Masters Running


Friday, July 11 Here-Comes-the-Weekend Runs, etc. (Read 457 times)

    Planning a 4 mile run for this evening...high of 91 forcast for the day with 82% humidity already. Think I'll wait till 8pm. My cross training last night was a bike ride to the local drugstore with my kids for ice cream bars. Nothing like melty ice cream on a hot summer night! biketm Thanks for the call out. Joining an online group such as this is definately out of my comfort zone. But then running was too. Each encourages the other, so it's a good thing. With my ankle always a little stiff, I think running on grass would open it up to injury with the thought that I should be able to run on a path w/o pain first. But sometimes I wonder if running on grass would help strengthen it. Ah well, not ready to test the theory just yet. dg Hopefully I won't overdo the stretching. That whole subject is a bit of a grey area to me. To stretch or not to stretch? And maybe more importantly, when to stretch? I think I just need to remember to remember the cool-down walk at the end. I usually run at night, so I get very little other activity after I run so I reason that to be the cause of it getting stiff by morning.

    i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

      2 clunky miles with Tory. Legs feel like cement. Must be ready for the marathon tomorrow. Can't decide on running in brand new shoes or ones with 400 miles... choices, choices. I noticed that the Asics 2130 wear down faster than the 2120's. What's up with that?? Have great runs this weekend. Steve

      Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

        Just got hold of this ... hee, hee... Susan Komen Race for the Cure in Raleigh. Me and Munchkin

        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


          I remembered to post, but lost my connection after i hit send. or whatever it is we hit. So I'm back to notepad... good morning. Smile. Janet, I think remembering to remember (Wink ) a cool down walk helps me a lot. I think the stretching thing is a grey area to everybody. There's a study being conducted right now... (or soon, anyway). I do think that when is determined by what kind. maybe. Sue.. doggie camp! tell me more. Divechief, hoping for the best for you. You've been so patient for so long. Holly, behave yourself today. Perch, Big grin. just what I needed. Tomorrow? what's the forecast? Jeanne, happy anniversary. (life on the edge). I'll have a glass with you. I think I've asked..but never have noticed a description of what is going on with you. Maybe we can help. I'm still working with this foot (etc) thing. So, today's workout: 26 min. on the elliptical, a tiny walk, run was 2.14 miles-- 10:29 average pace, 8:01 max. 170 ahr, max, just too high. Then 13 min. on the bike. Stability ball reverse crunches, side planks, & russian twists. I didn't mean to run that far, but when I have my polar set on auto lap I have to start a new exercise before I start running or I can't even tell what day it is. more or less. As far as toes, I think that you have to use the joint but not irritate it (in direct conflict with the trained professionals) but don't know where that line is. I guess I'll see as the day progresses. hope you all have a wonderful day.

          King of PhotoShop

            Perch, that hat suits your aura here on this site. You never wind down. Good of Tim to give handymom some encouragement. handy, you're doing well. Tramps, didn't see the program but read the book and your friend's opinion is apt. I am always amazed how little I recall of our own history, so I had to read it. I also liked Gore Vidal's "Burr." The Saint and I found a book years ago called "Don't Know Much About History" and we loved it, often saying to each other, "I didn't know that." Who really knows anything about the French and Indian War? 3.3 on the dirt track in 51 minutes. People keep jogging by me. GRRRR! BTW, I hate to admit it, as everyone knows how much I hate Tet, but his post yesterday was very good. Larry made some good points also about the shoes and the running boom. One mental trick I use to keep my midfoot strike is to pretend someone has his finger under my heel when I land so I don't want to hurt it. Spareribs

              Tramps, didn't see the program but read the book and your friend's opinion is apt. I am always amazed how little I recall of our own history, so I had to read it. I also liked Gore Vidal's "Burr." The Saint and I found a book years ago called "Don't Know Much About History" and we loved it, often saying to each other, "I didn't know that." Who really knows anything about the French and Indian War?
              Good stuff. I've not read Vidal's Burr but really enjoyed his Lincoln ... and the Davis book is fun because you can leave it lying around and read little bit of it at a time. To be honest, with the exception of the Alien and Sedition Acts, I thought of John Adams as mostly a placeholder between Washington and Jefferson. Turns out I wasn't so far from the truth but, obviously, there's more to the story. I enjoyed the programs in large part because I thought they painted a very plausible picture of the era; it wasn't a sanitized version of history or of the period. It's visually strong: there's lots of mud, bad teeth, primitive medicine, unruly mobs (including a vivid tar-and-feathering that reminds us this was a brutal act), stunning palaces (in France), and striking views of Boston Harbor. And among the key players there's plenty of vanity and ambition and petty partisanship as well as duty and courage and intelligence; it's a nice alternative to the myth-making history. In fact, there's a wonderful scene near the end of Adams being shown the iconic Trumbull painting of the signing of the Declaration of Independence; he mocks it as bad art and as a flagrantly inaccurate portrait of what really happened. Saying something like, "I fear the real history of our revolution has been lost forever."

              Be safe. Be kind.



                I'm working at home today, and took the opportunity to go for a morning run. Its been warm here - not that I'm complaining, as its probably cooler than where the rest of you live. But after work yesterday when I got home it was in the mid 70s and it was just too warm so I blew off my run. This morning I headed out at 7:30, and it was 52 degrees. I did 3 miles with the dogs, then dropped them off and did another 7 miles. By the time I got home it was 65 degrees. I ran the shade tangents (staying on the shady side of the street) as much as possible. I took it slow and easy and enjoyed the wildflowers. The problem with taking the dogs for a short run then continuing on my own, is that I have to go up and over my nemesis hill twice. It's a 300 ft hill and I have to go over it to get anywhere from my house, as my road is a dead end after 3/4 mile in the other direction. HandyMom, biking to get ice cream with your kids sounds like fun! Nono, I liked your milk run, although I wouldn't like to run carrying milk. Cool that your neighbors were out on their porches calling out encouragement! About the only errand I could "run" to would be to get my mail - the mailbox is out by the highway 2 miles from here. But then I'd have to run home carrying the mail, which would be a pain. Perch, I hope your legs don't feel like cement for your marathon tomorrow! Good luck , and hope the temps are cool. Are you gonna wear your bunny ears? Big grin Sparevalveribs, your thread over on KR was too funny! I think you should look at the Holly model - its very stubborn and determined, and lets you run through pain! Although your doc might not recommend that one - Wink Healing vibes to those of you on the disabled list. Cooling vibes to those of you dealing with H&H.

                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                  Hey dg - 2.14 running miles!!! Very good as long as the toes don't take revenge later. Is the heart rate reflection of heat and humidity? I find this weather to be so discouraging - just when I think I'm making progress I hit the summer doldrums and I feel like I lose conditioning even though I am sure it is the darn weather. Thanks for asking about the camp! It is being held at an agility/obedience training center in Freetown MA. It's a weeklong course devoted to teaching focus and attention skills - supposed to be for competitive obedience dogs/handlers (definitely not Jesse and I), but I think the skills wil be valuable for agility as well. And it looked like a fun way to spend a week with Jesse. Perch - great photo of you and Munch - thanks for sharing! Wishing you feather light legs and quick feet for the marathon!

                  Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    Wildchild - Big grin Perch - great photo! Hoping you have a great race tomorrow. Home from work a little early today. Not taking a vacation this summer is allowing me to use my vacation time for lots of early-offs. DD got a 4-man tent for her birthday. I set it up in the family room for a couple of days, but it took up all the room, and she kept locking the dog up in it. Tonight I'm setting it up in the backyard and we're camping out - with a fire in the chiminea, marshmallows roasted, new flashlights, and a nice book of ghost stories I got from the library.... Smile

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                      Slumber party with girlfriend was a blast, stayed up too late eating, drinking, talking and pillow fighting (the poor thing was left with goose feather all over her living room) Rest day today in preparation to my 10 miles trail race tomorrow. I supposed to be hot and toasty. Good luck weekend runners. Steve, that picture is adorable. Munchkin are looking good. And good luck on your marathon tomorrow. Holly, have they done a bone scan on that injury of yours? Just be cautious please!!!

                      "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                        I wish I had a mom like you, Holly.

                        Marathon Maniac #3309

                          Slumber party with girlfriend was a blast, stayed up too late eating, drinking, talking and pillow fighting (the poor thing was left with goose feather all over her living room)
                          Pictures please Big grin

                          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                            Sorry Tim, no pictures were taken...we were too busy having fun...we were home alone, no children, no husbands, no beepers, no.... you can create pictures in your mind Wink

                            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                              4.1 miles this morning. Got out the door by 5:10 am and got to see two adult deer bound over the bike path within the first mile which woke me up and during mile two passed a young woman running in the opposite direction. I had seen her from a distance and thought that it might be someone on a horse galloping towards me ...(the sunrise was directly behind the figure)...I thought I saw the tail bobbing up and down...(didn't have my scrip sunglasses on)...Ended up being the young woman's pony tail....I laughed to myself later about my misconception!!! I love and prefer running in the morning but as I've gotten older, have noticed morning stiffness and aches. Nothing some stretching doesn't cure! Chris
                                Perch - loved the photo, nice ears! Best of luck tomorrow! 5.04 very easy miles today - ( Had to get home early so we could show one of our apartments). 43:53 - (8:42) Mostly cloudy and 76 degrees...much lower humidity too. Smile