Letters & Opinions

Biden In The Post Orange White Nationalist World (Read 326 times)


kind of a big deal


    These days, I spend too much time doomscrolling on Reuters, The Atlantic, and elsewhere, and then watching unscripted YouTube videos from the likes of Beau of the Fifth Column or The Young Turks.


    It is healthy to be engaged in politics, but only to a certain extent and with limitations.  I have found that my mental state and my worldview have become bleaker with the resultant unfocused use of my time.


    Somewhere during Obama’s second term I had to disconnect myself from the news. I am all about being an informed citizen and voter, but it was wrecking my mental health. I serve on the board of our local league of women voters and research certain topics in a more compartmentalized way now. I feel like I am still contributing without destroying myself.


    Lord of the Manor

      I have to monitor how much news I consume. I could read stuff all day long, but that would not be good for my mental health.

      If I could make a wish I think I'd pass


      That Death Thingy

        Prior to 2016, I did not pay attention to politics at all. I didn’t listen or pay any attention to anything remotely related to that topic. I miss those days.


          Prior to 2016, I did not pay attention to politics at all. I didn’t listen or pay any attention to anything remotely related to that topic. I miss those days.


          People have forgotten that it is not normal for us to think about our President every single day.  On a normal day, I think about work, about running (or lack thereof), of my weight control, of my next concert, of my vinyl hobby, of cool movies coming out, and whatever else.


          This all changed when a certain President started posting 30 Twitter entries a day and behaving like a cult leader.

          You got 'em.  Let the anticipation begin.  


            Prior to 2016, I did not pay attention to politics at all. I didn’t listen or pay any attention to anything remotely related to that topic. I miss those days.




            The Trump presidency really shocked me. It brought to focus how fragile our democracy really is, and unfortunately all of the anxiety I felt on election night 2016 came to fruition. Roe fell. LGBTQ+ people are being attacked openly. There was a motherfucking attack on the Capitol and an organized attempt to overturn an election result. We are mostly numb to it now, but there is a stark contrast in what is considered acceptable political rhetoric from 2016 to today.

            over-educated and under-loved


            Proboscis Colossus




              The Trump presidency really shocked me. It brought to focus how fragile our democracy really is, and unfortunately all of the anxiety I felt on election night 2016 came to fruition. Roe fell. LGBTQ+ people are being attacked openly. There was a motherfucking attack on the Capitol and an organized attempt to overturn an election result. We are mostly numb to it now, but there is a stark contrast in what is considered acceptable political rhetoric from 2016 to today.


              Same, kinda.  I didn't vote for Trump, but I wasn't wailing and gnashing my teeth when he won because...Checks and Balances, right?  Sure, he's an idiotic demagogue with terrible, un-American ideas, but "The System" we have in place will keep anything really bad from happening.


              Well, the Checks didn't check, and the Balances ain't balancing.  I was and am horrified to learn how much of our democracy is based on what might be called a "gentleman's agreement," if I may use an outdated phrase.  If the right people in the right positions of power just don't want to do the job for whatever reason, big chunks of our much-vaunted "Freedom" are taken away.


              Like DR, I didn't pay that much attention to politics before 2016, either, but I do now.

              "God guides us on our journey, but careful with those feet." - David Lee Roth, of all people


                And the demonization of DEI and Affirmative action, and the rise of anti-semitism are all horrifying.


                Runners run


                  The Trump presidency really shocked me. It brought to focus how fragile our democracy really is, and unfortunately all of the anxiety I felt on election night 2016 came to fruition. Roe fell. LGBTQ+ people are being attacked openly. There was a motherfucking attack on the Capitol and an organized attempt to overturn an election result. We are mostly numb to it now, but there is a stark contrast in what is considered acceptable political rhetoric from 2016 to today.


                  During past elections, I have always asserted that the United States is a like a giant aircraft carrier, in that, even if someone steers it sharply to the left or sharply to the right, it will only change direction by one degree or so.


                  I underestimated, however, the damage that can be done when the Supreme Court has a majority of a certain leaning.


                  Also, I know that I tend to run this into the ground, but Christian Nationalism terrifies me.

                  A couple of months back, I read about Arizona trying to push through a bill that bans climate change research and bans government actions to curb climate change, asserting that these things are Marxist and "anti-God." 


                  Just the fact that certain bills are being taken even remotely seriously in state and Federal governments blows my mind.

                  You got 'em.  Let the anticipation begin.  



                    Some of these States are like King Cnut (Canute) story


                    Trying to hold back the tide. (that basic interpretation of the story is of course the wrong way to take it, but it applies here)


                    Denial of the issue, is not going to make it go away.

                    5K  20:23  (Vdot 48.7)   9/9/17

                    10K  44:06  (Vdot 46.3)  3/11/17

                    HM 1:33:48 (Vdot 48.6) 11/11/17

                    FM 4:13:43 (Vdot 35.4) 3/4/18



                      Christian Nationalism terrifies me.





                      Target to reduce number of stores carrying Pride-themed merchandise after last year's backlash.


                      And if the right doesn't stop with this "groomer" shit, I'm going to lose my mind. Especially when there is story after story about pedophilic youth pastors/priests/etc. I will never understand how people believe that rainbow-themed merch will somehow make their kids catch the gay.

                      over-educated and under-loved


                      Tribal Elder




                        Target to reduce number of stores carrying Pride-themed merchandise after last year's backlash.


                         And if the right doesn't stop with this "groomer" shit, I'm going to lose my mind. Especially when there is story after story about pedophilic youth pastors/priests/etc. I will never understand how people believe that rainbow-themed merch will somehow make their kids catch the gay.


                        For the longest time, anyone they disagreed with was a "groomer." IIRC groomer displaced socialist, Marxist, and Communist as the go-to Twitter insult. The current MAGA Word of the Day is "lawfare." Everything they don't like is "lawfare".

                        "Keep doing things." - Jim Martin, 93 year-old paratrooper and badass.


                        Embrace the suck

                          I bow humbly to your wisdom.  Self care is important.  I admit to being a news junkie though.  It is kind of like cutting myself.


                          I do have the Cabin in the Woods.  Well, a cabin in the woods in a small subdivision.   I will glance at a news website now and then but I depend on you folks to tell me what is going on (sort of).  I can not tell you one thing about Donald's trial except Stormy Daniels and hush money are involved.  I don't watch ANY TV news.  I realize the upcoming election affects me but I am not losing any sleep over it.

                          I finally quit drinking for good - now I drink for evil


                          Proboscis Colossus

                            Cool, they're making Grumpy Old Men 3!

                            "God guides us on our journey, but careful with those feet." - David Lee Roth, of all people


                              Cool, they're making Grumpy Old Men 3!


                              It's impossible to put into words how much I'm dreading this debate. I'll ask again for the millionth time, how did we get here? Whhhyyyyy are we stuck with these two people as our candidates?? Will we look back on this election as the final death rattle of The American Experiment?

                              over-educated and under-loved

                              Prince of Fatness

                                It's impossible to put into words how much I'm dreading this debate.

                                I refuse to watch it. For one thing, it is a waste of time. Most people either think that a corpse is a better option than a morally bankrupt narcissist or that a morally bankrupt narcissist is a better option than the liberal bogeyman (SMH). Why bother?

                                The other thing is that listening to Trump talk like a third grader is way worse than fingers on a chalk board. I’m just waiting to cast my vote and see where the chips fall.

                                Not at it at all.