Masters Running


Fridaily, 3.29.24 (Read 37 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    I'm still days behind in reading the daily, and I don't think to day is going to be a ketchup day. I usually try to keep Friday's meeting-free, but it's not working out that way today, with my first conference call in about 15 minutes. So it goes.


    With the help (maybe) of some magnesium oil, I slept an extra hour this morning. I had already decided I wouldn't head out for a workout early because it was going to still be raining (and it was and is), and my shoes weren't completely dry from yesterday's workout. But I did get in 50 minutes of core and weights work, and will try to sneak out for a walk sometime after the rain stops later today.


    I have a 15K road race tomorrow that I'm not feeling particularly good about because I've only walked that far once this year, and that was a relatively easy paced workout. But I'll give it my best shot and see what happens.


    Have a greta Friday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      Well, good morning, Jay and everyone else who is yet to post!   I finally went over to the path and did 5 miles.  These last few months my first mile or two are just terrible- it feels like I have never run before.  Fortunately, I usually settle in after that and today each mile was faster.  It was a beautiful, sunny morning and I waited until it was about 50 degrees and rising before I started.


      One word of advice to our females-  do NOT put a single car key down the back (phone) pocket of a sports bra.  I got back to the car and could NOT get it out.  It was nicely settled at the bottom of the pocket down low between my shoulder blades.  I was afraid I was going to have to ask a stranger to stick their hand down the back of my sweaty sports bra!  Finally, with some gyrations, I got it out!  Lesson learned.  I've never done that before, but I didn't have pockets in my tights that I trusted.

      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



        Thanks for the start, Jay.  Another quiet one here. Have a great race tomorrow but don't overdo it!

        Mariposai--I hope work eases up for you.


        I had to get a project started (so the paint could start drying) before I went for my ride, which meant an unusually late ride for me. Nice and sunny and warm but very breezy, too. Just under 22 miles for me.


        Have a great weekend!

        Be safe. Be kind.

        Marathon Maniac #957

          Howdy folks.


          Last day of wallowing, I'll get going again tomorrow.


          Happy Friday, I guess.  Nothing big for me this weekend.  Some chores, not much else.  I am making breakfast on Easter Sunday for the kids, so there's that.  Is it Monday yet?  

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

            Jay - have fun in tomorrow's 15K.

            but, if you can't, go ahead and don't

            as it will be good exercise anyway.

            However, do RW'ers take walk breaks?

            ps - Mg is very common in Japanese onsen hotsprings.


            Holly - me too. Weekends were for kids

            and weekdays were for work

            that I loved both of. 

            Now weekends and weekdays are for me.

            I am making breakfast on Easter Sunday for the kids, so there's that.  Is it Monday yet?  


            Speaking of weekends, with the fair weather that set off the cherry blossom season 15 days ago still refusing to end this morning with the return of the rains that the meteorologists were prognosticating, this morning's hamami cherry blossom viewing was again over under the fifty tree grove at the UW Quad where I started my running navigator apps and set out around the red brick permimter (0.25 miles) and then each of the double x-paths on the east side and another on the west plus two direct crossing bifurcations in the middle for an interior total 0.5 miles and fully 0.75 miles of pure cherry blossoms that show no interest in letting go even as the green buds are starting to peek out all around as if spring's over and summer's about to begin.  Fine with me. Nothing like the 5-and 10K routes I created for myself over there running joyously under thousands of their cherry trees in Japan but, even if I were there again, I couldn't do that much so am glad I did when I could, . . ,.. just like glad I'm doing what I can now while I can too.  Wanna be sure to get my fill to relish when I can't.


            Will use the the same navigator distancing apps for the 50 cherry trees down in the sister city park tonmorrow in the ID Chinatown as they are more in their finale with the park pathways starting to look like a new fallen snow.

            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

              Good luck tomorrow Jay!! I think the magnesium helps my sleep too

              KSA - I have 10 miles tomorrow and will be curious to see how my legs feel after getting Reclast #2, they were fine on the bike today but running is a whole different game. I always love when each mile gets faster even if those first few miles feel like molasses.

              Holly we are celebrating with the kids in the afternoon for desserts - my bday, youngest son's wife Nicaela is Monday and my son Nicholas is Tuesday!! I love bday week!!


              Slept in this morning as I needed one day to not hear that alarm go off!!

              9am morning prayers, some food shopping and errands

              Then Peloton workouts - 5 min core, 10 min arms/shoulders, 45 min PZ endurance ride, 20 min strength for runners, 10 min glutes, 10 min full body stretch - ahhhh - feels so good!!!
              Watched 3p Stations of the Cross on livestream from our church just because I didn't leave myself enough time after my workout to shower and get there

              Now starting to prepare an early dinner with dh then back to church for 7p services.


              TOMORROW!!!  Will you still need me, will you still feed me ...


                Denise- let me know how it goes.  It's very subtle with me- not like the COVID vaccines where I am totally wiped out.  But I DO think the Reclast does something.....

                Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                  I believe it is Deez’ birthday Eve.  How shall we celebrate?


                  Have a good race tomorrow Jay - can’t wait to hear how it goes.


                  I have been busy all day but a slacker in the workout department.   I got the yard mowed and several cans of oak leaves raked up.  They always wait until winter to fall.  I love being out in the yard again.


                  Then there is a lovely older couple who I think have adopted me.  I went to Good Friday services with them.  And now I’m doing  the end of the month bookkeeping for the food pantry.


                  Im going to sear some ahi tuna for supper and listen to some basketball while I finish the bookkeeping.  Workouts can wait til tomorrow right?

                    a Fun time


                    .60s Sunny


                    .........40-min at city park,,,,,,,,,,,,,,trailboots



                    gonna do 60-min>>>>>>>Park off closed,

                    bathrooms were locked,

                    no bushes or dense foliage to speak of,

                    and quite a lot of people


                    went home



                    rather faster than usual

                    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                    Mike E

                    MM #5615

                      Hello everybody!


                      Good luck tomorrow, Jay!  That is a good question… do racewalkers take walking breaks?  

                      I went 8 miles… 4 miles against the wind and 4 miles with the wind.


                      Okay—it’s time to get ready to go to our Good Friday service.  Every year, I think about the agony and pain that Jesus went through.  Whether you believe that Jesus is our Savior, or not, there is no doubt that an innocent man was brutally beaten and nailed to a cross that day… I just cannot imagine the pain He went through.  As a Christian, I am so thankful that He made that sacrifice for me.


                      Okay—I’ll stop, now.  See ya!

                        Tetsujin, my DD says the trees at the UW quad look the best at night when no one is around. She says the pinkish/white petals sort of glow in the dark. She lives only 1/2 block from campus but I hope she is otherwise not out that late very often.


                        Gearing up for a gorgeous sunny weekend. We finished a big project at work, only some work to do Sunday night or Monday morning, then not much after that for several weeks, unless the Borg comes up with a project for me. So I went shopping, bought some new hiking pants at REI.  Will return the ones I bought from Champion as they were too tight, even though I have virtually the same pair and size I bought from them a couple years ago that fit perfectly. Why they can fluctuate in size so much I don't get.


                        My primary care NP sent in some referrals for me. The earliest appointment at ophthalmology is November... and at allergy they said earliest was "late fall" and couldn't book it yet. I think I will call around to other providers to see if I can get in earlier than November...geesh, that's ridiculous.

                        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                        Marathon Maniac #957

                          Every year, I think about the agony and pain that Jesus went through.  Whether you believe that Jesus is our Savior, or not, there is no doubt that an innocent man was brutally beaten and nailed to a cross that day… I just cannot imagine the pain He went through.  As a Christian, I am so thankful that He made that sacrifice for me.


                          Thank you for the reminder.  Makes my problems look very small.....


                          Enke - November?  Really?  Aren't you in a fairly populated area?  That just seems ridiculous to me.  I just made an appointment with a urologist, and those are apparently pretty scarce around here, but still got an appointment in early June.  (Tired of peeing all the time, thought I would check into it.)


                          KSA - I asked my PCP for a referral to a specialist in Osteoporosis, so I could have a more in-depth conversation with someone who knows more about it before I just start taking meds.

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                            Holly, yes, very populated area. I am now looking at a standalone (private) specialty clinic, not associated with any of the big providers, and hopefully my insurance will still cover it, it should, but of course I need to call my insurance and check because maybe they won't. I bet I can get into this 'private' clinic in a few days...or at most, a month from now. The US medical system/insurance system continues to boggle my mind, even after living here for 24 years.

                            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                              Good, Holly.  Let me know what you learn!

                              Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth