Masters Running


Thursday May 30 Daily (Read 44 times)

    Fun fact: The four teams remaining in the NHL playoffs were the winners of the Stanley Cup over the previous four years: Pittsburgh (2009), Boston (2010), Chicago (2011), Los Angeles (2012).


    That's all I've got.


    EZ 5.3.

    Be safe. Be kind.


      Mornin' Tramps and everyone to follow.


      Dave, it seems to me that you've already got good discipline, unless there are secrets you aren't telling us. Shocked


      You've got a tough workout and travel schedule, CNY. Hang in there...


      Jlynne, I'm so sorry to learn that you hurt your hamstring again. I can only imagine how frustrated you are. But you should also hang tough, regroup, and you'll get back to good running in time. Meanwhile, enjoy the next, adventurous phase of your life!!


      Tramps, it's warming up here too, at least for the next 3-4 days or so. My personal opinion; yuk! Thanks for the fun facts this morning.


      Tet, that was a heck of a way to lose 5 pounds! I don't imagine that was one of your objectives.


      Nice Decatur either yesterday, Ribs. Sometimes having tired legs is a nice 'reward' after a workout. Strange, I know, but we all know how that works.


      Twocat, thanks (again) for the investment advice. We've had a little stash in some funds since before the '08 crash, and have just left them there and have done appreciably better than the market overall. So even though we are 'giving away' those fees, we feel we came out a little ahead.


      Tet, thanks for all the links yesterday. Sadly, I've got no time to delve into them.


      Stumpy - "You say tendonitis, I say..." Sounds like, overall, your training continues to go reasonably well, and I sense growing confidence about your upcoming marathon. Excellent!


      Enke, I'm sorry that your life has become challenging in ways that you didn't anticipate, and that even the weather isn't helping at times. But I also know that you are and will continue to manage quite well, and hope that your runs provide some good escape time for you.


      Holly, we're all getting old, but never use that as an excuse for anything! You are one busy lady, always on the go, and always active, and that is more likely the cause of your tired legs.


      I did well at my physical yesterday - and Medicare did cover the costs of it. My BP and pulse are looking very good. My medical story, thankfully, continues to be about as boring as it gets. The doc also asked me the odd questions required by Medicare (am I left or right-handed, etc.). He offered me 3 injections (for pneumonia, shingles, whooping cough), and didn't give me a hard time when I declined all of them. We had a nice chat, and then I went back to work. Still have to have some blood drawn in the next couple of days.


      I decided to run my workout this morning for a COP. So I went 4.2 miles at about a 9:50 pace, which I thought was acceptable for as infrequent a runner as I. At 57F, it was warmer here than it has been in quite some time, and it was a bit muggy too. I felt the temperature difference when I went from tree cover (that held the heat in) to open areas where it was a few degrees cooler. For the first time this year, I saw the top 'o the sun peeking over the horizon on a regular workout - what a treat! There was still a half moon high in the sky, so I was doubly lucky this morning.


      Have a greta Thursday!



      Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


        Good morning Tramps, Jay and all those yet to post about their wonderful day's activities Big grin


        Glad you had a boring physical Jay. Sometimes boring is good.


        DH was cheering for the Blackhawks Tramps. Me? Not all that concerned with who wins the Stanley Cup. Hockey reminds me of winter. You shouldn't be playing hockey in June, IMO.


        Hang in there, Enke. I've had the single parent experience. It's hard work, but the payoff is amazing. Divorce is so hard on kids but my sons and I bonded in ways that keep us close even though they're both now grown up. At first it seems like your life is in constant turmoil. It will get better.


        That's a hard way to lose 5 pounds, Tet!


        Keep lurkin' Steve. Loved the picture of Avenger Dog the other day. What do you feed that guy, anyway? He looks like a bundle of energy.


        Had a bittersweet last day of work yesterday. A nice potluck luncheon and gifts, lots of hugs and even tears from my boss. I'm going to truly miss him. 45 minutes on the eliptical this morning and 45 minutes of weights. I've got an appointment with a PT this afternoon to see if he can make my hamstring/piriformis feel better.


        Enjoy the day everyone.


        Trails are hard!

          hate to be a downer, but very sad day--Max has been declining over the past few weeks and when we took him into the vet on Tuesday, we were told that he had fluid around heart and lungs and abdomen.  Also a mass in the chest.  last night He was not able to stand by himself and was seriously panting and uncomfortable.  I took him back this morning and he went off very peacefully to doggie heaven.  It's going to be very lonely and the front yard will be very empty.  RIP Max the dog.  Almost 13 years of living joyfully.  Just sorry he couldn't make one last trip to Maine and enjoy the lake.


          thanks for listening.


          Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



            "Good discipline?"  Yesterday on my first day tracking calories I was 1300 over my goal for the day.  I was doing ok until Cindy came home from work and suggested we go out to eat.  (Not that she forced me to get the beer with my meal.)


            I went out for a run today but I was a little sick to my stomach (too much dinner maybe?) so I stopped after 2 miles.


            My Garmin 410 must have heard I was writing negatives things about it because when I went to get the data for the run it told me there was "no history".  It appeared totally empty.  I looked up how to do a reset and tried that.  That worked and all my history is still there.  I'll be careful to watch what I say in the future.


            No one left in the Stanley Cup that I care about.  It's all about who I least like to win.  Based on that, Chicago is my "favorite" of the 4 to win it all.  My 2 least favorite teams in the East are in the finals so that will save me some time.  No sense watching them play.


            Sorry for your loss stumpy.  That's a good looking dog.



            King of PhotoShop

              Stumpy, we watched "Marley and Me" last night.  I felt like I was chopping 200 onions, what a waterworks show.  Sorry for your loss. Dog looks just like Marley too.


              4.4 recovery miles this morning on tired legs.  Tomorrow the plan is 2.2 and a race Saturday. Looks like I'll have my first 40 mile week since before Boston.  What a long recovery it's been.  Spareribs


                Stumpy - Henrun's DD and family lost their dog, Maxx, in the last week.  Sorry for your loss,


                  jlynne, sorry to hear about your hamstring.  Take it easy and let it heal.  Also, congrats on your retirement/unemployment status.  Enjoy not working.  enke, thinking of you - hang in there.  stumpy, I'm sorry to hear about your dog.  It sounds like he had a fantastic life and will be missed.  Tammy, good job on your speedwork.


                  This  morning when I went out it was in the mid to high 60s and climbing, there was a little wind, and the humidity was noticeable.  I guess this is the start of my acclimation to summer running.  I got in 8 miles at an 11:19 pace.


                  A good day and good runs for all.



                    I give up............I posted on Jay's Thurs Thread,,,,,,,,can't get it to Copy and too much to re-type



                    much thanks for the ''YAY'S'' yesterday


                    next time I vote for Tramps

                    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                      ...mornin' jay//..............boring is GOOD on a medical exam



                      I too went to the doc yesterday,

                      am now

                      on a week of celebrex,

                      have to Ice after an activity ( I KNEW this, I just don't DO it)...duh

                      use the brace when I do something, take it off afterwards

                      cane if the pain is over 5

                      crutches if the pain continues or is 8 or 9

                      use The Leg after the pain settles down


                      the leg is currently swollen, possibly due to edema from the NSAIDS I've used for 3-weeks


                      the brace cutting off circulation...........personally I vote for the NSAID version


                      that said,

                      90min hike yesterday

                      28min poolrun with drag


                      ......................good running guys.............Enjoy the Gift.........


                      Aw, sorry about your pup, Stumpy.  He was a handsome dog.

                      Be safe. Be kind.

               you DoDat?????......

                        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....




                          Keep lurkin' Steve. Loved the picture of Avenger Dog the other day. What do you feed that guy, anyway? He looks like a bundle of energy.



                          Sticks, ice cream and, (Don't ask me to spell it well), Eukanuba.


                          (((((Stumpy))))) A lot of us know how fond we are of the four legged friends.


                          Tom first I read that as "28Min poolrun in drag"..I know I'm going to have nightmares.


                          Blood drive after work. The Dr gave me a prescription for Proctocort. When I went to pick it up, I told the woman at the counter that I had used it before and was very dissatisfied. I asked if they had it available in strawberry. She said she'd check with the pharmacist. 


                          While they were discussing, they also took turns looking over at me. The woman and the pharmacist both came to the counter. I left them off the hook and said that even a fresh mint would be better. The pharmacist said, "Do you know what this is for?". I told him that for all the good it didn't do me, I'd better off shoving it up my @$$. ..The only part that bothers me is that I had to say I was joking.


                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            Jay - nice run!


                            TomWhite - you are inspirational to me, you know that?  You just keep on keeping on, and don't let anything stop you. I hope that leg settles down for you.


                            {{{Stumpy}}}  Always so tough to say goodbye to our furry, unconditionally-loving friends.


                            No run for me today, no workout, nada but a couple of wall-sits.  Rest day.

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              {{{Stumpy}}}, my only thought to help is that Max seemed to decline quickly, so maybe that was a blessing for everyone, canine and human.

                              Twocat, thanks for the information.  I am always interested in this stuff.

                              I promise, no more complaining.  I am just, well, to be blunt, still in shock that we are actually getting divorced after 27 years of marriage, 29 years together, without any serious issues or incompatibilities.  I just wish I had more time to run to deal with this.  Anyway, a running forum is not the place for this.  I apologize.

                              Last weekend, my daughter and I watched as 3 people on the dock caught between them within 10 minutes, 5 trout.  She got so impatient, asking me to change lures, bait etc.  This weekend I plan to go to the cabin by myself, have the right lures, and be patient and catch a damn fish!  For sure there will be another trail run in there for me and the dog.  And hopefully, less rain than last weekend!

                              Hockey - I so miss my hockey nights in Canada, Ron Maclean, Don Cherry and the Leafs!

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                                ((((Stumpy))))) I think it's Skip who says that all dogs go to heaven and I am sure that is true for Max. One of my running buddies here has a Max who is facing the last few walks and sunsets. :-(


                                Don Cherry! He also coached in Pittsford, NY when Mr. CNYrunner was a high schooler and playing hockey. We watch Hockey Night in Canada on Apple TV and sometimes on Roku---don't have to miss it Enke. No Sorries either! if it helps to share, go for it---we'll lend strong shoulders and open ears.


                                Ran 7 mies today with CrossFit workout number three wedged in there. I was a dripping sweaty mess when I got to the CF "box"---today's torture workout included rowing for time (500 mieters as hard as possible), wall handstands, kettle bell stuff again and duck walks with a barbell on our shoulders (no 40 hour tabatas though!). I'll either be able to lift my house off its foundation by the end of the summer or will have invested all my $$ in Icy Hot or Tiger Balm.


                                Congrats JLynne!


                                Nitey Night all   ZZZZZZZZ
