Masters Running


Sunday, March 30 Runs (Read 538 times)


    PDR - you're running really well! Bill - nice effort! Nice easy 4.1 mi recovery run for me today ... 40:38 ...9:53 pace ... 130 hr. This was my first 60 mile week this training period. The foot has held up so far and now I can begin to taper. I'm planning on keeping some intensity (tempo/MP miles), but cutting back mileage to ~ 45, 35 and 25 over the next 3 weeks. A very strong wind today. The Hamilton 30K Around the Bay race was today. I'm actually glad I passed on this one this year. This wind would have made it tough. My IRCs are no wind, no rain, slightly overcast, about 50F, and lots of spectators. Smile Looking forward to reading some RRs later. PJ
      I can barely read now -- I need a nap. I did see mariposai and I are starting the taper at the same time -- today was the last long run before Boston. Today's 20 mile progression run gave me a PR week (57) and a PR month (218), but I guess I should be reporting that to the monthly thread. Workout: Target(distance) w/u(1), 9:25(4), 9:00(5), 8:35(5), 8:15-7:50(5). Actual(HR) 9:20(139), 8:53(140), 8:24(145), 7:53(167). Avg pace after warmup 8:36, AHR 148. Overall: 20.3 miles, 2:55 Good runs, all!

      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

        Nice runs! Breeger. that looks good for you Same for you PDR. I just finished a great last 20 miler. It had everything. Mostly uphill last 10 miles, cold rain (40's) and soaking wet everthing, upset stomach requiring potty stop at home, mile 8, (I ate and ran at a new time hitting the trails at 10:30), endorphin high hit me at mile 17 so I was not tired, clear headed (even SolarMix sounded crystal clear). Maintained MP+10% or better from mile 9 on. 20.0 mi in 2:54:28 (exc 5 min potty stop Sad ) 8:43 running pace, 8:58 w/stop. Ready for taper now!

        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

          finished my first and only 20 miler in prep for Boston...this was the longest I've run continuously since 2006, I think. Goal was to keep it easy for the first half, ideally nice and relaxed and then start to visualize the race in Boston. Push slowly on the way back and then hold it steady for the 2 hilly miles before pushing for home the last 2 miles. I envision the course in Beantown to be divided up into 4 parts- the first 8 miles, the next 8 miles 5 hilly miles and the final 5.2 miles so I ran this run today with visualization: the first 8 miles the next 8 miles 2 hilly miles and the final 2 miles -------------------------------------------------------- started slowly and settled into a pace, body feels good. Stay relaxed and smooth. Conserve energy, the race is long. Pick up the turnover on the downhills so as to minimize landing shock, but don't pick up the pace yet. Stay back...Glide through the first 8 miles in 1:11 (8:53 pace=goalMP+~18%, right on target for today). Grab a gel, gatorade and shot blocks. I start to pick it up ever so slightly. Lots of runners out today on the course. I smile and wave to many. Still feeling good but a little tightness here and there. Keep the turnover. Focus on hitting the splits and getting to mile 16. More sports beans/fluids etc. So far, so good. Check out the girls at Wellesley...woohoo... Next 8 miles in 1:06 (8:15pace=goalMP+~10%, again right on target). Body feels a bit tired, but I've got a lot left. (Refueling is helping this run, as I don't use gels/fluids often in training.) Time to start up the hills. Push the effort slightly but ignore the pace. Keep the turnover high and lean into the hill a bit. Grind, grind each mile...Heartbreak is nothing! There's the waterstop at mile '20'. Hi everybody! (2 miles at 8:33 up the hills-~100 feet each, =goalMP+14%, it is what it is...). Time to push home to Boston! Pick it up-keep the knees high. Stride comfortable and long. I am strong. I will be ok. Turn the corner and there's Boyleston street...(Last 2 miles 7:45, 7:32=goalMP+~2%)... ----------------------------------------------------- Hey, I'm back home in CT! Well, that was cool. Time=2:49:30, about 8:29 pace. I'm ready. Nice LR's by the Boston crowd so far. Keep 'em coming. Enjoy the day, people.

            Dr. Dale: nice recount of your LR...practicing your RR for Boston??? I enjoyed going along for the ride. I did one hour of swimming today. Nothing more. Foot likes that fact that I did not run on it this weekend. i am hopeful that my 2 week break will get me back out there. The plan is to go to the gym after work tomorrow and use the bike and elliptical. I really do not like the gym (except to swim). I must resist urge to run..... Mr. Ribs: Yes, I am continuing to do everything for my PF. Vista: this cool weather should keep the blossoms around for a while. Taper madness should be fun for those of us watching....

            Trails Rock!

            I Can Go The Distance

              Excellent runs today Everyone! Recovery run for me today, I did 3 miles in 29:44@9:55 pace. I just got home from church and turned on the basketball. It looks like Texas is going down. Even though I would like Davidson to win, for the sake of my picks I have to go with KU. Have a great day all! Bruce

              "Don't give up, don't ever give up." Jim Valvano


                Great runs Lou, Byll,and Perch. I've been running, but not close to a computer. I dove up to Sedalia, Va at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mts on Friday. I camped out and had a 7 am start for a half marathon on Terrapin Mt. I ran like a terrapin, 3+hrs Roll eyes Afterwards, I drove down to Knoxville, Tn for a marathon party of masters who were running in the marathon events there. We had a great time. I got home at the stroke of midnight. Slept well. This morning, I dragged myself out of bed at 6:15. I reassembled a race kit and suited up for the Va Creeper Marathon. The race check in is only 5 miles from my house. So that was easy. Quads were fairly well trashed from yesterday, which was kinda of the point of today's run. I'm training for a steep 50k on 4/26. I crept along, 5:09, Roll eyes, and finished. JJJ
                Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.

                One day at a time

                  A little warmer in Maine today - 42 and breezy. I headed out from my house and ran 5.1 miles in 55:17. It wasn't as effortless as it feels sometimes, but I got through it. I may try for 30 miles this week, so I'm a little nervous! Got a good start on it, at least. I'm sad that Texas is not doing well! I'd better not call home tonight, because my Dad will be depressed!


                    Can't remember whether I posted earlier. I think I was interrupted by my DS. Anyway, I ran 6.15 miles slowly today as my legs were feeling a little sluggy after 6 days running this week. Lots of great runs out there!! Chris
                      Does your closet look like this?

                      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        CNYrunner - you are an amazing runner! Today I ran the ORRRC Marathon as a training run - my last LR before Boston. I set my goals based on wisdom I learned from others here. 1. Everyone - Don’t hurt yourself before your target race! 2. Tetsujin - No time goal, enjoy the experience, partake of the goodies at each aid station. 3. Tammy - chat pleasantly and make a friend along the course. 3. SteveP - Stop and smell the asparagus. I achieved all these goals, except that I couldn’t find any wild asparagus, but I did see a herd of llama or maybe alpaca. The course was on bike paths and country roads, not much to see but bare trees, farms, and fields of corn stubble left from the fall harvest,. There was a fierce headwind for most of the first half, but it was thankfully at our back after the turnaround. I set an easy pace, walked through the aid stations, made one stop at the conveniently-placed facilities, and chatted pleasantly with several easy-paced runners, all of whom were ultra-runners. 26.2 easy-paced miles (ave pace 10:27), plus WU and CD = 26.8 miles for me today total, which finishes up my highest mileage week ever – 64.1 miles. Note: weather was great -it didn’t end up raining hard until I was driving home. I feel good, tired and a little stiff, but nothing hurts. I am SO glad to be on the downhill slope of the training now.... Smile All this talk of ultras….hmmmmm….the Englewood 50K trail race is in early June…assuming I got through my 3 marathons, I’d still be in pretty good condition… I dare?

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                        I Can Go The Distance

                          Does your closet look like this?
                          WRFB How did you get into my closet? Bruce

                          "Don't give up, don't ever give up." Jim Valvano

                            Congrats Holly, I said the rain would wait for you to finish! Big grin You're welcome Smile All you Boston Bound Boomers Rule!!! Cool Nice photo Lou, I just took 6 pair to the soles for souls box at the local running store. Spring is at the corner ready to make the turn... Smile Holly a Marathon in 3 straights months then a 50K Shocked Good luck with that...

                            Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.


                              All this talk of ultras….hmmmmm….the Englewood 50K trail race is in early June…assuming I got through my 3 marathons, I’d still be in pretty good condition… I dare?
                              Three marathons in three months?????? Do I see another marathon maniac in the making? Smile Congrats on your highest weekly mileage ever. You did it....and you should be proud of yourself.

                              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                                Hopeful....congrats on the weekly pr! Great runs out there folks. Nice one Holly, glad the rain held off for you. Lou, I've been looking for that pair of Mizunos I lost a few months back. There they are in your closet! Shocked 20 miles for me today. It was 65F when I started and 80F when I finished. 11:08 overall average. Miles 15-18 were about 10:00. Nice breeze and some shade seemed to showed up just when I needed them. It's been a good day. I run loops and have my truck parked where I can come by for refreshments. I had some poweraid, water, gu and a couple bananas stashed in my truck. When I got done, I noticed a cold gatorade and a cold water that my wife had brought by.....she's the best!
                                Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM