Masters Running


Thursdilly, 9.14.23 (Read 37 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    Good 4.5 miles on the neighborhood hills, KSA. Good prep for your upcoming hilly race.


    Nice warm-up for your SMV10K, Tet, even if you cut the day's walk a little short.


    Sounds like you and DW are having another great trip, Doug. Congrats on being able to trade the POS for a HJW. Were there really 1000 Buddhas?


    Good 45 minutes on the bike to nowhere, Leslie. Try to contain your excitement.


    Good sleeping in, PZ ride, cool-down, and strength classes and stretching, Deeze. Reading it makes me tired. Take care of that foot pain.


    Norm is winging off on another trip.


    It's hard, BTY, to restrain yourself (ourselves) from keeping pace with someone else when we should be going easy. It is even harder in a pool if that person is in the lane right next to you.


    Good 60 minutes on the hills with TBs, Tomwhite. You've got quite an imagination when it comes to the identity of the large man...


    Nice 4-mile, Dave. I've not heard of Kinomap, but have seen other programs where people have used a GoPro or something similar while on a bike to video a course.


    That is kind of an important piece of info to leave out, Twocat. 10M addresses - wow!


    I'm glad you got in 2.2 miles, Steve. How's the PT going?


    Speaking of PT, I went yesterday for my left knee and right hamstring. The hamstring seems to be coming along nicely, but the knee is still a bit confounding, even after yesterday morning's good workout. The PT had me do some new exercises/stretches to help with the knee, and when I left, I was feeling better. However, last night, after just sitting at a workshop, my left hip and the outside of the leg down to my knee were very, very achy. I took some ibu that helped a little bit with sleeping. I got up a little late this morning, an so had time for just a short (3.5 miles) workout. With EZ racewalking, the hip behaved itself. I followed up with stretching, including the new exercises and stretches from yesterday. I couldn't do one of my regular stretches that engages the left hip, but everything else was OK. So I'll just see how everything holds together (or doesn't) today.


    Have a greta Thursday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Thanks for the start, Jay. Glad the hamstring's doing a little better.


      Forgot to post yesterday: 22-mile ride. Today it was my 10K trail route. Slightly cooler temperature was welcomed. Same old humidity was not.

      Be safe. Be kind.

        Thanks, Jay.  I hope your knee comes around.  We are all sure prone to break-downs at our age, and you are so consistent and diligent about your self-care.   Great recap.


        4.5 miles this morning- actually wore capris and long sleeves- 57 degrees and cloudy.  Off to a church thing and some other errands.  I'm impressed with everyone's workouts!


        Had a 2nd birthday dinner with Ken and a friend of ours at a hibachi place.  It was wonderful.  Those places are fun and the food is good.

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



          Just 3 easy around the neighborhood this morning. Very nice morning, 54° and clear skies. Good star gazing at the start and a golden sunrise at the end.


          Regarding the project at work mentioned yesterday, I am writing up 100+ questions to get some clarification. I don't know if getting 100+ answers will actually help or not. I don't know what to do. I can take specs and write a computer program to do what is needed. And I can take instructions and turn them into specs to write a computer program. But all I have is 2-3 pages of general bullet points that I don't understand.



          Marathon Maniac #957

            I would not have expected to encounter 1,000 Buddhas in Montana.  Roch - feel free to share pictures!


            DH didn't go to work today since he is scheduled to get the CAT scan, so we slept in a bit and I was short on time.  40 minutes of weights and core and stretching.

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

              Dave59 that seems like one weird "get this done" command. I cannot imagine a project set up so opaquely that you could produce such a long list of questions.


              What a terrific group this is! I saw that Mariposai hit her fundraising goal for the American Cancer Society to support her Chicago Marathon run.


              My latest research paper on COVID-19 is finally up. It took them over a month to clear it. This one is on deaths from suicide, homicide, and overdoses subsequent to lockdown orders. Since the number of downloads impacts a paper's visibility, feel free to download it from Plus, tell all your friends what a great read it is and have them download it!


              This morning I tried doing an interval workout. It was 6 reps of 2 minutes fast and 1 minute recovery. The dew point finally fell to earth, so it was not a bad run. Total of 6 miles.

              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

              shadow runner

              The Shirtless Wonder

                Morning all.


                5.2 miles for me today. Temps were around 79F with a nice breeze. It was almost cold in the shade with breeze especially sans shirt. Wink  I had to dodge a few school buses on the first mile. Apparently roadwork and an accident on the major roads had them all detouring through neighborhood. And being Bucks County PA there is not much of a shoulder on some roads. Legs were a little heavy feeling on the on first miles but I did get a few sub 10 minute miles on run and work up a good sweat.  Not too bad for an old guy recovering from a hamstring strain.


                Enjoy the day.

                Joe Suder

                Nulla camisia et nulla problematum 


                  Good morning Masters,  I have had a few family and neighborhood issues to contend with so I was away a few days.I went out for a run in the rain this morning, 6.55 miles to ponder the situation. The mornings here are cold, high 30s to low 40s and it's tough to get out there (and have to dress up already?) but it beats the Dread Mill. Have a good one all!

                    Good morning Masters,  I have had a few family and neighborhood issues to contend with so I was away a few days.I went out for a run in the rain this morning, 6.55 miles to ponder the situation. The mornings here are cold, high 30s to low 40s and it's tough to get out there (and have to dress up already?) but it beats the Dread Mill. Have a good one all!


                    Running is always my go-to method for pondering and meditation. Answers appear as if shaking a Magic 8 Ball.

                    This guy lets Magic-8 Ball make all his decisions – The Eyeopener


                    PF report:

                    Mucho paino yesterday morning and most of the day, hardly anything this morning. I'll keep to the 1 day on, 2 days off regimen until it's "fine" the morning after a run day. 3 weeks until track meet; wondering how I'll fare doing 800m Monday and then having to do 1500m the next morning.

                    60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying


                      Good Morning All you Masters!


                      Glad to hear Mariposai met her fundraising goal. yesterday I went to her FB page and scrolled, and scrolled, and scrolled some more and never saw a link to her fundraising. I remember someone posted the link here a few days back but did not remember what daily it was on.


                      Happy Belated Birthday Karen. Sounds like you've had some good celebrating!

                      Bella-dog woke up at 6 to go outside, so figured as long as I was up, I'd get in a few miles before going into work.  I waited until about 6:20 to start because it was still so dark out!  I didn't want to go digging in my gym bag for my headlight either.  My new road shoes arrived yesterday so christened them with 3.5 miles this morning.  and tonight it our weekly brew crew running group so will run some more with them. The nice cool temps of 53 this morning I'm sure will feel better than the 90 at 6 pm.


                      I'll be starting up some PT tomorrow morning for my left shoulder. Which is not the shoulder I fractured in Nov 2021. That one is fine. But now I have significant decreased ROM and sometimes pain in my left shoulder. So we'll try some PT, maybe some massage, and see if I can get some relief and improvement.


                      Marathon Maniac #957

                         The mornings here are cold, high 30s to low 40s 


                        Bummer!  I had thought you lived in Winnipeg, but has the weather there today as a low of 52 and high of 75 (F).  Are you somewhere at elevation where you get colder temps than the main city?  At any rate, I was going to suggest waiting until the sun was higher so you could enjoy the warmer temps.  Winter cold will get here soon enough....

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                          TammyinGP I was the one who posted the link to Mariposai's fund raising page. Here it is

                          Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                          Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                            Holly, I am on the edge of the city, the outskirts, right along the TransCanada.. We have had 3 cold mornings (which for me is 7-8 AM) this week, to get my run in before traffic circulation and school buses. This morning was ok but Sunday and Monday were not. I actually waited for it to get up to 10 C (50 F) before heading out and it was almost noon. We are heading for a cold autumn and I have 3 more HMs to run, finishing Oct 15th. That's not promising... Right now it is 62 F and that may be as warm as it gets... BTW, someone hacked one of our temp stations "The Weather Channel". They still haven't got everything working again, lol. Who would want to hack a weather Station?

                            Marathon Maniac #957

                               Who would want to hack a weather Station?


                              I know, right?  What would they get out of it?  Good luck with the HMs.  Hope winter stays away until you are done....

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                                Twocat - now that my Xfinity seems working okay, . . . maybe, . . . sometimes. I've got you downloaded six times. . . . so far.


                                When I called them yesterday to update our address by adding a "1" to the apartment number to make it on the 11th floor instead of the first floor, they said that would have to close my account and reopen a brand new one which would need another representative to open a totally brand new one which, based on the underlying reason I was calling, I said. "no thank you,  I'll just let the USPS keep forwarding, at least, for their six months."


                                underlying reason: Xfinity text, without any explanation except an Xfinity link that was general regarding service options having nothing to do with me, that "your service is at risk of cancelation" that, after talking to two representatives who sounded, if they weren't already AI's, like that were just reading talking points, got through to another heavily accented,  hard to catch, one in Georgia but voila!, the U.S. state who said our account was already $210 over the limit in just one week of usage because, it turns out, it was a one GB account usually just used for second phones and other little used services instead of the unlimited GB one we needed and thought we were getting for DW's (and mine) Japanese programs, tiktok and, of course, the RA one I use the most but fortunately, the GA rep was able to upgrade and app the overdue amount to almost the next four months of unlimited service.  I think they should have given me free service for, at least, the next year but DW is happy so so am i, . . . I think. . . . especially since this weekend's third final fling at summer in September is supposed to touch up to 80F.  Yippee.

                                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
