Masters Running


Tues 12/09 Runs - Non Runs - And Stuff (Read 466 times)

Marathon Maniac #3309

    Morning everyone. I already posted this last night. but pool ran at the Y last night for 90 minutes. The reason I am bringing this up is some thing that happened while pool running. Lets just say it's never good when your working out next to a youngster that yells "Mommy, I just peed myself" Shocked. Lets just say I pool sprinted away from the little girl as fast as I could. Boy, must have been a good workout legs are sore which I miss and love!!! Hey, what is Lame's real name so I don't make that mistake again...for whatever reason I though she was a he Roll eyes. But like I said last night, when I think of lame, I think of a dude Big grin Have an appointment with my foot doc at noon today. I really don't like my progress, so I have some questions to ask. He is going to x ray my foot again to see how my SF and Heel Spur is healing. AT doesn't show up on a X Ray, so he checks that out by feel and asking me questions....boy, I really really jacked my foot up, huh! Hey Tet, I will take some of those Hugs you mentioned Tapering Buddie Smile Hope everyone has super runs, and a great day! TimBo

    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

      It does warm up the pool though Tim ... 6 very easy recovery-paced miles in 58 minutes. Tempo day tomorrow. Bill

      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

        Tim.. that reminds me or the song lyrics.. oh no don't eat the yellow snow... Ran a bit of tempo today. Ever notice that you start out slow and that feels like astruggle then you shift gears into tempo and that feels like a struggle then you downshift to a moderate pace and it feels great. What's up with that? Today's run made my legs feel really good at the end. 2 mi wu with Tory at 9:15 pace (creaky) then 4 mi avg 7:39 (hard) and 2 mi cd at 7:57 (that pace felt good). Overall 8 mi in 1:05:03 (8:08 pace, AHR 159 (166 for tempo)). ..hmmm tempo portion was the same avg pace as Saturday's half... Have great runs! Steve

        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

          Good Morning! Tim - that was a great thing you did the other day for the young mother and kids at WallyWorld. Did the water get a little warmer last night too? yuck-o!!! I hope you get good news at the doctor today. I was out for 5 balmy miles with Brinkley this morning. We got about an inch or two of fresh wet snow last night with more coming down - turning to rain as it is in the mid-30's today. We trudged along at a 10:13 pace and my HR is still up there - avg. 167 this morning. I'm not sure what is up with that - maybe working harder to get through the snow, heavier clothing, etc. Happy 2s'Day!


          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



            Good morning early birds...great run there hopeful with the new snow and all. Butterfly hugs for Timbo. No snow, no sleep, no running here yet...(it was one of those call nights). Just wanted to say only THREE more days until I meet the famous and gorgeous ultra chick Franc. Just thinking about her lasagna is making me hungry already. have a great day folks.

            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


              Ho Ho Ho - 7 fresh inches last nigh and it's still coming. School is cancelled, we're already 10 inches above the average snowfall for this month and they're predicting another storm for the end of the week. Is this a great place to live, or what? Cool And who decided that naming snowstorms was a fun thing to do anyway? Angry I've decided the dreadmill is my new best friend - 6 miles this morning at a 9:41 pace, then 5 minutes of Mary's famous killer lunges. It's a good day to stay inside and bake chocolate chip cookies. Of course, I won't be eating any... Stay warm, people.

                good morning! late late again. good luck today, Tim. Mary, I hope all is well. quick workout post, hope to catch up later. as usual. still. DH is really sick, I'm fighting it sore throat & all but not too bad, i took it a little easy this morning. 5:06 miles, no idea of HR! polar is nuts. (average 117. maybe I'm channeling Maine. Wink ) average pace 9:33, max 6:54. the miles were 10:54, 9:15, 9:20, 9:17, & 8:42. I was happy with that one, but have a brief stop midway. so kind of cheating. then 16 on the elliptical, 10 on the bike, & the stability ball exercises. not as much time for the extras when my runs are a little longer again.
                  2 short miles for me last night just beating the winter weather that moved in. It was cold, but not too windy, unlike last weekend. I don't have a treadmill, so running outside is my only option. It seems every time the sidewalks get nearly passable so that I only have to hopscotch in front of a few houses, the snow moves in again. Ah well, best get used to it. Gotta get me some of those yak tracks (or however they're spelled). Tim - what a generous gesture this past weekend. I hope you are able to run soon. Holly - when I used to take yoga regularly, I would always head for the largest stability ball available, they were usually too small! nono - we got a new tv for each other for Christmas (early). We'd been planning it for a year and <for> had the money. I hope we do not regret it, but, in the meantime, it's great! The HD channels are wonderful on these aging eyes. willrunforbeer - "2.62"...that's me, all me...I love it Stay warm everyone...Janet</for>

                  Hill Runner

                    Good morning folks, It's good to see SR getting back into the groove again. Jlynne, I LOVE chocolate chip cookies...if there are any in the Kitchen, they don't last long around here. I went out in the dark again this morning with my Gizmo headlamp, it's amazing how it completely changes my morning runs... 10.23 miles of hills in the dark @ 8:53 pace of course it did get lighter out after about an hour. I felt very energized this morning...fabulous weather - 38F and no wind. Good runs to all today.

                    Upcoming Races:

                    Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                    Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                    Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                    Marathon Maniac #3309

                      Steve I know exactly what you mean. I remember on my Weds night track workouts, sometimes running to the track I might feel yucky and think my workout would suck. Then after the track session, I would cruise home at a quick pace and feel great. Come to think of it, the water did feel warmer than usual last night Big grin Hey Bill, I asked this before, but you may have not seen it. Do you have a particular Marathon picked out for 2009? Nice run Mary in the balmy weather Smile. I have said this before, but you really have a high ave HR. If mine was that high I would really be huffing and puffing. Thanks for the Butterfly hugs Mari Smile Thanks Janet, but I imagine I am at least 6 weeks away from running again Angry unless the doc can do something to speed up the healing process. Nice runs also to Jlynne (dreadmill your friend, you need to pick out your friends better, Big grin) and dg and Peter, WTG I am missing responding to some...I will be back later, K Master Taperer TimBo

                      Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                        5.26 @ 8:22. Warmer here; well into the 30s. Nice to be back in shorts.

                        Be safe. Be kind.

                          Early run, "late" posting for me. Tim - I hope the foot doc has some encouraging news. SR - I remember when you were speed walking -- your progress has been fantastic. Hey, one of my colleagues was (apparently) really fast as a racewalker. He was talking about his PR 5K walking was 23:30. Wow! He said something about being on the short list for national rankings, and participating in an international event. (This was a while ago) No snow here -- it's a little cool but not too bad at 32°F. I guess it's going to rain a bit for tomorrow morning, but the temps are supposed to be in the mid 40's, so that's not going to be a problem at all. Steve -- I had the same thoughts today during my tempo run. I started my warmup somewhat sluggishly. Started the tempo and wondered after half a mile if I could or would want to keep that up (I did just fine though). But after the tempo my cooldown at 8:20's felt downright slow! 4 mi tempo within 9.2 mile run. Pace(HR): 7:16(163), 7:22(166), 7:17(167),7:11(171). Avg 7:17(166) 9.2 miles, 1:12, 7:53/mi

                          Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            Good Morning! Timbo – keep us posted on what the doc says. Perch – even though my paces are much slower than yours, I know exactly what you mean. Jeanne – my kids would be in heaven – snow, school canceled, and cookies! Dg – nice progression run! I was astonished to see the temp at 44 degrees this morning, but the 20-25mph winds were kind of brutal, with strong gusts making the trees whip around over my head and sending blasts of leaves scurrying down the street. My legs were pretty stiff from yesterday’s workout, so I wasn’t sure what I was going to be able to do today, but it went better than I anticipated. 5.3 wind-buffeted miles outside, then these on the treadmill: (2 min. 7.5 mph [8:00]/1 min. 6.0 mph [10:00]) x 7 Plus CD made 8 miles total.

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                            Renee the dog

                              Tim's afraid of pee! Tongue Seriously, I used to be too. Then I had kids. 'nuff said. Baloney day scheduled for me -- just yoga, but it's so darn nice out (40 something, no wind) that I wish I were scheduled for a run.

                              GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                              GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


                                Authorities say a Florida man who lives with his parents has been charged with attacking his father with a Christmas tree. According to the Manatee County sheriff's report, Thomas Edward Lackie, 37, was arrested and charged with felony assault. Authorities say he threw the 3-foot Christmas tree at his father but missed. Lackie later said to the police "I had him in my sights...I just didn't allow for the wind drift caused by the air conditioning." Lou:
                                I can just see the want ad for the new CEO: "Wanted: CEO for large auto manufacturer. Salary, uh, well, that's not so important, now is it?"
                                Now THAT is brilliant! No way I could ever top that. Enke: That was an outstanding interval run yesterday! Carolyn: Running 18 holes..that's a great effort...I've tried to run 18 holes at our course and generally poop out...just too many steep hills. Lots of you guys are reporting fair amounts of snow...and are running in it. Congrats to all of you...we don't get snow often around here but I've always had a hard time, even wearing my yaktrax. Like Tramps, our weather has warmed up quite a bit...4 miles in 36:46 (9:12)...first 2 miles were terrible, then sped up a bit. Ave HR 144 Max 164. Oldest son (U Florida grad) claims his boss can get some tickets to the Florida-Oklahoma game...even so, I think I'd rather watch it on TV. With apologies to Bill, we just don't like to go to Miami anymore. Pam & I have a second home in Miami Beach and we haven't used it in many years...I think the chief export of South Florida is sweat. DickyG