Masters Running

A bit about yourself (Read 2408 times)

    I'm 61 years old, married 26 years with a 22-year-old son. I live in Rochester Hills, which is a northern suburb of Detroit. I'm a software engineer by profession, working in and around the auto industry for about 44 years now. I've jogged off and on from when I was about 30, but only started really running about 9 years ago. I ran 3 marathons in my first 5 years, but since then have specialized only in half-marathons and shorter. Since I'm getting into better and better condition, my times have consistently come down, and I have been setting PRs at almost every distance. I figure that eventually aging will catch up to my conditioning and I'll start slowing down, but for now I'm enjoying myself. I have also been doing a lot of bicycling the last couple of years, and my plans for 2008 include retiring at the end of March, and then stepping up my running and cycling mileage for the rest of the year.

    Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

    "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


      Hi roch, That's awesome that you continue to improve. What do you attribute your improvement to? Do you think bicyling has helped you improve as a runner? The reason I ask is that I am going to be doing a lot more cross-training (e.g., biking), in the new year...

      One day at a time

        I'm a 45-year-old structural engineer and mother of 3 great kids - the boys are 12 and 15, and my daughter is 9. My husband and I work out of our home, so I have lots of flexibility when it comes to running. I NEVER ran willingly in my life before. A friend FORCED me to start running a couple of years ago, but a skiing injury and then a biking injury sidelined me for awhile. I'm not the most coordinated person in the world, needless to say. I started the C25k program with an old neighbor (12 years older than me, lol) last October. I couldn't even run a quarter of a mile when we started. We had to repeat quite a few weeks of the program, because going from 8 minutes nonstop to 20 minutes in one shot was too hard for us! I am VERY slow (took me 50 minutes to run 4.0 miles this morning, but it was 10 degrees F, so maybe that's why), but I am now addicted to running and want to do it for many years. I ran 8 5ks this year, improving my time from 41+ minutes to 34:15. My running partner is much faster than me, but that's OK! My running partner and I are going to my hometown, Austin, in April (I need to see a real spring, which Maine does not have) and we'll be running the Schlotzsky's 5k Bun Run. We've also signed up for a half marathon in September, so we're doing Hal Higdon's HM program for novices. I'm a little apprehensive about my ability to run more than 6 miles, but I"m determined to try! This week I ran 12 miles, but I'm hoping to increase that gradually and consistently over the next year. I'm getting a Garmin 305 for Christmas, and I'm very excited about that.
          Hi roch, That's awesome that you continue to improve. What do you attribute your improvement to? Do you think bicyling has helped you improve as a runner? The reason I ask is that I am going to be doing a lot more cross-training (e.g., biking), in the new year...
          Definitely on the biking. This past year I ran the least number of training miles compared to the previous 3 years, but increased biking by several hundred miles. Then I set running PRs at 5 miles, 10K, 10 miles, and HM distances. So I'd have to say that it worked for me -- and no running injuries either. Smile

          Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

          "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

            This past year I ran the least number of training miles compared to the previous 3 years, but increased biking by several hundred miles. Then I set running PRs at 5 miles, 10K, 10 miles, and HM distances. So I'd have to say that it worked for me -- and no running injuries either. Smile
            roch, Wow! Then biking is something I'll have to think about. Er, do you think using the stationary bike in the gym would work? I'm a gym rat. Dark Horse
            I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.
              I'm 47, live in western Washington, and am a massage therapist. I lurked on the CR B&B thread and posted on the newbie thread. I started the C25K this July and finished it in the fall. I started running after realizing that I was very out of shape and I wanted to be ready for snowshoeing season. I also want to do some long distance backpacking and thought the running might help. Lo and behold, I discovered that I really enjoy trail running. I'm hoping to get a chance to do some smaller trail races this year. Right now, I'm trying to get back to running after a bad ankle sprain. I'm going at a much slower pace and trying the Maffetone training to see if I can stay injury free until spring. I'm betting that I'm slower than any of you, although I have established that I can run faster than I walk, but barely. Blush I've been lurking here at RA and must say that they have been extremely gracious and welcoming and, if any of them are reading this, I am very grateful. I'm looking forward to being a good citizen of the RA community.
              Have you got a flag?
                Hi Everyone, Also a former CR user although not a regular. 52 yrs. 2 marathons and 12 half's, started running in 1992 but only did 5k's until 1998. Peaked in 2003 so now I run for fitness, race for motivation. Active in local running club. Love to read and talk about running. Hoping this site gets me thru what looks to be a long winter.

                Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.


                  Hi Everyone! It's fun to acquaint and reacquaint with you all. I have enjoyed being a part of the Kick/CR community since 1998(!) and was one of the moderators, along with the lovely Hally, of the former Boomer forum. My name is Henry and I'm 47. I live in Central California (think agriculture, not Baywatch Wink) I work as a UPS driver and am in my 30th year with the company. Married to the sweetest and most beautiful women on earth for going on 25 years. We have 3 kids, the youngest of whom is still living at home. I started running in 1989, ran my first race in 1990, and did my first of 16 marathons in 1996, with my PR coming in 1999. Currently am training for the Napa Valley Marathon to be run on March 2. I also play in the old guys' baseball league during the summer (which puts a bit of a crimp in training, but I love it and want to keep playing for as long as I'm able) Sorry this is so long ..... you can wake up now! hup


                    Hi, guys! I've actually been a member of RunningAhead for several years. I first started using it for the training log before there were even any forums to post to other than to discuss new features with Eric. I was tagcaver over on CR and I'm now tagrunner over at KR. I was already tagrunner here. I still haven't landed in one forum. I'm boucing between all 3 for now but do not plan to continue this indefinitely. It's hard enough for me to keep up with one forum, much less 2 or 3. I started running about halfway through 2004 at age 50. I dealt with some health issues the first couple of years, but those are behind me now. 2007 has been a great year with PRs at all race distances except the marathon which I dropped out of earlier this month. 2004 miles....308 2005 miles...1162 2006 miles...1246 2007 miles...1367 and counting Tag
                      Hey Brian, my handle wouldn't fit either so I morphed. I am 44 y.o. and have been running forever. Currently, I am on the medical DL but have been given the go ahead to run one mile slowly. I can increase as I see fit. I run slowly, completed 12 marathons, 2 of which I am unashamed of my times... and the rest, just happy to collect the states. My husband runs, too. And my kids! Girl: age 19, boy: age 18, and other boy: age 14. Our destination marathons are on hold while we are financially strapped by having two kids in college.

                        I'm 51 and have been running for 2 years. I started when my walking buddy decided to start running and I didn't want to miss out on our gab sessions. I've done 2 half marathons and signed up for a third next spring. I'm not nearly as dedicated as most of you are. Running fits into my life when everything else is done first. I also find running helps me keep track of my husband! Many of you already know me by another name, I'll leave you to guess who I am.
                          I'm 51 and have been running for 2 years. I started when my walking buddy decided to start running and I didn't want to miss out on our gab sessions. I've done 2 half marathons and signed up for a third next spring. I'm not nearly as dedicated as most of you are. Running fits into my life when everything else is done first. I also find running helps me keep track of my husband! Many of you already know me by another name, I'll leave you to guess who I am.
                          Hi MrsRibs! Smile Dark Horse
                          I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.


                            Oh he's good, I'll say that for the Sultry Equine. Big grin Nice to meet you Saint!


                            Runners run

                              Oh he's good, I'll say that for the Sultry Equine.
                              Ilene, Don't tell everyone, or there will be a line down the block and around the corner. Dark Horse
                              I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

                              Head Procrastinator

                                heh couldn't put one past us, but we have always said you are a Saint for putting up with that old bugger Big grin
                                ~ My Profile~ The avatar is happy BOC wootcats