Masters Running

A bit about yourself (Read 2408 times)


    Ex CR 57, male live in Leicester, England, just getting back into the swing having had tendon problems and currently suffering from a terrible cold that has stopped me running for a week. Run ( favourite distance 1/2 marathon) Mountain Bike endurance racing, cycle time trials and duathlons. Goals next year sub 1.27 half, 10 mile time trial in under 25.00. Best result this year 248 out of 1700 ( and third in age class ) in London Duathlon.. The photo is me finishing my wife said I was going too fast for her to pan the camera Charleygross, sank a couple of pints of Guiness in the brewery in Dublin the other week, its true what they say it does taste better at source.

    Old age is when you move from illegal to prescribed drugs.


    Marathon Iowa 2014

      Hello, my name is PBJ, and I used to run 8 miles in 60 minutes. Isn't that special?

        Hello, my name is PBJ, and I used to run 8 miles in 60 minutes. Isn't that special?
        I believe that is a PBJ special....glad to have you hanging about

        Trails Rock!

          Hi all, Another CR refugee. I'm also doing some posting over in Kick. Anyway, I've been running since 6/2001 (posted on CR since Jan 2003) and worked my way up to marathon distance. Shorter faster races are just not to my liking, give me a long slow race anyday. Moved out to Washington (PNW) this past April from southeastern Virginia. Still getting used to all the rain. Mike (MM #530)

          Marathon Maniac #530 Mike (My Indian name is "Runs for Beer")



            Hi, m63cohen from NJ Been running since May 2007. Slowing working my mileage up about, 25 - 30 miles a week now (using Runners World Smart Coach plan) I have run in a few 5K races, and I am training for some half marathons in March and May. Just ran in a 4 mile race yesterday. Pretty nice weather, about 50 degrees. No PR, though had fun at the race - last one of the year.

              Hi, everyone. Kennedy from New Mexico here. Been running off and on for 26 years. Lots of injury problems the last 15 years, but I appear to be running injury-free the last 3 months, so we'll see what happens when I get into shape. Still think I have a PR or two left in me at 42. Just need to find the secret to long-term, injury-free running. It appears to be pretty elusive.


                Welcome Jules, PBJ, Rass, Mc63, and Kennedy. Kick ya shoes off and put ya feet up. jjj
                Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.
                  hi everyone!! i'm a CR Boomers lurker/occasional poster - denise, night nurse, live in the boston area.........i've always run for fitness but only over the past 2+ years have taken it to a different level for me and running races.........i did Boston for the hospital charity where i work in 2006 and hope to run it again but not this year volunteered in the medical tent in 2007..........running the Hangover Classic in the morning and looking forward to the disneyworld 1/2 in 2weeks HAPPY NEW YEAR!!


                    ....welcome deez// ........hey PBJ//.......glad the Parole Board came thru for ya....

                    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                      My name is Marathon Derrick, I am a CR refugee, I am almost 49 years old, and have been running seriously since 01. I am married to Karen, almost 31 years and have 2 boys, 25 soon to be Dr. Tristin, and 19 year old and recently married Troy. We live in Clio Mich. but have lived in alot of places, service brat, Dickson Tn.,Syracuse NY. and Lampertheim Germany where I was adopted. I have a degree from Uof M as does my wife, and Tristin times 2. I work for GM and my wife is a nurse, Tristin is teaching this semester at Uof M- Flint, Troy is a life guard in Frankenmuth. I began running because my friends were having heart attacks and I was getting larger, 265 pounds and only 5'10". My youngest son got me hooked his freshman year when he started running for CC. I have ran 9 marathons and average around 25 races a year. With a best 5k 22:18, 4 mile 29:50,8k 39:40,10k 50:40, 1/2 1:52 and full at 3:58 :57, all these times were in 07. I also love to powerlift with a best of almost 1100 pounds. I am now down to a biscuit over 200, but have been as low as 185 recently. Xmas and deer season does me in every year. I was always active in sports as a kid and have coached kids in many sports, CC,,basketball,and baseball, and was actually ofered head track job in 03 at Clio, and the girls CC for 08, but have turn them down preferring to volunteer instead. My mileage has gone up every year since I began from a low of 300 miles to 1515 last year. My goal for next year is 1500 miles. 3 marathons, 2 spring, 1 fall 25 races 53 or more 10 mile runs to remain healthy for entire year bench press 300 pounds in meet Pr's in most if not all distances 89 min. CRIM 185 pounds for marathons or less, the only way to get Boston is to be lighter for me. Run long Marathon Derrick
                        Hi, MD, and all the rest of my imaginary friends from that previous life. I hope to meet a few new ones too. I have been running for three years, much of it training for marathons after I realized it was not out of the question that I could qualify for Boston. I finally did, and have been resting on my laurels for the past month. Enough rest-- now it's time to start the next training cycle so I can actually finish Boston. Wink My New Year's resolution in to keep my RA log up to date.

                          Another CR here. I'm Jeff Soon to be 44. Married to another runner (athough non-poster) with 3 kitties. A runner since I was around 12. I grew up in the Detroit area, but am now living at the Jersey Shore near AC. 19 marathons, but I'm still trying to figure out how to race one - and probably never will I am probably going to stick to the shorter stuff (5K - 1/2) this year, but the marathon may call again. Good to see all my old friends here.


                            Hey, Marathon Derrick, it is nice to learn so much about you! Smile jtv, besides the 3 kittys, don't you have some big fish? Big grin


                            Runners run

                              Yep, yet another CR refugee, I'm Julie, 48 yrs. old. Married 25 yrs. I have 2 ANGELIC teenage girls, ages 16 & 18....NOT! I do love them dearly though! Started an exercise program back in Nov. '06. Started on the treadmill in my garage where nobody would see me as I could barely make a 1/2 mile without almost passing out. Once I knew I could go a mile I moved to the busy streets around my neighborhood. Met my goal weight a few months later. Although I swear I put 5lbs on these last 3 weeks. UGH! This past summer I was feelin' the mojo and finally got my long runs up to 8 and 9 miles and then BAM, bursitis of the knee knocked me back a bit. I am feeling pretty good the past couple of months and I am trying to build back up the base that I had. One week at a time.......... My 40's on the run group has really kept me motivated as I know we all have setbacks both physical and personal. So....."I run because I can"
                              But in the end, I'm more afraid of not trying, than failing. JJJessee

                              Top 'O the World!

                                Me too....another CR migrant....I think finally all moved in! Cool HELLO EVERYONE!! 45 yoa female, married, mother of 12....okay, okay! so I only gave birth to 2!.....but, married into 5 more + all the neighborhood kids who hung out here throughout school years ~ some of whom still hang around~ have 3 GD's (the 8 yr old lives w/me) & two new GS's due soon, plus all the "extended grand-kids!".........Living/running (slowly!) w/my big dog, Máiréad, (also have 3 Pomeranians!) primarily in the South Metro Denver, CO area ~ we also have a cabin in central CO @ 10,000' elev that I occasionally get to hang out/run at.... I started running Spring '07 as part of a "get- healthy- post- quit- smoking- just- before- the- Holidays- &- added- 20#'s- to- my- already- overweight- middle- aged- Grandma-frame-program!" happily, I've lost 40 of my 65lb weight loss goal...hoping to accomplish the other 25ish this coming year..... Actually, running wasn't part of the original plan...power walking was! & it just sorta "happened" one day ~ kept pickin' up speed.....broke into a really slow shuffle jog = 50 completely outta breath feet !!! annoyed the crap outta me that I was in that bad a shape!!! (Just where is that athletic-18yr- old- body that I used to have!?!?)..... So! I kept trying to do it ~ got some better shoes, a Garmin thingy, etc. & worked my way up to 7 miles........somewhere in June, due to a People magazine article, I found CR & started educating myself (aka:lurking!) Found some Fabulous people to hook up with!!! Smile was having a great time, feeling strong, excited about all of this, etc. then oral surgery (implants) & the subsequent complications (infection) took me out hard for much of July & August - just walking 7 miles was hugely exhausting!!........& so, I set new goals & ran my 1st 5K in Sept w/the intent that I was "exposing myself" rather than racing as I was still rather new & slow ~ & still rebuilding post dental.....finished w/a 3rd in AG!! (no other runners showed up Clowning around) ~ knowing that was a fluke, I decided that I should actually train for something & maybe do a few races this coming year! JFF! & maybe to prove something to myself......It's a journey I guess. One that I'm definitely hooked on!! Cindy
                                Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group