Masters Running


Columbus Monday, 10.12.15 (Read 37 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    Yes, we do have a group of amazing women on this forum, and their running is amazing as well! Congrats to WildChild and Evanflein on their AG wins, and to Holly for beating her expectations! I didn't see how anyone else (CNY? Ileneforward? Hemerocallus? Aamos?) did in race this weekend.


    Robin, I'm glad Will and Roman did well in their XC races. Good luck on your 18-miler today - you'll have perfect weather for it.


    I'm glad you got your 22-mi. ride in, Tet, even with a little help from your friends (Larabar and Cliff).


    Welcome home, Roch. Sorry about having to fly with a head cold - never fun.


    Nice rabbiting, Stumpy.


    Have fun running (not racing) the Tufts 10K today, LaT.


    Nice 18-miler, Mariposai.


    Did you get the sermon written, Mike?


    I raced the Great island 5K yesterday morning under IWC: temps in the low 60s, sunny, with a cool breeze. I took a lot of extra time warming up and stretching, trying to get my hamstring/glute as loose as it was going to get. My goals were 1) to finish and, 2) to try to beat Hank so I could maintain my first-place rank in the Seacoast Road Race Series. Thankfully, this was the last race I needed to complete the Series this year. Hank has been slower than me, but I've been working with him a bit to improve his racewalking form so he can go faster - he has it in him, but we just have to find a way to get it out. I started a little behind Hank, thinking I could keep pace with him, and try to pass him by the finish, if I could. But once the race started, Hank reverted to his old ways (how many of us have done that once the gun goes off? I have!), and it was pretty easy to pass him in the first half mile or so. I was feeling OK, so of course I didn't back off at all (as I should have). The first two miles were under 10:10, but mile 3 had a stretch of trail, and racewalking on any uneven surface like that is pretty challenging, and my pace suffered. I finished with my 3rd slowest time from the 4 years I've done this race, but I met my goals, so I'm OK with that. When I finished I grabbed a bottle of water and headed for the massage tent. The woman/torturer who worked on me said I have some scar tissue at the top of my hamstring, and there is a technique (Graston), using something like a butter knife () that can help break that up. Afterwards, I went home and spent most of the rest of the day doing yard work, figuring that keeping moving would help. I'm not sure  it did. I was achy all night, and still am, so I'm going to take a few days off from workouts this week, and just do a lot of stretching and roller and ball work (but no butter knives...) and hope that helps.


    Have a greta Monday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Jay - nice race and start


      Congrats to all these w/e runners and yes AAmos & CNY did quite well - don't know about ilene & heme


      LaT - good luck today - haven't run tufts in about 5 years. I resent a race with 7,000 people that has 10 year age groups!  Also, I have to cook a turkey, so I'm not sure if we're running Gobble3 - another race I haven't run in about 5 years!


      Off for a long hilly run, because of DIL who signed up for hilly half and now isn't running it - grrr - DD & DS & I have been suckered in!


      Marathon Maniac #957

        Good Morning!


        Looks like there was a lot of good racing over the weekend, and I am hoping to hear more details.


        4 recovery paced miles for me today in 49 degrees.

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


          Happy Columbus Day
          Happy Indigenous Peoples Day
          Happy Canadian Thanksgiving


          I ran 4 miles this morning.  First time wearing my Charley-Boy shirt in a run.  It's one of the nicer race shirts I have (weight & material wise.)


          Not much else to say.  I'd like to say something funny or witty but I can't think of anything.  Has my current load at work smashed the imagination side of my brain? Or maybe the move to WV? Living so close to the in-laws? It's a real puzzler.



          New skirt in town

            Happy Indigenous Peoples Day!


            Jay, you are RIGHT, it was a beautiful day for a run!  Simply gorgeous.  I got 18.5 miles under my belt.  My right calf starting twinging at mile 7, so I stopped and rubbed it out, stretched (only a bit) and continued on in super slo-mo.  A more flat-footed gait allowed me to finish and feel greta, but you bet I'm going to baby this calf over the next week.


            Have fun at Tufts 10k, LaT!  I am thinking of running the Gobble, Gobble, Gobble, as long as I remain injury free after NYC.


            Jay, I've had Graston on my high hamstring, and it's super duper fun! (NOT).  But it works, and I swear by it.  Rolling around on a lacrosse ball while I'm in my car helps, too.  My car seat has a dent under my right butt cheek from all the lacrosse ball torture.



            NO  MO MELANOMA! Help me run 26.2 miles and raise $5000 for the Melanoma Foundation of NE.  Visit this page to learn more:

            King of PhotoShop

              Great start to the day Jay.


              Quick stop in for me today, just 3.3 miles brisk walk with the Saint.


              And a shout-out to Aamos on her race.  Spareribs

                ....... I'd like to say something funny or witty but I can't think of anything.  Has my current load at work smashed the imagination side of my brain? Or maybe the move to WV? Living so close to the in-laws? It's a real puzzler.


       a Kentuckian I'd have to say it was moving to WV,,,,,,,,,,,expect to be breathing thru your mouth in another year.......



                JUST KIDDING///////




                .......sorry, Poor Impulse Control........


                ........45-min HH walk in city park with cane

                met a Japanese Family  who were taking in The Sun,,,,,,,,,,they are so darn Cute

                we must have wished each other a ''Good Morning'' with every circuit


                ...............good running guys

                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                  Happy Canadian Thanksgiving.


                  no wonder marj's cooking a turkey.



                  "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                  MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                    ........45-min HH walk in city park with cane

                    met a Japanese Family  who were taking in The Sun,,,,,,,,,,they are so darn Cute

                    we must have wished each other a ''Good Morning'' with every circuit

                    tw - "park" sounds much better than "pool."
                    Say, “ohayou gozaimasu” next time, . .
                    or maybe “kentucky gozaimasu”
                    if you want to say a joke
                    nobody else will understand. .

                    Congratulations to Holly, Wildchild and also to all the other
                    fantastic goddess marathoners I don’t know about yet from anybody.
                    No wonder I don’t like facebook so much.
                    jay - nothing better than a race that leaves you sore and tired
                    Maybe try a marathon distance too so the 5K’s’ll seem short.

                    five sunny cycling miles inbound commute later than usual at 7:30am because it’s still dark at 7am.  Several cheery “good mornings” from the many neon-yellow clad cycle commuters passing me.  Maybe I’ll get to do it too someday but I doubt it.

                    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                      ....daiatosh' mashdi......


                      ok, Regional Penance



                      strangely, I found myself Nodding a lot....

                      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                      Mike E

                      MM #5615

                        Thanks TW.  Both my dad and ex wife are from I enjoyed that.

                          Great marathons by wild (1st AG), evan (1st AG), Holly, Aamos, and CNY.  mari, nice race for you and EP, both winning.  ribs, I'm glad to hear The Saint is improving.  DrRobin, kudos to Will and Ramon in their XC race.  Jay, neat 5K, meeting your goals.


                          Nice long runs for mari and DrRobin.


                          This morning, I knew before I started that my run was going to be different.  I had a routine doctor's appointment the other day and needed a fasting blood test.  I planned my run to go by the doctor's office about 3.75 miles into my 5 mile run.  The temperature was in the mid 50s and there was a noticeable wind.  I felt that I was running within my normal speed range but it felt much harder than usual.  I was glad when I got to the doctor's office since I wanted a break.  I was shocked to find out my average pace at that point  was 10:47 since it's extremely rare for me to be under an 11:00 pace on a training run.  After the break for the blood draw, I ran the last 1.25 miles home and found my average pace had dropped to 10:36, every mile was less than 11:00 and every mile was better than the one before it.


                          A good day and good runs for all.



                          Trails are hard!

                            Serendipitous speed is always a pleasant surprise, Tom.  Enjoy.

                            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                            Sayhey! MM#130

                              Wow, Tom. Does this mean you should fast before your runs?  (I would not like that.)  Glad that worked out!


                              Let's see, congrats to Jay and wild, sorry I'm so belated.  This is NOT a day off and since I was gone Friday, lots to do.


                              marj, which half are you doing that has the hills?


                              Hills!  My current ongoing dream topic.  Email from the Trentser about the Monkey Marathon, scary.


                              I repeat, Dallas is NOT "America's Team."


                              tet   (ps-orange flavored things always remind me of St. Joseph's children's aspirin and hence I am not a fan.)


                              My mom used to call her neck of the (western PA) woods "Pennsyltucky," as it was due north of WVA and we're all coalminers there.


                              So CNY just missed a 3:30 in Chicago, and as I was following the race, know (not from her) there were some significant winds on the course.  She never complains (see below, for clear example of whining).  Ilene toughed out a hot one in just over 5.   It was also hot in Key West, but then, I knew that, all too well, so go figure.  I think third time's the charm and all that, and this is my last Somo Marathon for a while.   Maybe b/c it is just stuck out in the middle of all that 85+ degree ocean water, but it is just always warmly moist there.  --> used to show even your eyeballs sweat......

                              ---- 3:52, slower than last year, but all the fast ladies were smartly elsewhere, so I was the second female and therefore, the Master's.  DH was under 3 hours, and very close to his time last year, but walked a smarter race, so felt better.....until this am, when he discovered he's got a case of shin splints. 


                              We enjoyed the ferry ride (Key West is just due south of Ft. Myers, so about a 3 hour boat trip).  To drive to Key West, you have to drive across the state to Miami (2+ hours), as the only road is US Hgy 1 and that runs up the east coast and then curves down to the west across all the keys to end in Key West.  And yes, I have a photo of DH by mile marker 0, we're THAT corny.


                              So it's about a 5 hour drive, if you hit your marks right.   And manage NOT to hit anything going through Miami.  In contrast, the boat was relaxing; got some puzzles and reading in and oh! Ribs, we're copying you and Saint--DH is doing the Mon and Tues NYT puzzles with me as consult .  [had to have the "don't put in anything unless you can verify with a word the other way, e.g., he tossed in "low" in front of the clue "brow" when the answer was "uni," which you could get with the down of "ecru" (lampshade color).]


                              Bake sale for charities here at work; always somethin'




                      (for a piece or two of my mind)

                              Sayhey! MM#130

                                Serendipitous speed is always a pleasant surprise, Tom.  Enjoy.


                                Take out the "Tom" and this is a fortune cookie.


                                Stumps--there you go, let's start a fortune cookies for runners business!

                        (for a piece or two of my mind)
