Masters Running

A bit about yourself (Read 2408 times)


    Married 24 years, 2 daughters ages 17 and 21, and only 48 years old (at least for a couple more weeks). I was part of Runners World forums for a while until they "upgraded" sending a bunch of us to a small site call I also hung around at CR. I really liked the whole Coolrunning site and mostly lurked in the Boomers group. There was a crowd of Michigan runners and I hoped to meet a bunch at the annual Crim 10-miler in August, but foot problems sidelined most my running since early Spring. I ran 4 years of cross country in high school and 2 years of track (half miler). Since then, I spent many years being a streak runner where I would train for a specific event and then quit afterwards. Moving to Michigan 6 years ago revived my running and I started consistently running 20 miles a week (until this year). I enjoy the cold and the Great Lakes, and cross country skiing, etc. I guess because I grew up near Buffalo, NY it was like finally coming home. (I lived for a long time in West Virginia and then Texas.) I am now up to about a record high weight and hoping for a good 2008 (weight loss and running wise)!



      I'm pretty sure this will become my new running-cyber-home, so here goes: Will turn 47 on January 12. Thinking that running a marathon and kayaking around the island where I spend my summers would be a fun way to celebrate turning 50. Live in the Philly suburbs during the school year and at the Jersey Shore during the summer and as many weekends as I can manage. Running-, kayaking-, and sailing-addicted music teacher and choral singer. Single, no kids of my own, but do have three terrific godsons, aged 5, 3, and 1. Started running in March 2006 after a shoulder injury looked like it might end my kayaking, a sport I had become addicted to the previous summer. Struggled with running through this time last year and learned that I "the weirdest gait" my podiatrist had ever seen. Gait is improved as a result of ankle and quad strength training and makeshift orthotics - looking at custom orthotics for 2008. Have consistently run 12 or so miles per week for the last 6 weeks after a rocky fall due to job issues. Training for the 10-miler connected with the Ocean Drive Marathon in March and/or the Broad Street Run in Philly in May. Recently logged my 400th mile of the year, up from 0 in 2005, and 300-something in 2006, thanks in no small part to the support, encouragement, and wise counsel I received at the old CR. I'm still ridiculously slow, but it's no exaggeration to say that running has changed my life. Eliz Cool journal says a here is page one... Tim, Ardmore, OK
          Hi All, 43, female, Capricorn, married two kids 5 & 7. Never knew running was so addictive. I used to think runners were all compulsive masochistic types. I feel better than I have in 20 years. My 2nd year running anniversary is coming up soon, and I know I will be a runner for life until injury or age stops me. Trying my first full marathon in the spring, which I no way, no how would have tried without the wisdom and encouragement from previous CR friends. I probably started lurking at CR about 6 months into my running life and learned WAY more than I ever could have from any book. I think I average about 30mpw, am not particularily gifted at this sport, but I enjoy the gift. Yes

          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


            ...... but I enjoy the gift. .....
            YESSS! And you know, Jesus was a Capricorn too. jjj
            Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.

              Hi! Running again after a long layoff (20 years or so).... Love to do half marathons, have only one marathon under my belt and lots of 5ks and 10ks. Married, live outside of Denver (Hi WildChild!) 2 kids - known as Seeboygo and Seegirlgo. Nursing some sore knees currently from too much treadmill running. Good to see lots of familiar faces! I think this in now my running home! C-mom

              Trails are hard!

                guess this will be my first post here. CR refugee and wannabe runner formerly known as kameele. 52 and will end my 2nd year of running this coming Ides of March. haven't figured out which place I'll call home. all have + and -, and folks I like to read about and even meet occasionally.

                Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                  Ah the boomer god Kameele! Smile I guess I'll get used to the name Stumpy eventually. Big grin Seemomgo, hello! Smile


                  Runners run

                    will end my 2nd year of running this coming Ides of March.
                    Kevin/Kamalee/Stumpy - hey, we not only logged 400 miles at around the same time, we started running at around the same time, too. March 5, 2006 for me. Smile the poster formerly and currently known as Eliz


                      I'm Mike aka Bonkin. I quit a 28 year smoking habit this past January and in February I decided that I needed to do something to fend off the weight gain and help me stay off the smokes. I started out with the Couch to 5K plan and haven't looked back. I found RA around that time when I looked for a good place to log my runs. I finally ran my first 2 miles in March at a super speedy (for a turtle) pace of 13 something per mile. I couldn't stop smiling for a long time that day. I got a lot of great advice and encouragement from folks and decided to run my first HM in May. Even though I got off to a late start (I was in the porta potty when the gun went off) - I had a blast and decided that me and long distance running were fast friends. So then I trained for my first marathon in October and on a whim ran my first ultra in November. While I didn't set any land speed records - I thoroughly enjoyed both of these and look forward to running more marathons and ultras - I also want to move some of my running to the trails. My wife tells me that while she's glad that I've found something healthy to channel my addictive personality into, that I'm not allowed to train for any really long stuff until the kids get older. She did grant my request to do a 50 miler next year. So between that and trying to get a sub 4:00 marathon - the rest of my running is for fun.

                      When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?


                        Bonkin, you are a quick study! And evidently unbreakable. I also liked your training plan format so much I may revise mine. welcome jjj
                        Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.

                          Another CR refuge, although I didn't participate in the Boomer's forum. I'm a just turned 49 yr old female. I started running in July 2007 by using the C25K program on CR. I've always hated running, absolutely hated it. And I could never figure out why those idiots were out there running. But as the years have gone by, I decided I needed to run a 5K. I have no idea why. But I thought I should run a 5K before I turned 50. I ran my first 5K in August, ran another in October and had a heart attack in November. The whole heart thing is rather bizarre. I've been working out a lot over the last few years and am quite fit (although I am the slowest runner out there). Roll eyes I'm not overweight, my blood pressure is low and my cholesteral is low. I ended up with chest pain, failed my stress test, had a cardiac catherization and went into cardiac arrest during the procedure. The whole thing was so surreal. I had to stop all exericse for awhile and am now back to running. I was running about 15-20 miles a week and my long run was moving up to 10 miles. I ran my third 5K last week. Probably not the smartest thing I've done since I had only been back to running for a week. But I really needed to feel alive. Strained my left calf and am now back to the eliptical for awhile. I'm also attempting to train for a triathlon. DH is giving me a bike for Christmas. My family and friends think I've lost my mind. They have no idea why I'm doing this and I don't really have an explanation. I just want to do it. I'm actually enjoying running, or in my case, slogging. Blush I had originally planned on doing a HM in January but that's obviously not going to happen since I had that month of no running. So long term, I'm shooting for a full marathon next fall. I live in south Florida. I'm married, have 1 adult son, 3 adult step-children, 2 dogs and 3 cats. The cardiologist says I need stress management Roll eyes I thought I was managing it with all the exercise. Apparently not. Glad to be here and glad to meet you all

                            Hello everyone, I am 62, even older than ilene . . . much older, i began running in february 2003 after loosing 72 pounds, as a way to maintain my new found level of fitness. i have been married for 38 years and have two adult female children and 3 grandchildren. One of my daughters has been dabbling in the triathlon world. i am also a cr refugee member since march 2003 but posting little over the last year too busy and the place had gotten too large to keep up with. I also have been over at KR for some time and even though i am from southern new jersey have not been affected by any left coast bias . . . probably too thick headed to notice. i like it there . . . but would have stayed at cr if not for the active fiasco. and i trust that wherever we end up that we will forever remain friends that feel comfortable in one another's presence and can overlook some of the unfortunate things that were stated by a few. eta, 4 marathons, and a number of other races from 5k to half-marathon favorite is Broad Street 10 miler. patrick

                              Hi, I am an almost 46 y/o female from the boston area. Lurking on Coolrunning mostly. Run 45 mpw. Running Boston in April. Started running 9 years ago, and haven't stopped (except for injury).
                                I’ve never been a fast runner or much of an athlete or anything, but around 3 years ago, as I was approaching 40, I began running more, around 25 mpw, and discovered the B&B forum. Reading and posting on the B&B, I was inspired by those (you) wonderful folks to run more and race and such. Ran 2 marathons this year, and discovered that if you put in enough miles, almost anyone can get to be a better runner.
                                Don't let her fool you with her modesty, folks. She qualified for freaking Boston!! Really, kid, you are entitled to toot your own horn a bit after the year that you've had. Big grin

                                Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                                "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"