Masters Running


Sat 1/31 Runs - And Where Good Friends Meet (Read 465 times)

King of PhotoShop

    Bill, I am pleased to see that your "train, don't strain" pace for that workout was so brisk. You sure are running well. SLO, that is also a super workout doing ten minutes at tenK pace on and off. You have quite a good program. Holly, that is an awful lot of mileage to do in a wave, even on a TM, but very good effort. Good luck tomorrow Bob. Today I did 3.5 slow with Lucy at the park, just to wrap up my second 35-mile week. Today is a day of insight and reflection for me, as it is my six-month anniversary from my heart surgery. But for this strained muscle in my butt, I bet I would be at 40 mpw by now, but in a way I am glad the injury has allowed me to progress slowly, AND that it is definitely abating now, thanks to the focus on core work and stretching I have done. Peter, I too am self-employed and my income for the month of January was zero. This will be a tough year for me. Most of my clients are banks. My February and March look very good, but I have to go back and put my marketing hat on again. dg, I have another exercise I want you to try. I will write you offline. Spareribs
      A 10.5 miler for me this lovely morning, followed by a mile swim. That puts me over the 100 mile mark for the first time! Woo hoo!! WTG Liz for your PR as well. Thursday, my doc put me on a diuretic for my newly acquired HBPConfused I think that is why I had to actually stop once during this morning's run and beg for water at a convenience store. I also had mucho cramps whilst swimming. But it will all work out eventually. All you people w/ snow, send some this way!!! We desperately need a day off from school! Surely you must remember Tom, how by Jan. 31st, you had just had it. And I can't help you w/ your problem, but as I'm rapidly approaching my new decade, I will look forward to any answers you receive. Holly, have a wonderful dinner party. You're so Martha Stuart!Big grin Happy Saturday to all!
        George, I'm so sorry about your shin!! I hope the ice & stick & so forth help... are you stretching it? Be careful about how much you run... I was reading the other day that when the shin muscles are strained & can't absorb shocks like they should the stress transfers to your bones... can easily get stress fractures. Makes you just want to kick something doesn't it.
        Thanks dg. Yup, want to kick things. Supposed to start my 14 week marathon plan this week. Everything was going great and then wham, my shin decides to do this. I'm doing all the things I should do including stretching but I'll really have to stop running which is going to make me a very unhappy person. Slogging through 7 slow miles after breezing through 14 just two weeks ago is frustrating as hell. It feels fine sitting down and then when I stand up, the blood flows to my legs and I can feel the tightness and soreness. Then it loosens up a bit and I walk around fine. I double-checked at the running store when I got a new pair of shoes this week and there's not an issue of overpronation. Everything is aligned. Just running on the same side of a cambered road too much. If the nitwits around here could only keep the GD sidewalks clear Angry.
        Hey, that’s what we’re here for.
        Thanks. I needed that. Hate to bug my wife with injury complaints, although I still do sometimes. Tongue
        George find something very low impact for a couple weeks.
        Yeah, I know. My inner running tiger will make this incredibly difficult to do. But there is a spinning class at the Y. The elliptical was not the best answer, it seemed to aggravate the calves. I'd do pool running but the pool can be pretty busy with lap swimmers in the morning and I'd be in their way. My patience will be tested over the next 7-14 days.



          Nice run, Byll, and yes I agree the traffic is bad at that time of day. But the world didn't end and you got your run in, so it's all good, right? And good pace today... that's where I seem to end up on my "just to run" runs. Holly, I was thinking of doing a wave run on the TM, too. There's no way to hold paces steady out there now with all the snow and ice, and for me... road crossings! There's that traffic issue again... But I also have a hard time holding the correct paces out on the roads anyway with hills, intersections, cars, snow, etc that I've thought of setting it up on the TM. But wave runs are supposed to be in the 12-14 mile range, right 'Ribs? I remember trying it on a 20 and just about died, and was scolded for it afterwards. EGH3... when I had bad shin splints, the only way they healed was to stop running. Sorry to say it, but that's the only thing that worked. And what got me to stop running was I hurt my knee... Nothing like some severe tendinitis to put a whoa in your go. When I was all healed up from that, I was delighted to notice my shins were 100%! Try taking 5 days off, keep icing, maybe try pool running if you can (the best and most boring thing you'll ever do for recovery) and see how it goes. Happy birthday to Divechief and Aija! I'll get my run in later, will try it outside but will wait till this afternoon. It's -20 out there now, supposed to warm up to -10 or -15 later. But with all the new snow we got the last couple of days, it might just be too much (cold + new snow) and I'll retreat to the 'mill. Oh well, that's what it's there for, right?

          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

            Timbo - great title for todays thread!! Holly - I can't fathom 16 miles on the treadmill - nice job!! Oh, and what time should we be there for dinner? Out for 10 sluggish miles this morning. A bit of a stiff wind brought the windchill down to 17 but it wasn't too bad. My legs were a bit tired, but my stubborn German ancestory pushed me through it. Avg. pace 11:50 and avg. HR 162. Happy Saturday!


            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."





              I was in a training class all day yesterday, so didn't have time to read or post. But I did get two runs in! I ran 4 miles at lunch, and another 3.1 miles after class, since we got out at 4 pm and it was still light. At lunch I ran a mile down the road from the training building to a dirt trail, but only had time for a mile on the trail before turning around to get back to class. Later in the afternoon, we were looking out the window during a break and saw several cops chasing a guy, then tackling him, punching him, and cuffing him face down in the parking lot right below the window! Shocked Gee, those Denver cops look so friendly. Turns out it was a shoplifter running from the WalMart across the street. I'm thinking it wasn't the best area to be running alone... So after work, I stopped in Golden on the way home and ran on the creek path - much safer area. Helen, I liked your comment about Holly being so Martha Stewart! Except I doubt Martha ran 16 miles on a treadmill before her dinner parties! Big grin And your comment about passing 100 miles for the month (congrats!) made me realize it's time for the monthly mileage thread!

              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                5 mile tempo run with Coach...37:22
                Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip
                  Peter, I too am self-employed and my income for the month of January was zero. Spareribs
                  That's good training if you want to be a carpenter in this economy. Wink I smile, but until the HELOCs start flowing again, and that may be awhile, I will be very fortunate to remain as busy as I have been. I'm currently booked through April, so I shouldn't complain....but in the past I've been booked for up to 1 1/2 years. No run today; 7 on the TM yesterday, long run tomorrow.
                    Thursday, my doc put me on a diuretic for my newly acquired HBPConfused I think that is why I had to actually stop once during this morning's run
                    My PCP also put me on a diuretic -- Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) in addition to the lisinopril I've been taking for a while. I decided to see a cardiologist before I start taking it -- I'm starting to do research on hypertension in athletes. I'll try to remember to post my impressions after I get a chance to review the articles I've collected. My run? 20.1 miles, 2:56:28, 8:45/mi, AHR 150 (75% MHR) Progression actual miles@pace(HR) 5@9:20(144), 10@8:45(149), 5@8:11(159).

                    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                      Peter NC, Spareribs and Walt.RB I sure hope business picks up again for all of you. A long time friend of my DW and myself lost a major account and I am a bit worried about her financial situation. I wish some of the economic forecasts looked better. My DW says she is starting to dread reading the WSJ in the morning. Hopefully the low interest rates we have now will do something sooner rather than later.

                      Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                      Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                        Nice runs out there today, including dg’s fast 4, Holly’s l-o-n-g wave run, Ribs’ second 35-mile week, fussy’s first 100-mile month!, Mary 's German-fueled 10, Gordon’s quick tempo, and Lou’s solid 20 progression. George, if we didn’t whine about stuff (weather, injuries, etc) we wouldn’t have much to say.Wink 2cat—yummy and basic; nice combo.
                        Holly, have a wonderful dinner party. You're so Martha Stuart!Big grin
                        Holly can kick Martha Stewart’s @. No doubt.
                        Later in the afternoon, we were looking out the window during a break and saw several cops chasing a guy, then tackling him, punching him, and cuffing him face down in the parking lot right below the window! Shocked Gee, those Denver cops look so friendly. Turns out it was a shoplifter running from the WalMart across the street.
                        He obviously overlooked an important benefit of consistent running. Of course this wouldn't apply if maine was the one doing the chasing. Wink No run for me today; long one tomorrow.

                        Be safe. Be kind.

                          Tramps Big grin That guy has a nice lean. I feel incredibily tired after reading about Holly's 16 miler wave run on the TM, then all the stuff she has planned for the rest of the day...pass me some of that energy please! 6 slow miles, 15 min on the bike. I am hoping to do at least 8 tomorrow (preferrably 12) so I can hit 40 for the week. It is such a magical number and 39 just won't do.

                          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                            2 easy miles, then 6 400's at an average of 1:28 with as many pullups as I could do between the 400's (average was about 12), then another easy 2 miles to cool down.

                            King of PhotoShop

                              2 easy miles, then 6 400's at an average of 1:28 with as many pullups as I could do between the 400's (average was about 12), then another easy 2 miles to cool down.
                              Well, there's a workout not many of us here could do. Good job. Spareribs

                                Big grin 46 deg Big grin I just ran in Shorts ! Cool To steal a line from Perchcreek 3.87 magical healing miles. Hard to believe that yesterdays run was 17 degs.