Masters Running


Sunday at the Park..... (Read 48 times)

    .if The Devil owned a Park......


    found ou this morning

    a SHOESTRING can actually get caught in a bike pedal,,


    ,,,,,,,my foot

    was progressively pulled into the Contraption,



    squeaked my Arthritic Hips off the Too High Seat

    and Contorted to reach thru the frame to liberate my shoe


    I thought to myself,


    what the hell else could happen......



    about that time I heard to dog coming


    Note to Self:

    NEVER think

    What the Hell Else Could Happen.




    55 min bike ride,

    dog backed off


    there was Joy in The Kingdom


    ............Good Running guys......

    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


      Mornin' Tom and everyone to follow.


      Good 'Note To Self' Tom. Glad you got loose from the lace, and weren't destroyed by the dog!


      "Thanks for the reminder, just headed over to the website and registered. I see the course info is looks like we're out of the New Castle loop this year due to the bridge work by Wentworth By The Sea?" Milktruck, it isn't the Wentworth bridge that is the issue, it is the one over Seavey Creek that was at the bottom of a steep hill, about 1.5 miles into the race. That bridge is closing in October, and will be out for over a year. So the first two miles of the race (up to the traffic circle) will be different this year and next year. We should have the modified course posted in the next week or two. The New Castle loop will still be a part of the course. However, that bridge is also slated for repair/replacement in a few years, so there may come a time (hopefully after the Seavey Creek bridge reopens) when we'll lose that loop too.


      7.4 racewalking miles at 5:30am (yes, I lollygagged around the house before heading out this morning). It was 55F and delightfully dry. I did mile fartleks, and had a good workout. Our visitors are here till tomorrow, so today we are heading into Portsmouth (NH) to have some fun with photography - we'll all have the same concepts to capture, and then we'll compare shots later to see how each person tackled their assignments.


      Have a greta Sunday!



      Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


        for posting over here jay/////.............couldn't re-type all that Crappe twice.........



        some pretty Fancy Lollygagging......

        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

        MM #7877

          Got my 15 miler in last night. Going to pull a 3fer workout today. Short bike ride. 2 hours of ice skating, then a 7 mile recovery jog tonight.

          Philippians 4:13.

          Avenger Doggie

          protector of my dad

            Tom White...Dad puts his bike between him and bad dogs. Dogs know they can't ride bikes. Then they feel bad and go away. He also says, if you can pedal backwards, the laces get unstuck and you can tuck it into your shoes.


            When it was yesterday me and Mom and Dad went over to the store that lives across the street and down the road. They have ice cream there!!!  I got to have a bowl of ice cream and it was in a waffle bowl so I could eat the bowl too!!! It was so so great. There are critters at the store and we can pet and feed them too. They are very cool.




            My favorite one is "Jack". Jack is a donkey and he comes over so we can smell noses and I can lick his face.



            When I get bored at home, I just may go visit while Dad and Mom are busy with dumb stuff.


            When we were done, we went and got dumb Honey so we could all go run run run!!! Dad started hooking me and Honey together on a bunchie cord.



             Mom and Dad have a bunchie fun because they can run run run and not have to make dumb Honey be a good dog. Honey has a bunchie fun because she can run run run real fast and not waddle slow like Dad. I have no fun because Honey is dumb and gets after critters that are not there. I got sad and took my collar off and then I got to run run run naked and Mom and Dad had to try and catch Honey. I had a bunchie fun watching them!!!


            It was late when we finally got Honey home and me and Mom and Dad went into the woods some more!!! We got to a place where there was a big hill and we could see over a river and way over trees. Mom and Dad put up two chairs and shared a blanket and watched for shooting starts. What the heck? We can watch funner things on TV and there are no bugs and it's not so very dark.


            So they would be safe, I stayed right next to Dad. They would "oooo" and "Aaah". Mom would say, "Did you see that?". I would jump up and look all over. But I didn't see anything. I started leaning really hard on Dad to keep him safe. I heard a really big "buruuup" noise and I put my front feet on Dad's lap so he would be OK. He laughed and said it was just a bullfrog.




            Then I heard a "whoo..whoo...who who who." And I jumped over both Dad and Mom..Dad said it was just an owl.



            I still tried to keep them safe. Mom and Dad kept saying, "Did you see that!?!". I never saw anything!! It was really creepy that they did.  After a long time, I decided that it wasn't very safe and bugged them to go home. Dad called me a big baby but I got my face into his and I said, "Seriously..Dad..This is not cool". Finally, they listened to me and packed things up. I was crazy close to Dad so he would be safe, but when I saw the truck, I went run run run to it. I was so happy we did not get lost and was never so happy to be back home where I know I can keep everyone safe.



            Sniffing Butts, Tag


              Avenger dog is the greatest! I really like the picture of the tired doggie on the caach.


              Pirate, your posts always makes me smile! I am glad you are Ok.


              Thanks for the happy anniversary wishes yesterday. We did have a wonder ful day pampering each other. Dinner last night was a big hit. I grilled salmon on cedar planks, grilled fresh corn and some veggie roots, The Easy pacer asked for twocat's kale salad with marcona almonds ( This kale recipe is amazing!   I also made  roasted pumpkin and feta rissotto, For dessert: homemade cheesecake.


              Gorgeous sunny and humid morning again here. This humidity is really unusual for us, so we are not used to it at all. Up at 7:30 this morning and out by 8 for a recovery run. I was nervous going out into the run after  yesterday's catastrophic run, but after a slow first half the legs came alive and I was able to fit in 2x800m at a faster pace and 1x1.5mile at a faster pace. 674F elevation gain yeahhh, you can say that I ate hills for breakfast.


              Enjoy the sunshine!

              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                Always nice to see a little inter-species respect and cooperation.


                Met up with a friend for 18 on a railroad trail.  He did a little less so I got there early and put in a few miles first.  Rainy and humid but temps weren't bad and the company made the miles sail by.

                Be safe. Be kind.

                  tomw, I've gotten a shoe lace caught in the chain before.  As I remember, I tried to put that foot on the ground to balance myself and fell over.  Avenger Doggie, I loved the pictures and description of your adventures.


                  Nice long runs for evan, ibleed, and Tramps.


                  This morning, it was in the mid 50s and there was a little wind.  I got in 3 miles at a 10:33 pace.


                  A good day and good runs for all.



                  Mike E

                  MM #5615

                    Hello everybody!  You know--you can say what you want about Facebook, but I laugh a whole lot more over here.  Thanks, guys!  You, too, Avenger Doggie!


           15k, today, went about how I thought it would...but hoped it wouldn't.  I went through the 1st mile in 6 minutes and thought, "Hey--maybe I'm in better shape than I thought I was."  When I went through mile 3 in 6:45, I thought, "Crap!  I'm not in as good of shape as I thought I was!"  It was brutal form there on in.  Oh, well...I'll get 'er next year.  1:01:08--exactly 2 minutes slower than last year.  71st overall and 4th in my age group.  Ryan wasn't happy with his time, either.  Last year he was 4th overall in 50:13 and this year he was 26th overall in 52:42.  On the plus side--Hermosaboy had an excellent race--41st overall in 56:02!  I also ran into Wanda--the overall woman winner of the LATEOTT marathon.  She ran a 1:03:39 which was good for 18th overall for women.

                    So, next week, I start my training for Rocket City.  The 1st day of training starts on Tuesday...and guess what they have me's a REST day!  What kind of training plan starts off with a rest day? least I know I can handle the first day...we'll see how the rest of it goes.


                    Okay--I gotta go--see ya!


                      Just when I was thinking of using my bike more, tomw comes up with something else to worry about.


                      Good stuff Avenger Dog.  Those goats look like they are going up to a water slide.


                      Dave, sounds like metatarsalgia... something Opie and I deal with on a regular basis. How old are your shoes.



                      I looked that up and it sounds about right.  What do/did you have to do?  Most my shoes aren't very old.  70-300 miles.


                      I'm going to take it easy for a couple days and see what happens.  Do some stuff that doesn't put pressure on the foot.  Maybe see if I can pool run at the local community center.  Stop at the local running store and see if the people there have some ideas.  I'm in such bad shape and not really training for anything specific so more time off isn't going to do any damage.  I sort of wanted to do the Crim 10-miler in a couple weeks since I already paid for it and it would be my 8th or 9th one, but it isn't anything I will be crushed to miss.




                        SteveP, sounds like you guys had a great evening. But I don't blame Tag for slipping his collar. I would too! Stoopid Honey (although she is adorable).


                        MikeE, that sounds like a really fast field! What race was that? I can't even imagine a local race with those times... wow.


                        tomwhite, the ol' shoelace-in-the-chain business can have a bad outcome, so glad yours turned out well.


                        Mariposai, dinner last night sounds amazing... and a lot! Good for you for getting out there for your recovery run today.


                        Will be heading out soon for my attempt at a 20 miler. I usually try to do 3 20-milers before a marathon. I didn't get anything past 17.5 before my June marathons, but I did ok on those, I think because of relatively high mileage leading up to them ("high mileage" being a relative term). I'm trying to keep in the 50+ mile a week range these days so hoping that strategy will pay off again even if my 20 milers suck. At least it seems like the smoke isn't too bad today, even though it could get up to 80° today....


                        ETA: Dave, you posted at the same time I did... you need to make sure you've got enough arch support in your shoes, and you might even want to look into some metatarsal pads. These go just in front of your arch to support the metatarsals (not directly under the sore spot, that would just put more pressure on it). I found most met pads were too big, and spent a long time fiddling with different types to get it just right. Now I go without, but we're talking years later, and I have a lump of scar something-or-other on that foot. But if you have a good local running store they should be able to help you with some sort of pad to help off load the pressure in that area. Good luck, and I hope you find some relief for that soon. And yes, pool running is excellent for it.

                          Oh Avenger Doggie--you rock! SteveP, you too! Loved that.


                          Continuing my outlier trend (I saw that Tramps! Smile) I ran 18 miles this morning by running a variety of loops from my house with some of my Western Mass Distance Project teammates---13 women in all and also a special guest and honorary WMDP member for the day---WRB! Yup! He's doing great and looks fabulous as always.  It's been a mellow anniversary day so far. Great run this morning, afternoon visit with granny and now Mr. CNYrunner is making a lobster dinner and promises some new and excellent side dishes. I have no doubt as he never disappoints. I went out with Hudson for a little dog jog after the granny visit and made it 20.8 miles on the day---already at 127 miles for the month, but tapering in a couple weeks (9/8 marathon), so we'll see if I hit 300. Maybe not! Just throwing down the gauntlet. roar.


                          Yeouch TW! Does sound like the Devil Park---glad you made it back.


                          Almost signed up for the Seacoast half-marathon, but it's a team race weekend. One of these days I'll get there. Nice workout Jay and cool photo assignment.


                            to AvengerDoggie for the shoelace tips//


                            ...Nice Running IBleedUnionBlue


                            .........dave//'s some poolrunning tips if you need any




                            I'm becoming an Expert on it.

                            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                            Marathon Maniac #957



                              Got back from our weekend at Lake Erie this afternoon.  We mostly spent the time boating and hanging out with our friends, a pleasant and relaxing weekend.  Now I have unpacked, picked my garden tomatoes, weeded and watered the flowerbeds, cooked dinner, packed lunch for tomorrow, and after a shower I will be joining the family on the sofa for an episode of Elementary.


                              I took my Kindle Fire and was able to read a bit here over the weekend, but it is hard for me to post on that, so I settled with the reading.


                              Mariposai - Happy Anniversary and Happy B-Day to DS!


                              TomWhile - that could have been even worse, though.


                              Avenger Doggie - I love you, ya big furball!  Thanks for another smile.


                              No running for me over the weekend, nada.  I was a big lazy gal.  New start tomorrow.

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                                hi!  no energy to Really post, though there's much I'd like to comment on.


                                .... anybody else get a big grin when Holly calls herself lazy?    that I'd like to see!


                                wtgs, happy anniversaries, and happy birthdays!


                                tag I bet your dad would let you take that donkey home.
