Letters & Opinions

Biden In The Post Orange White Nationalist World (Read 326 times)


Embrace the suck

    Once again you've nailed it.


    I refuse to watch it. For one thing, it is a waste of time. Most people either think that a corpse is a better option than a morally bankrupt narcissist or that a morally bankrupt narcissist is a better option than the liberal bogeyman (SMH). Why bother?

    The other thing is that listening to Trump talk like a third grader is way worse than fingers on a chalk board. I’m just waiting to cast my vote and see where the chips fall.

    I finally quit drinking for good - now I drink for evil


    Embrace the suck

      After hearing about all the controversy, I decided to watch the entire 20-minute Butker/Asshole commencement speech. I realize it’s been 26 years since I graduated from college, but that didn’t sound much like a commencement speech. It sounded more like a speech you give when you’re running for President of the Republic of Gilead. I don’t remember what my ASU commencement speech was all about, but I know it wasn’t political at all, didn’t make reference to “sinful pride”, and the women were not specifically addressed to be told that they’d be better off as homemakers. Dude, I’m sure you’re right about your wife being a happy homemaker. I would be too if my husband was a fucking millionaire.


      What a douche.


      Why would you even bring in an NFL kicker to give a commencement speech?  I can't believe there was no one better available.  That said, I don't agree with calls for the KC Chiefs to fire the guy.  He's an idiot and I don't agree with his opinions, but that's all they are - opinions.  They have no connection whatsoever to his kicking job.

      I finally quit drinking for good - now I drink for evil


      Embrace the suck


        Donald proposed a third debate in October in a huge arena with Bret Baier and Martha McCallum moderating. LULZ.


        Can you say fund raise?  I know you can.  orange turd is all about the coin.

        I finally quit drinking for good - now I drink for evil


        That Death Thingy


          Why would you even bring in an NFL kicker to give a commencement speech?  I can't believe there was no one better available.  That said, I don't agree with calls for the KC Chiefs to fire the guy.  He's an idiot and I don't agree with his opinions, but that's all they are - opinions.  They have no connection whatsoever to his kicking job.


          He should definitely be fired from the job of “Commencement Speaker”.


             Why would you even bring in an NFL kicker to give a commencement speech?  I can't believe there was no one better available.  That said, I don't agree with calls for the KC Chiefs to fire the guy.  He's an idiot and I don't agree with his opinions, but that's all they are - opinions.  They have no connection whatsoever to his kicking job.


            Normally, I would say that his religious beliefs and opinions are his own business.  When his beliefs call for the subjugation of other people, however, then I am in favor of the consequences against him in the public eye. 

            You got 'em.  Let the anticipation begin.  



              Why would you even bring in an NFL kicker to give a commencement speech?  I can't believe there was no one better available.  That said, I don't agree with calls for the KC Chiefs to fire the guy.  He's an idiot and I don't agree with his opinions, but that's all they are - opinions.  They have no connection whatsoever to his kicking job.


              According to an article I just read, the college president sits on the board of a corporation Butker owns.

              20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.


              kind of a big deal

                If the chiefs don’t want to deal with the blowback and potential impacts to their wallet, they’ll drop him. The kicker skill set is easily replaceable lol.


                There are some funny tweets from women about how they’re not allowed to spend their “woman money” on chiefs tickets and swag anymore.


                  If the chiefs don’t want to deal with the blowback and potential impacts to their wallet, they’ll drop him. The kicker skill set is easily replaceable lol.


                  There are some funny tweets from women about how they’re not allowed to spend their “woman money” on chiefs tickets and swag anymore.


                  I read an article the other day that stated the Chiefs QB didn’t even speak to this guy all season. Even sitting beside each other in training films! Mahomes said Butker just kicks the ball and that’s his job.



                    I read an article the other day that stated the Chiefs QB didn’t even speak to this guy all season. Even sitting beside each other in training films! Mahomes said Butker just kicks the ball and that’s his job.

                    Mahomes is very supportive of women sports, so I assume women working outside the role of homemaker as well. I think the Chiefs are waiting to see if the world remembers by the next season. If he’s boo’d when it’s time to kick, then that might impact his ability to perform.


                    Also, given the situation and audience, I kinda think the most problematic parts of his speech were the anti-gay, anti-Semitic comments. The vocational comments were probably not that uncommon with the crowd. I truly hope that the best case scenario here is that he tried to be funny, to a very Catholic audience, and failed miserably.


                    Ok. Regardless of his intentions it was a horribly miserable fail.


                      Mahomes is very supportive of women sports, so I assume women working outside the role of homemaker as well. I think the Chiefs are waiting to see if the world remembers by the next season. If he’s boo’d when it’s time to kick, then that might impact his ability to perform.


                      Also, given the situation and audience, I kinda think the most problematic parts of his speech were the anti-gay, anti-Semitic comments. The vocational comments were probably not that uncommon with the crowd. I truly hope that the best case scenario here is that he tried to be funny, to a very Catholic audience, and failed miserably.


                      Ok. Regardless of his intentions it was a horribly miserable fail.

                      There’s been some articles about the Chiefs moving to Kansas too. Something to do with they need a major upgrade to the stadium and a proposed bill to increase a tax was voted against. I wonder how Missouri and Kansas differ on all the stuff is spoke about? Way over my head, lol.




                        That sounds like a good speech.


                        Butker was speaking at a Catholic school, so he probably felt like he could talk about religion. His mother is a physicist with Master’s degree who works at Emory in Radiological Oncology. He is also, IMO, deeply closeted.


                        Donald will never debate, kat.


                        The school has disowned his remarks. Going to far for Nuns is quite something.

                        5K  20:23  (Vdot 48.7)   9/9/17

                        10K  44:06  (Vdot 46.3)  3/11/17

                        HM 1:33:48 (Vdot 48.6) 11/11/17

                        FM 4:13:43 (Vdot 35.4) 3/4/18




                          The school has disowned his remarks. Going to far for Nuns is quite something.


                          Well saying women’s vocation is to be homemakers and mothers kinda dismisses the role of the nuns.


                          Connoisseur of Cookies


                            The school has disowned his remarks. Going to far for Nuns is quite something.


                            Has there been any reporting regarding the graduates reaction during this speech?  People walked out on Seinfeld during his commencement speech.  People walked out on Youngkin during his.  What did the graduates do in this case?



                            "C" is for cookie.  That's good enough for me.


                            That Death Thingy


                              Has there been any reporting regarding the graduates reaction during this speech?  People walked out on Seinfeld during his commencement speech.  People walked out on Youngkin during his.  What did the graduates do in this case?


                              The male graduates should have properly displayed their masculinity by beating the shit out of him.



                                The crash site of the Iranian president reportedly has been found.


                                Flying a 40-50 year old helicopter in near zero visibility ended up badly, who would have thought.

                                5K  20:23  (Vdot 48.7)   9/9/17

                                10K  44:06  (Vdot 46.3)  3/11/17

                                HM 1:33:48 (Vdot 48.6) 11/11/17

                                FM 4:13:43 (Vdot 35.4) 3/4/18