Masters Running


Minor surgery yesterday...won't be posting for a couple weeks (Read 263 times)


    Had my port changed out yesterday b/c the old one wasn't working properly. Dr. said I have to take it easy for two lifting, walking, etc. Main thing is to keep the incision dry so the "glue" it is held together with doesn't come off. MrMunch changed the dressing at lunch and it looked really good so hopefully it won't get infected. One thing port is a "power port" so it can be used for putting in the contrast for CT scans and I won't have to be stuck. Love you all. I'll still be keeping up with all of you every day!

      Sounds like an improvement, but sorry to hear you're kind of housebound for awhile. Take care, and good to hear Mr. Munch is a good nurse!

        thanks for the update! Sounds like you are being well taken care of and I know you'll be a good patient too!


          A power port, hmmmmmm. I like the sound of that. Keep up your spirits and keep us posted on your progress. grins, A
          Masters 2000 miles

          One day at a time

            Be sure to follow your doctor's instructions! Wow, no walking will be tough. I'm glad your husband can take care of you. I'll be thinking about you!!! Smile
              munch, this sounds like an improvement. Take care and heal well. TomS


                Best wishes! Smile


                Runners run


                  Ouch. But a working port is better than a semi-functional one. And a power port! Cool. Is it 110 or 220? Rest up.


                    Best to you, Munch.

                    Be safe. Be kind.

                      Hey Munch, Just take it easy and let MrMunch pamper you then - doctor's orders! Glad it seems to be doing well - hope the new port is a big improvement. Those dang things are pain aren't they (but sure beats getting stuck all the time.) I'll be thinking of you. Skip

                        Love you all. I'll still be keeping up with all of you every day!
                        Thanks munch. I so love to hear that you keep up with RA world. I often think of you. Wish you a speed recovery on this one..........Love ya. Posie

                        "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                          Thank you for the up date. You are a person to be admired.


                            Take care and hopefully you will be back out there walking real soon. Larry

                            Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

                              hi munch!! good luck with your new power port!! have mr munch rent you some good movies and good books and take the time to relax!! we're thinking of you!!


                                I am hoping it heals up fast and perfect. You have been through a tough road. Hopefully this will make what lies ahead easier.

                                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->
