Masters Running


Thursday August 21 back to school runs (Read 450 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good Morning! First day of school for the kids today. DS catches the bus at 7:30 and DD at 8:25. Putting her on the bus will make me late for work, but I’ll work later to make up for it, and will probably trade off with the mother next door who starts work at 8:30 as well. But today we'll be out there, armed with our cameras, to capture the occasion as our kids embark on another year. Smile Today I decided to do hill repeats. My house is near the top of what I consider a pretty tough 1/3-mile section of hill, so I don’t have to go far. After a 1.4 mile warm-up, I spent 2.75 miles going up and down that hill, sometimes all the way down to the bottom, sometimes just halfway down, but about equal uphill and downhill time. Then 1.85 miles more on the treadmill for 6 miles total. Stretching and icing now. Happy Thursday!

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      Wow - school already Holly! Hard to believe summer is about over. I take my youngest to college next Tuesday. *sigh* Cry Nice workout on the hills! Out for 4 miles with Brinkley. We were greeted .60 miles into our run with a bounding large Rotweiller named Jessie - and her owner thank goodness! I knew she was friendly and having owned a Rottie was not scared, but Brinkley thought he needed to protect me - good dog! Then another mile down the road we saw the Husky outside that is thankfully on a chain. Clear morning - star studded sky with a bright moon. 58 degrees - 4 miles - 9:57 pace and 151 Avg. HR. 9:57 / 137 9:41 / 151 9:46 / 155 10:09 / 161 Cheers!


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

        Good morning! I love those first day of school pictures! Holly! Tsk,tsk,tsk..NO hill work until you don't need to ice anything Sad 13 miles of no hills Smile in 1:52:22 (8:38 pace, AHR 148). First 3 with Tory at 9:20 pace. Lots of deer. Humid, squishy shoes run, but nice.

        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

        Renee the dog

          Well, my run last night got scratched due to ---- dare I admit it -- falling asleep on the couch before I was supposed to go running at 9 p.m. Blush So, I slept until 3 a.m., and then could sleep no more. So at 5 a.m., Renee and I were ready to go. Just 3 mi and a crimson pre-sunrise sky greeted us on our way back. I hope I never grow tired of enjoying the beautiful skies around here. While out there, I decided it was OK to lose one 3 mi run the week my Dad died, so I'm not going to cram it back into my schedule. And, I really do think I'll do my race on Sunday -- just need to check with Mr Nono that he's ok with hauling the kids to the next island over early in the morning after a 2 1/2 hr drive home from the funeral on Sat. Good runs to all today!

          GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

          GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

            Good to see Holly back running -- hopefully she's over all that. Nice dog runs, perch and Mary. I might have mentioned that beerdog doesn't run with me any more, because she gets anxious if I get more than a mile or so away from the house. A bit of an accidental progression run today, at least after mile 6. I wasn't trying, I swear, but felt strong in the second half and found the miles faster and faster. 12.2 miles, 1:39, 8:12/mi, AHR 148 Have a great day!

            Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

            Marathon Maniac #3309

              Good Morning.... Funny last night during my repeats. There was a family that showed up with a very cute little girl. She took off just kind of running around the track aimlessly. During my third repeat the little girl waiting for me to catch up with her and she took off running... and let me tell you she could keep up at 7:00 pace with good form for about 100 meters or so. Then she would run across the football field to catch me on the other side. She did this during my last three repeats and it was a joy to watch this girl with the sweetest smile and pretty blonde hair. Once my track workout was over, I walked over and talked to her parents. I told them their little girl is remarkable runner. They said that she is only five years old...and she justs LOVES to run. So happy I met this dear little girl and her mom and dad....every time I would pass her, she would look at me with the sweetest ear to ear grin Smile Last night when I got home from work, I gave myself an absolute 0% chance to do my planned workout. I worked 13 hours - it was 86 degrees and sunny - I was completely exhausted. But I just told myself to run to the track easy and see how I felt then. I felt better the longer I ran, but almost bailed on the run after 1 mile but glad I didn't Workout: 12.3 miles - 1:40:15 - 8:10 ave overall pace - with 6 1000 M repeats with goal of 7:15 pace 7:14 - Check out these first 3 Ribs 7:16 7:13 6:45 - OK, even Ribs wouldn't want me to get beat by a 5 year old girl Big grin 6:48 7:05 OK, Usain Bolt may be crazy fast....but I hate his antics and disrespect of the other competitors and the Olympic Spirit. OK, I have to get some work done..sorry I am sooo busy, I don't have much time to respond to others posts right now Sad Tim

              Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                Holly, school in August? Barbarism! biketm, if you see that girl and her family again, maybe try to get their names and put them in touch with a good coach or organized running group. 6 miles on the treadmill this morning at 7:54 mile pace. Dark Horse ETA: I may be gone for a couple of days. Driving up to my place in the Adirondacks with Dark Colt.
                I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.
                  Yeah, schoool in August here too. Believe it or not, with Tropical Storm Fay going by thay've already postponed 2 days of school - the 1st two! Holly, listen to Perch. Don't join me in the Stupid Club. I'm with you 100% Tim. Usain Bolt is young and very disrespectful. At least he ran all the way through the race before acting up. He watched himself on the replay board yesterday after the 200 race and said "He's fast. He looks cool." Absolutely no class. Of course class has little to do with speed. 9 very nice GA miles today at 9:00 min/mile pace. Very, very H&H for 5:15 AM. But the HR stayed low (avg 142, high of only 150) and I felt solid throughout. Encouraging ... Bill PS: the Olympic Women's 20K walk was won in a time of 1:26:31. Think about that for a minute ...

                  "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                    An easy although somewhat labored 3.8 miles this morning. It's not unusual for me to have a sluggish run the day after a massage which was the case today. Not much more can be done, short of liposuction, to get ready for the 10-miler on Saturday. My hope is to finish standing upright.



                      Good morning, all! Nice runs already this morning. DickyG - you are doing a 9:15 pace with walking breaks - I don't think you'll have a problem with your race in October - think positive!! Holly - I echo the rest of the pack - hills are probably not optimal post-injury. Tim -wish I had a video of you and the tyke - she sounds like a cutey. Another lovely 50 degree/no humidity day - too bad I've picked up a bit of bronchitis. I did 7 hilly miles, but did take it easy because of the bronchitis. 10:00 minute mile pace and 152 average heart rate. Good runs to all!

                      Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous


                        Agree with all the comments about Bolt's showboating...but I can just assume that part of it is youthful enthusiasm and part of it is some careful planning by his agent. I know NBC is thrilled with him...he's helping maintain the high ratings now that the swimming is over....and he's still got one event (4 x 100 relay) to go. I'm still having a hard time coping with the fact that just about all our distance runners are really Kenyans. That being the case, you can expect me to be wrestling for Trinidad in the 2012 games. Holly: You are progressing remarkably well.. Byll:
                        During every storm down here there are idiots who go out surfing (the regular variety) to catch some waves. I've never heard of anyone doing this dumb act thouh.
                        Not nearly as dumb or dangerous, but when the tail end of Andrew came our way about 15 years ago, 3 of us went out to the golf course and stood out there hitting balls downwind...John Daly wouldn't have had a chance against us. Maine: How's Joel? Enke: 10 miles rockin and a groovin? Man, I'd be gruntin' & a groanin'. Nice work... Denise: Congrats on your 9-miler. Lou...Timbo: You guys are getting too good. No running today..which is probably fine due to my poor run yesterday. Swamped with work so I guess no golf either. Told my mother-in-law about the Brazilian beach volleyball girls with the "Bra 1" and "Bra 2" uniforms. She immediately retorted: "You know, in Yugoslovia, they spell their country's name with a 'J', not a 'Y'"...think about that... DickyG

                          Good morning, no run yet, Just could not get out of bed, alarm notwithstanding. I will try to get out at lunch. Between the Olympics and travel, my schedule is shot. I tried to watch Joanne Dow in the racewalk last night but I guess it was on in the wee hours so I did not see it. My DS 9 was also very upset he did not get to see the BMX time only covers certain events I guess. I am darn sick of beach volleyball. Happy Thursday!

                            Good morning everyone. 7.3 miles at a 10:03 pace. My right leg is "protesting" again. Came home and stretched it out and now have ice on it. At first I thought it was the piriformis muscle but I'm not sure. Could anyone who suffers from PF tell me their symptoms? Stayed up late watching the girls take the gold medal in beach volleyball. They are incredible! I read today they both want to take some time off to start families. Could they do it one more time at the next Olympics? Sue - take it easy. I'm just getting over a summer cold that lasted two weeks. Hope you're feeling better. Holly - the freshmen at the HS I work at start today. The teachers always like to give them a couple of days to adjust before the "big kids" get there. No AC in the school and it's supposed to get into the upper 80's today. Poor kids. Tim - I think you have a future training partner on your hands! Sounds like that little girl had some speed. Mary - when is your marathon? Nice run with Brinkley this morning. How's the baby doing? We haven't seen any pictures for awhile. Nonoruns - good luck with the weekend. With your dad looking over you, you're going to fly through that race on Sunday. Hope everything goes well. Our friend who had triple bypass surgery is getting out of intensive care today. He's doing okay physically, but mentally not so good. Wish I could hook him up with Spareribs, but he's not ready for that yet. Enjoy your day, everyone. Jeanne
                              Yes Nono it's ok to miss a run this week, Best Wishes to you Thanks again everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers 5k Cross country race last night finished in 25:38 ,Grand Masters 5th out of 8 not too bad To the gym treadmill this morning so I could watch USA Softball 5.5 miles later they lost 3-1 to Japan in the gold medal game Black eye I had wanted to run 6 but couldn't go on.

                              Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.


                                Holly—I have no evidence for this but doing hills so soon just seems like a bad idea to me. Maybe I’m just a wuss. Tim—kid sounds neat; maybe parents will encourage her as she grows up. 2024 Olympian? You could say, "I ran with her when..." Dicky—I’ve really been enjoying your daily Olympics commentary; NBC should have hired you. Go Trinidad! (Whatever happened to Tobago?) No run today, nada, zilch. I’m trying not to feel guilty. I was planning on a 7-miler (instead of 12) as a mini-taper for a 10-mile race this weekend but I overslept and didn’t have time to get even that done. In retrospect, it might be a good thing. I was feeling droopy all day yesterday; an unscheduled rest day might be just the ticket.

                                Be safe. Be kind.
