Masters Running


My First Tuesdaily 9/3/2013 (Read 48 times)


    Hello Masters!

    I'm new here.  Have been running (on and off) since 2006.  Was a long time RW Masters forumite.  Getting back into running now after helping to take care of my Mom who passed away in May of this year.  I have made a committment to run a half marathon in October in Hanover NH with my son who attends Dartmouth College.  My plan is just to get through the distance and then begin longer term training.


    Look forward to interacting with you.



    King of PhotoShop

      Thank you for starting us off today Bill, and welcome.  I'm also sorry for your loss.


      It's back to work day for most of us, so I guess everyone is scrambling. I had an early conference call with a client today, so I cut my run short, just 3.4 on the dirt surface. Now off to start my real work day.  Spareribs


        Welcome Bill.


        Another humbling humid run.  Swampy 10 miler.  First day of school here, so the buses were all out on the road again.

        Be safe. Be kind.

        Sayhey! MM#130

          nice to meet you Bill.  DH's bday yesterday so took off the day.  9.1 this am, feeling a bit less humid.....beautiful cresent moon at 5:30.  my black eye is healing nicely.  good runs walks or rests,


  (for a piece or two of my mind)


          Trails are hard!

            Welcome, Bill.  Another New Englander?  Or just visiting your son?


            Not a huge amount of runs for me over the weekend.  Yesterday I pulled a TwoCat when it was pouring in the morning.  By the time it stopped and I was thinking about an afternoon run, it was time for grocery shopping XT.  A decent 5.5 on Saturday though.  Since I broke the strap on my Garmin and the Velcro experiment didn't work out, I had stuck it in one of the pockets of my water belt.  Apparently, when I took it out to check distance at a turn, I turned it off while putting it back in and didn't discover it until I checked at another turn.  So there's a nice straight cross country line on the map between those spots.


            Amy--Glad you're looking less like a mugging victim.


            Denise--wishing you and all your family strength in getting through this.

            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


            Singer who runs a smidge

              DB, hi!!!  I don't post much here, since I don't run much.  Dealing with runner's knee that shifted from right to left.  I thought I had it licked and jumped back on c25k last night, and it's yelping today, dammit.  So sorry to hear about your mom!!

              When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


                Mornin' Bill, Ribs, Tramps, Amy, and later posters.


                Black eye??


                I'm sorry about your mom's passing, Bill. It's always hard to lose a parent. Good luck at the half in Hanover - nice part of the state.


                No food column, Tet. I just like to eat.


                Leslie, Humbolt Fog sounds very familiar, but I can't recall the flavor. I'll have to look for it again.


                Some greta runs yesterday in soupy and other kinds of weather. Mike, Ryan is amazing - must take after his dad...


                Thanks for the Aniakchak history, LaT - very interesting goings on up there!


                5.5 racewalking miles in (wineless) ground fog and heavy mugginess early this morning. It was cooler and clearer at the ocean, and I caught a glimpse of a sharp-knifed sliver of yellow moon just rising above the horizon to the east. I was thinking it had better hurry up or the sun was going to come along and roll right over it.


                We had an 8am meeting at the alternate start of our Nov. half marathon, which is currently a construction zone as an overpass is being dismantled and a new intersection is being added. A site surveyor we met gave us more input on what is going to happen between now and our race day. What he told us is going to make our job a little tougher, but it is still quite doable. We meet with the city manager and police tomorrow, and hope they'll still like the plan we presented to them about 4 months ago.


                Have a greta Tuesday that feels like Monday.



                Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

                  fatozzig I am a big fan of Humbolt Fog cheese.  Our local cheese shop carries a goat cheese of theirs with an ash line running through the center.  Just wonderful!


                  tetsujin209 hurt, healthy, fast slow for our relay team the only requirement is you do not care how we do, you cheer on your teammates and you have a good time.  I think we still need a runner come out and try it!


                  Spareribs smoked meatloaf is a great dish.  I have never made it though.  I have seen variants wrapped in bacon that look soooo good.  Then again cardboard wrapped in bacon might taste good!  Especially if you were to smoke it!!


                  coastwalker I hope you get the approvals you need.  Road construction just takes forever around here so I hope this is a one and done problem for your race.


                  DollarBill welcome to RA!


                  stumpy77 good call on the no run in the rain thing!


                  I am still off my feet but I am starting to become optimistic that my PF will heel up faster than I thought it would.  This morning it felt a bit better than yesterday and yesterday, for the first time, it seemed like it had noticeably improved.  My former physical therapist opened up early to see me today (and will again tomorrow).  She thought I would get better reasonably soon.  Her suspicion is that something happened to my sneakers or inserts or something to throw off my stride since the outside part of the arch is inflamed as well as the rear inside part which is apparently rather unusual.  I am not sure it matters now other than I will double check on my inserts later today.

                  Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                  Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                    A familiar face Hope's Mom!  How's the singing going and is your pooch continuing to give you stories to tell?


                    DB, hi!!!  I don't post much here, since I don't run much.  Dealing with runner's knee that shifted from right to left.  I thought I had it licked and jumped back on c25k last night, and it's yelping today, dammit.  So sorry to hear about your mom!!


                      Stumpy77:  Yes a New Englander (Sudbury, MA).  Native upstate New Yorker though (Troy).  I'm 55 and have now lived 1  year longer in Massachusetts than New York.


                      Welcome, Bill.  Another New Englander?  Or just visiting your son?


                      Singer who runs a smidge

                        A familiar face Hope's Mom!  How's the singing going and is your pooch continuing to give you stories to tell?



                        Yep, he's been bitten by a copperhead and he's stolen and consumed 15 oatmeal chocolate chip cookies in the past few months, among other things.  The copperhead bite required a vet visit, antibiotics, close monitoring, epsom salts, and it took about a week for the swelling to go down.  The cookies induced nausea and diarrhea, blech!  We're slowly learning that anything we can reach, he can reach!

                        When it's all said and done, no one remembers how far we have run.  The only thing that matters is how we have loved.


                          The new guy started us out today? and I don't see an offering of donuts or muffins. . . hmmm, I think there are fines imposed for this breach, right Ribs?


                          Welcome DollarBill!


                          back to work after four very busy days off. Had to come to work so I could relax a bit! something is wrong with that.


                          for anyone planning on the Avenue of the Giants meetup in May 2014, please make sure you pop over in the Avenue thread and see my latest update and information on lodging. Thanks!


                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            DollarBill - welcome!


                            MikeE - that Ryan is FAST!  Chip off the old block, for sure.


                            No run for me today, just 30 minutes or so of weights and core.

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                            shadow runner

                            The Shirtless Wonder

                              The new guy started us out today? and I don't see an offering of donuts or muffins. . . hmmm, I think there are fines imposed for this breach, right Ribs? 

                              I actually did my run this morning around 5AM, but I had the decency not to impose on Jay...definitely fines here. Wink  [I was actually running late for work so...or would have posted. Blush] Welcome Bill. Sorry to hear about your mom.


                              Great running/training everyone.


                              As I said out for 3.43 miles this morning pre-dawn in humid/foggy 71F temps.  Made it a tempo run since short distance and chomping at the bit to get back to regular marathon training.  Started out with about an 8:10 min warm-up for first mile and then head for the mid 7's by the end.  Definitely a good run.

                              Joe Suder

                              Nulla camisia et nulla problematum 



                                The new guy started us out today? and I don't see an offering of donuts or muffins. . . hmmm, I think there are fines imposed for this breach, right Ribs?


                                Wait, were we supposed to offer muffins to make him feel welcomed or was he supposed to offer muffins as an entry fee?

                                I get confused about the rules.

                                Be safe. Be kind.
