one thing at the same time.  I want Hamas to face justice, but I also do not like seeing thousands of people die as collateral damage and I do not want the brutality in Gaza right now to pave the way for many more Hamas-like entities in the future.


                              I get the frustration of the left.  I have always figured that, in a loose sense, Israel is America's watchdog in the Middle East.  Sometimes, they chew up the newspaper or pee on the carpet, but, for the most part, they have always been a pretty good watchdog.  Lately, though, it seems that Israel is now a rabid Cujo watchdog who has women and children trapped in a car on a hot day.

                              You got 'em.  Let the anticipation begin.  


                              Good Bad & The Monkey

                                I want Hamas to face justice, but I also do not like seeing thousands of people die as collateral damage


                                It very likely that these are the same things - meaning Hamas has more responsibility for the collateral damage than IDF does.


                                Billions and billions of dollars Hams took and spent building tunnels and squirreling away food and supplies. Imagine if that had been spent to build a society instead. But the Palestinian people are more a tool to Hamas than the people they serve.


                                Of course, my deep liberal friends disagree with my assessment.

                                Regardless, the very religious Jews and Zionists have always irrationally felt that liberals and democrats in the US are the worst possible thing for Israel, and that only the GOP candidate du jour can protect Israel from the brown peopled countries all around it. I never felt that promoting destabilization and oil money in the Middle East was particularly good for Israel, but these people don't really follow reason and are single-issue voters.