Letters & Opinions


It’s time for Tuesdailies (Read 19 times)


Lord of the Manor

    I’ll get you started. DW and I went from Bayeux France to Paris, then to Bergen Norway, where it’s almost midnight.


    What are you doing today?

    If I could make a wish I think I'd pass


    That Death Thingy

      Teaching BODYPUMP™ after work today.


        Nothing for me. I had my infusion this morning and I’ve been napping most of the day.


          4 miles


          delicate flower

            GOOD MORNING!  lmfao


            I ran 5 miles before work, and did an hour on the bike trainer after work.



            Connoisseur of Cookies

              1600 yards in the pool.

              Five mile run.



              "C" is for cookie.  That's good enough for me.



                Walked a bit today. Feeling less wrecked so that’s good.


                  Short walk this morning, then got my steps in a half-dozen at a time spending 4+ hours helping with high jump at a track meet. I'm not sure how many times I picked the bar up off the mat or ground, but it was a lot.


                  DS just missed being able to run; he hadn't turned in his time off request early enough at work and was scheduled for a 6:30-8 shift. Track meet started running events at 4:20ish. He runs the 800, which is toward the tail end of things. He got back to the track as they were lining up the first heat of the 800, he was supposed to be in the second. I happened to be standing by the check-in table having just finished my volunteering, and he argued with me that he could go back to his car, change into his track uniform and still be lined up for his heat. I don't think he's speaking to me now, because I told him no. Kind of wish I hadn't been standing there so the gals at the check in could have just told him with him making it an argument with me.

                  He will likely miss next Tuesday's meet due to a bad grade in the quarter that just ended.


                  (Actually, he just got home from watching the last of the meet and is speaking to me, though he still insists he could have run across the field, changed clothes and run back during one heat of a boys 800m. Umm, no.)

                  20,000 miles behind me, the world still to see.

                  n a m

                  1stBrn ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Unicrn

                    Forgot to post an hour on the trainer

                    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.