Masters Running

A bit about yourself (Read 2408 times)

    Great to see some familiar faces (even if the names have been changed to protect the innocent...or saintly, as the case may be). Also great to meet some new-to-me folks over here. Howdy. Hally, I have to ask...what is that avatar? I've been staring at it for two days and I just can't figure it out. I'm sure its some Rorschach thing where my inability to recognize the image reveals some trauma from my childhood. Honestly, I see three people in white robes holding oversized grocery bags over their heads. Help me out?!

    Be safe. Be kind.

    Head Procrastinator

      LOL Those are woot cats holding up bags of crap Does that explain it? I didn't think so Big grin
      ~ My Profile~ The avatar is happy BOC wootcats
        You're just making fun of me now, aren't you? What the heck is a "woot cat"? I know what the other thing is. Roll eyes

        Be safe. Be kind.

        Head Procrastinator

 they usually sell one thing a day Once a month they have a woot off and sell stuff all day, when one goes a new one comes up Everyone waits for the bag of crap which is filled with whatever they feel like putting in it you don't know what your gonna get, kinda like a box of chocolates the cats are happy bag of crap cats
          ~ My Profile~ The avatar is happy BOC wootcats
            LOL. I don't think this is what Al Gore had in mind when he invented the Internet. [where's the icon for "shaking head in disbelief"?]

            Be safe. Be kind.


            One day at a time

              Blush OK, I thought I could remember how to join the 1000 mile club, but I can't! Can someone please remind me?? Thanks! Teresa
                Hey Teresadfp Go to USER the search area type in 1,000 mile......hit SEARCH That will bring up the various mileage groups including the 1,000 mile on that one and you will see the first page with the Pink Pace on JOIN HERE by the bunny ears and you are in. You will then see that group as one of your groups and they have you registered. Let me know if you need more help. And good luck chasing the bunny

         they usually sell one thing a day Once a month they have a woot off and sell stuff all day, when one goes a new one comes up Everyone waits for the bag of crap which is filled with whatever they feel like putting in it you don't know what your gonna get, kinda like a box of chocolates the cats are happy bag of crap cats
                  Hally! I had been trying to figure out the same thing, WHAT was your avatar! NOW I get it! hahahaha....... I love WOOT!! Somehow I never saw that one though! Even with getting BOC 4 different times in my woot history! Big grin Hope its ok for me post here.... Confused

                  Maniac 505

                    Hi gang. OK, I will try to keep up with a third forum Roll eyes I was on CR since before there was a boomers group. sorry to see the changes, but I guess change is inevitable. I'm 53, I've been running since about 2002 when my Dr. told me to lose weight and get more exercise. I ran one marathon in 2003, Dnf'ed a marathon in '04 with a fairly serious stress fracture., I BQ'ed in '05 I became a maniac and ran 12 marathons in '07 right now, I am taking a few weeks off, I'm in recovery mode with what I think are minor foot issues. I expect to be back at it soon. I'm single, but my bestest buddy is Marathon Maniac #405 (AKA Arf) Dave

                    One day at a time

                      Hey Teresadfp Go to USER the search area type in 1,000 mile......hit SEARCH That will bring up the various mileage groups including the 1,000 mile on that one and you will see the first page with the Pink Pace on JOIN HERE by the bunny ears and you are in. You will then see that group as one of your groups and they have you registered. Let me know if you need more help. And good luck chasing the bunny
                      Thanks so much, Vista! As I said in an earlier post, there's no way I will make 1,000 miles in 2008 (I'm at only 12 mpw right now), but the club will give me something to shoot for! You guys are all my inspiration!
                        Hi everyone, I'm 47 years old, and I've been with RA for about one year now. In my previous running life, I ran for 8 years, a bunch of 5 & 10 K's, just kind of "hung in there." I retired from the military in 2000, and promised myself 2 months off from everything... 7 years later, I had put on 40 pounds and was basically miserable. I put myself back onto a running program, and started back slowly in January 2007. May 2007 - Ran Broad Street Run in Philly (10 miler). September - Philly Distance Run (my first half marathon.) I am 40 pounds lighter and feeling GREAT! RunningAhead is a great place to be to stay focused and to reach goals. I'm not fast, I'm not real athletic, and I'm not pretty. But, I can get there.

                        "You can't have everything. Where would you put it?" - Steven Wright

                        Head Procrastinator

                          Hally! I had been trying to figure out the same thing, WHAT was your avatar! NOW I get it! hahahaha....... I love WOOT!! Somehow I never saw that one though! Even with getting BOC 4 different times in my woot history! Big grin Hope its ok for me post here.... Confused
                          Hell yea you can post here (wonder if I can say that here) I have never managed to get the elusive BOC The one time I was actually there when it came up and thought I had one, it never actually went through. waaaaaaaaaa
                          ~ My Profile~ The avatar is happy BOC wootcats
                            42 and I have been running for two years this past October. By day I am Assistant Superintendent of Schools for Curriculum and Instruction in a nearby town by night I am a dad to a set of 5 and 6 year old girls. Hi Ilene! Hi Saint (great nick)!Hi Hally and all the rest of the foruming world. cfli
                              43 next month. Mom, artist, runner, writer, been that way since I don't know when. CR poster since S 05 - Aija here and at KR. 10 or so marathons under my belt and a bunch of halves and have finally begun to actually 'get' the speed thing in shorter stuff over the last ten years.
                                Another CR refugee here, too. Female, living in Seattle by way of the Midwest and several other places along the way. Two kids -- girl (9) and boy (12). Attorney in a flexible job now that allows me to coach a girls cross country team (middle school). I've been running consistently since 1983. I stil remember that first "run." Fall, 1982, when I stepped out the door of my dorm in Madison one night after eating junk food with a friend. I think we made it one block. Madison was a running town even then and I credit it for making me a runner. I still have that good friend in Madison and she is also still a runner. I've been running ever since, with time off during my two pregnancies. I had never pushed over 4-5 miles or had even entered a race until 2001 when I decided to train for a marathon after a friend I used to run with who had moved to Texas told me she was training for one. It put the crazy idea in my head and I've now run 12. My first few marathons were also my fastest. (PR is 3:36/Boston). I still believe I can run a faster one or I would have quit marathoning by now. My favorite distance is the 5k -- I like the intense, short duration kind of pain. Wink However, I have been coerced by a friend to run my first ultra -- a trail 50k -- next May.