Masters Running


For Divechief, a Fuller Brush story (Read 174 times)

King of PhotoShop

    I wrote a post on my business blog a few weeks ago about the best salespeople doing door-to-door work.  You either succeed because you're good, or you starve.  Divechief wrote the most interesting follow-up to my post about it on RA that I used his story as the theme of my blog post today.  I found it very enlightening, fun and helpful. I hope you like it too Dave.


    Marathon Maniac #957

      I liked this.


      I work for an extremely educated attorney in the field of law in which we work, but he is also a marketing genius.  He is both inspiring and fascinating.  I think you and he would get along marvelously.

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      Maniac 505


        <sorry Ribs, I couldn't help it>


        looks like word for word to what I posted.  Glad you could use it.  I saw and responded to the one respondent who says she is a current FB sales person.  feel free to delete my comment.  I know your blog isn't intended on being a now verses then,  but if there is any value for you for an interaction between a current, and former Fuller Brush salesman. (new  vs an old dinosaur,)   feel free to keep me,  her, or both in the loop.

        Maniac 505

          Oh Yeah.  The reason I Gregoryed you is because that is the first name I found on your blog.]

          King of PhotoShop

            Gregory is perfectly fine.  I hate the name Greg however.  And I saw nothing wrong with your post.  If you can help the woman out, that would be a good thing.  Glad you liked the post.   Spareribs



              My truck is dying...again...for real this time, I think.  So I'm in the market for a new vehicle.  In reading up on I came across this fascinating "confession" series that discusses, among other things, how car sales people work (also one on auto body shops...where's Tim?).  There's a very long original piece done a decade ago along with an more recent update about how sales have changed...or not. 


              You might be interested.

              Be safe. Be kind.