Masters Running


It's Friday! 8.9.13 (Read 45 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    Interesting conversation yesterday about FB vs. RA. I'm also on FB, but more to help promote some organizations and road races than to see when someone fed their cat (no insult intended, Twocat). I limit what I will say on FB or even what posts I will like because I just don't want to reveal that much of myself to people who I don't know or see. (I know I have only met a few of you, but it is so different here because it is a limited universe, and because you get to know people through their run and race reports and other posts, and through their caring for one another, so it is a warmer place to come than FB.). As Evanflein said so well yesterday, you get to know people and to learn a lot about how and where different folks run, and about how they life their lives.


    And what has happened to Ilene?


    DW and I spent the last few days and a ton of time yesterday (before, between, and after work) getting our new semi-finished guest house converted from a work zone to being ready for company. The crunch was because one of DW's 6 sisters and her DH and 2 daughters were coming, and they arrived late last evening. The guest house used to be our office, but now it has a full (instead of a half) bath, new flooring, some new walls, new lights, and fresh paint. (We still have to make/hang 2 barn doors, a different sliding door, and a transom window that will hang between two of the rooms, and we need more furniture/rugs, etc.) After dinner last night, we gave our guests a tour of the guest house, and it was fun to see how the reality of what we've done compared to what they imagined we'd do. We left SIL and BIL there for the night (with a small fridge with a couple of bottles of their favorite chardonnay), and the girls came to stay with us at the house. Everyone else is still asleep (smart ones, they are), so I'll have to wait to get the reports on how the night went with the family split.


    Because we were up well past 11 last night, there was no way I was getting up at 4 for a workout. So this is 3 days in a row that I've been off the roads, and I'm not happy with myself for that. So, regardless of what else happens, I'd better get my sorry butt out there this weekend!


    Not many racers this weekend, so these two folks will have to carry the load for the rest of us. I wish them both fleet feet, dry air, and a nice tail wind.


    07/21 evanflein - Gold Discovery Run (16.5 miles)

    07/21 pfriese - Bronco Gallop 5K - Mustang, OK



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


        I roll over for ice cream.

      What a coincidence, I do too!


      Yes, some interesting comments on the whole Facebook phenomenon yesterday.  I’ve used it only surreptitiously to understand how it operates, etc.  For me, there are professional issues with keeping private life and general silliness a little less accessible to a broad audience than Facebook allows.  (See the ice cream comment above!)  In that respect, I think Google+ has a better model for “circles” that make it easy to sort people into different categories (family, friends, co-workers, etc), allowing you to limit what each group sees.  Also, the “hangouts” feature is terrific, allowing for up to 10 people to video-chat simultaneously.  But I'm not active there, either.  Finally, in case you didn’t know, video ads are coming to Facebook this Fall as part of your news feed. I suspect some folks won't like that.


      Slow and easy 5-miler in H&H conditions.  I'm really noticing the later sunrises these days.  Very dark when I get out there.

      Be safe. Be kind.


      Trails are hard!

        Jay--sounds like a nice spot you've made.  Rates reasonable?  Sounds like you like your relatives--otherwise a guest house COULD be a mixed blessing.  I've seen one of the effects of FB.  The photographer that you have shared, that I shared, is now being shared by DW's cousin out in CA.  But I definitely spend more quality time in here, even though I think 2/3 of my friends on FB came from here.


        I did notice.  With the cloudy morning, I almost got out the hi-vis vest this morning at 5:30.  3.8 very sweaty miles.  It was 20 degrees warmer than Tuesday.  and probably 100% humidity, as it started to sprinkle near the end.  Downpour would have felt nice.

        Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


          ...I had

          signed up on FB


          got my email hacked within the first 2-weeks of doing it.........


          not sure if that was coincidence or not.




          ...has ilene been injured??


          don't recall reading about it.

          'course I can add that to the list of OTHER things I don't recall

          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....



            I'm confused why Jay is posting weekend races from July?  Here's what I found for this weekend on the intrepid racers thread:


            08/10 pfriese - Midnight Streak 5K - OKC, OK

            08/10 OrangeMat - Camp Chingachgook Challenge Half Marathon, Lake George, NY

            08/11 Mike E - MDRA 15k - St. Paul, MN

            8/11 tetsujin - 32nd Enoshima Maranic* (Hiratsuka, Japan) - barefoot


            Fleet feet to the racers!


            No racing for me this weekend - we're going camping and climbing with DD and the D dogs, up at Vedauwoo, Wyoming.

            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


            MM #6177

              Good morning. I guess I'm in the minority here regarding liking FB. Yesterday I posted a photo of my new pedicure on FB and got well over a dozen comments and double that in "likes". Silliness like that wouldn't fly in here, but there it's fine. Basically what I find wryly amusing, I like to share there, mostly to see who else has a similar skewed view of the world. It doesn't have to be momentous, but it can be mundane, with the proper caption of course. I also try not to put anything negative out there, nor anything I wouldn't tell to an acquaintance in person. Notice I didn't say friend, but acquaintance. Here, I feel I need to have something of substance to report, or at least relevant to an ongoing discussion. I guess it's an issue of observations vs accomplishments/facts. I've got a hell of a lot of the former, not so much of the latter (which is in itself, an observation once again).


              Taking another rest day today (unscheduled this time) and going to the sports recovery place for a session in the compression boots this afternoon. You can add me to the list of racers for this weekend, a last minute half marathon in Lake George, NY with MrOM. We're both hoping to just squeak in under two hours, which would be a first for him.

              King of PhotoShop

                I have two FB accounts. One under my real name in which I put clients, nosy relatives and people whose friend requests I dare not refuse, and then a second one in the name Spareribs which has all my running friends and people I like to hang out with.


                My RP who used to just run along with me no matter what I was doing, has all of a sudden turned into a martinet.  Wed. we did interval work and today we ran 5.5 miles and she wanted to do two of them hard, so I did one at 8:21 and one at 8:07.  That is quick for me.


                A couple of days a month I devote myself to the phone, calling prospects and clients and lining up work or work possibilities.  Even though I teach people how to sell over the phone and am good at it, I HATE IT!  But today is that day.  BTW, Fridays are the best day of the week to do this if you like a high probability of getting through.  Have a good weekend all.  Spareribs

                  Not too much to report on my end since today is a non-running day for me.  Last night's dinner was everything I expected and more! Dead  With everybody into food porn I thought of taking a picture of a plate post food consumption.  But decided all that grease would kill a non-trivial number of people who saw it and decided not to go ahead.  Did I mention the awful traffic on the way?  An hour and a half to get there turned into over two.  Today is another "wonderful" day.  Maybe not as bad as Spareribs has coming though.  The students have returned and I have orientation duties.  This is round one in a case competition.  I was a judge last year so I am a natural pick to do it again this year.  Anybody else want to listen to half baked ideas for 4 hours this afternoon?  If so just send me a note.

                  Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                  Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                  Maniac 505

                    It looks like we won't be hearing from ribs for the rest of the day, so say what you wish <G>


                    I rarely post on FB.  I almost never accept co-worker friend requests,  Most of my FB  friends are people I met  here or Maniacs (or high school buddies I no longer like much)  Joking


                    I agree with others,  I don't get Twitter <except>  Seattle's Bertha has a twitter feed.  You don't have to be a twitter member but Bertha is the Biggest, "and very controversial"  tunnel boring machine ever built.  The 54 foot in diameter drill just begun digging under Seattle.  The tunnel boring machine has a twitter feed (as if it is a person), kind of like Avenger doggie.  Cool


                    So, I do kind of follow the Berth feed  but that is all I have ever had to do with TWIT-er.


                    Night all,  I am up way to late.   but I should get up in time to run a few miles.



                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      Fly by post as we're leaving in a moment.  Off to visit friends who live on Lake Erie for the weekend.  We're leaving the kids behind (DD with friends), since this is an adults-only weekend (our hosts have no children).  Much boating, eating, and wine drinking, I suspect.  While I am bringing my running gear, not sure how much chance I will have to run.  Therefore, I did my LR today.


                      13 very humid miles for me today, and some core work.


                      Happy Friday!

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                        Twocat, I have thoroughly enjoyed your descriptions of the food!  LOL, and the term "food porn" really made me chuckle.  It reminded me of a book critic's quotes I read a few weeks ago, that were hilarious. I will have to find the link, once I can remember the guys name.


                        Holly, sounds like a fun time...


                        Did an easy little 3 miles this morning.  We have been having incredible weather.  It cools down to 58-60F every night, perfect temperature for running in the morning, then goes up to about 80F everyday, with full sunshine, which is perfect for sitting outside with a cold beer.  This has been going on for weeks!  It is hard to remember that it is dark, gloomy and non-stop rainy for the other 8-9 months of the year.


                        On my last trail run with Remi, when we got back to the car he picked up some big round white thing off the ground. It looked like a big salt puck or something.  It was a jelly donut!  So I let him have it.  I bet Avenger Doggie is jealous...

                        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                          I wish Avenger Doggie had his own FB. I would "follow" him and his adventures for sure. In fact, I think if pets had their own FB accounts, it would be a whole lot more interesting over there. LOL


                          I am sporadic over there as far as posting goes - either silly dog related stuff, running (which is sometimes silly) stuff, gardening stuff. I'm connected with some long distances relatives that I, otherwise, wouldn't have as frequent of contact with; HS friends I've reconnected with and actually like now that we are all adults; and of course running friends. That's my main circle of friends over there.  I do use FB a lot though to stay up to speed on news stuff by having several things show up in my feed - such as the animal shelter I volunteer with (that's how the various volunteers tend to stay in contact), some local news stations, and a couple local running clubs that use FB as the primary communications center. it's a type of social connection that works for me in the way I chose to use it.


                          Got in a run at the track last night - 4 miles. followed by the August challenge of core work when I got home. Had a few sprinkles of rain last night that freshened up the air a bit. Was able to open all our windows for a few hrs for the first time in 2 wks. Felt great!


                          I decided to take all next week off - so lots to do today to make sure I don't leave anything undone before I'm outta here.



                            Ribs is too modest to mention that he also has a fan club over on FB.

                            And I'll save everyone else from having to Google it.  This is a martinet.

                            Who knew?  Well....besides Ribs.


                            I think Avenger Doggie should have his own TV show.

                            Be safe. Be kind.


                            Trails are hard!

                      I had always thought it meant the person (as noted in the wiki), but interesting to find out where it came from.

                              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                                The old TV show was better than the movie - "My Favorite Martinet"


                                My alarm went off at 5:00am like it does every weekday.  I turned it off like I do every weekday.  I got up about 6:30 and got dressed to head to the gym, but I just could not stand the thought of the agony and sweat on the ARC trainer or on the weights, so I just sat down and started to work.


                                But the people across the street are having a big tree cut down and the noise is unbearable.  The worst part is the vehicles that keep backing up with their obnoxious beeping.  I can take the chainsaw noise.


                                So I went to the gym for a Brunch time workout.  By that time, I was more open to the idea of pain so the workout went pretty good.


