Masters Running

Best Race times in 2010 (Read 2521 times)

    Hi Ilene:


    M - 50-54 - 10 Mile - 1:15:27


    I woke up feeling really crappy, a cold that has settled in my chest had me debating on not running, but I went and knew going in it wouldn't be pretty.  About 5 minutes slower than last year, but no pain in my legs etc.  I just couldn't breath very well due to this stupid chest cold! 

    I Can Go The Distance

      10k: M 60-64 50:20.5


      I know it's just a matter of time before Jim and or Lloyd pass me by!


      Thanks Ilene



      "Don't give up, don't ever give up." Jim Valvano

      Queen of 3rd Place

        Some of your times are looking good, and I know some of you haven't started your season yet, but I'll play while I can! I'm just excited to finally be out of the mid/back of the pack!



        Half marathon: 2:04:08 (not a PR)


        Marathon: 4:21:08 (new PR!)


        6 Mi (not one the list, but here it is): 50:38 (never did one - automatic PR!)




        Ex runner


          Hey Ilene: only one decent race out of 2 this year so far: 5 Mile-75-79 division-56:18

          Every Mile is a Gift

            I'm sure this won't last long (it's not terribly fast), but here's my only race so far this year:


            half marathon, M40-44, 1:41:22

            Often injured, NEVER giving up.

              I don't see 4 mile, but will report on this anyway. It is a PR for me for any distance over 5K!   


              4mile, Feb. 6, 2010     at the Truffle Shuffle in Eugene, OR.  




                Age 70

              Queen of 3rd Place

                Palm Springs Half Marathon - F45 - 49 - 2:03:29. C'mon peeps, I know you can beat that. Give me something more to shoot for!

                Ex runner

                  Hi Ilene,


                  Since I'm not fast, and old Jim is in my AG, I have to run far to get on your list.


                  50 M  Male  60-64  10:40:56




                  Fortunate One

                    Hi Ilene,


                    This morning, I had my best 5K of the year - 26:40 - M65-69 AG


                    Thanks, TomS


                      Ilene: 10 miler yesterday                                



                      Every Mile is a Gift

                        Ilene - not that I don't appreciate an extra minute of speed, but my half should be listed as 1:41:22 (instead of 1:40:22) for M40-44.


                        Often injured, NEVER giving up.

                          Ilene, a couple of weeks ago, I made a slight improvement in my 5K time.  It's now 26:27 (M65-69).  Today, I did an 8K in 46:01.  I'll take advantage of not having RA competitors in my AG.


                          Thanks, TomS

                            Well, I had a 1:47:30 in the half (50-54).  That won't hold up long, though

                            Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                            Savoir c'est pouvoir

                              Finished a cold, windy and rainy half this morning in 1:24:43 (M40-44) . A warm shower never felt so good

                              Trails are hard!

                                I'm going to claim a double default listing.  5 miles 50-54AG 49:17 since no one else has claimed it, and a PR because it's my first one

                                Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.