Masters Running


Thur Sept 4 Runs and workouts (Read 444 times)

    Good morning everyone. It's turning moister and warmer here in Maryland -- not too bad at 64°F but 95% humidity -- some fog. That, and general malaise, turned a planned quality 12 miler into a 9 mile jaunt. We are also running a local 5K on Saturday so I figured it wouldn't hurt to let up a bit (not that I have been pushing overly hard this cycle). 9.2 miles, 1:20, 8:47/mi, AHR 145 Good runs, all.

    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      Good Morning! Nice 9 miler Lou - I hope the humidity lets up for you soon. I have 10 miles to report this morning . . . . oh, I didn't do them all this morning though. . . . geech! Last night I got in my 5 miles that I skipped yesterday morning. Now I really hate running at night, but after dinner was even worse. So I just took it slow and didn't expect much - so I did not dissapoint myself. Avg. Pace 11:14 / 152 avg. HR 11:00 / 146 10:49 / 152 11:13 / 154 11:33 / 155 11:34 / 154 Then this morning out for another 5 with Brinkley the critter dog. We saw something very small with beady glowing eyes within the first 1/2 mile. Maybe a baby opposum? I didn't get close enough to find out, although Brinkley was willing. Then a mile later a big cat just laying in the middle of the road! It never moved, never waiverd. Happy to say it was gone on our return trip. We made it home just before the sky opened up and the rains began. 10:10 / 143 9:44 / 152 10:00 / 157 10:10 / 160 10:15 / 159 Avg. pace 10:04 / 154 avg. HR Happy Thoisday!!


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


      Marathon Maniac #3309

        Thanks for the start off Lou. Sometimes it's OK to shorten a run, but super 9 miler regardless Smile I have a 5K this Sat too...if my heel behaves. Speed work tends to make it hurt worse, but we shall see. Very nice Runs Mary Smile I am just the opposite...I love night time running more than in the mornings because I feel much looser and recovered later in the day. Did my mid week long run last night with 1000 M on the track last night. Boy was it hot out...94 degrees - sunny - no wind - 87% humidity....just the way I like it Roll eyes 11.4 miles - 1:35 - 8:20 ave pace. Did a whole lot better slowing down on my 1000 M repeats as I am getting more serious about my Marathon coming up in about 8 short weeks. Planned times and paces - 4:30 7:15 pace 4:29 - 7:13 pace 4:24 - 7:05 pace 4:29 - 7:13 pace 4:29 - 7:13 pace 4:32 - 7:17 pace 4:29 - 7:13 pace Very good workout, but my heel was hurting a little running home from the track, so I Will have to keep an eye on that. Cut my run a few miles short as I was seeing thunder and lightening in the distance...barely made it home in time. Wow, summer just flew by, and it was depressing to see the pool where I live already drained and the furniture and umbrellas put up Sad But will admit it will be better finishing my training cycle in cooler weather. Need to get some work done. Hope all have good runs and such today Smile Tim Oh yeah, I think Denise may have had the post of the day yesterday.... "nothing for me tuesday except a 4 hour nap, school shopping a meeting from 7-9 then for some stupid reason i stayed up too late on the computer and then read so was not in any shape for a morning run after my youngestt son went off on his first day of h.s. like i hoped.........nope back to bed for some catch up sleep however -- i did get out around noonish and was cursing myself because it was much hotter then than it would have been at 7 am -- oh well -- i did say i like heat and humidity right???? so did 10 miles today ....... for some reason on the 4th mile i was having a melt down - shouldn't have been because my 1st 3 miles were consistent for me 9:34, 9:34, 9:38 - but then my head started playing mind games - i started walking - then was asking myself why i run??? i'm not fast, i'll never be fast, i can't put in the mileage a lot of people here put in ........... but then i regrouped and said -- you run because YOU LOVE IT!! i do love it - i love being outside enjoying the surroundings and even when i have to run indoors i enjoy the time on the treadmill (well if i don't have to do more than 6 miles that is) so what if i need to walk sometimes and so what if i never run fast - i love it and as long as God gives me the ability to stay out there i will - even if i walk at there it is 10 miles in 1:45:51 -- total avg pace of 10:35 -- pretty darn respectable for this old gal if i do say so myself -- lol"

        Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

          Good Morning all! Nice running Lou, Mary and great intervals Tim---watch the heel now! More humidity here and some fog as well. Out at 5:30 AM for a 12.4 miler with 8 at MP. The whole run came in at 1:39:28 with the 8 mile workout piece at 1:01:17. Busy day today....Super Granny has to get to the lab for some routine blood work and then we signed up for a Story Corps interview (their van is at the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, MA). That will be exciting and maybe we'll make it to NPR. Stay tuned. Lots of work and then off to Dayton this afternoon. See you tomorrow Holly! Karin/CNYrunner That was a great post from Denise. Thanks!
            Good morning all. A nice easy 3.25 mile recovery run today. I felt OK. I'd appreciate it if everyone would tell Ike to stay the h*ll away. Bill

            "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


              Trying something new this week. I did my long run today (13 miles) instead of on Saturday. The last few Saturdays have been tough because I spend a lot of time watching the granddaughter. She is still too young to sit up or do much on her own so there is a lot of carrying involved. I'm not usually in a good mood to do that right after running long. Now I can sit quietly at my desk and work all day and Saturday I will hopefully be able to do what I need with a better attitude.



                Good morning, all! Lou - nice 9 miles in spite of the humidity! Mary - glad you made it back before the rain started. Nice run! Tim - nice run in that awful heat! Karin - safe travels! Good run this morning! I'm hoping we're just having a brief blip in the humidity - I sure felt the difference this morning. I had planned to do a couple miles warmup and 5 miles @ 9:00 pace, but I couldn't quite do it. Ended up with 7 miles @ 9:30 average pace and 160 average HR. Good runs to all!

                Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                Hill Runner

                  Good morning everyone... Who turned off the lights this morning. It was so dark that I didn't see another walker until we were about 30 feet away...geeezz. I can't wait until the clocks go back... 10.16 miles of hills @ 9:24 pace today for me...nice run. (((Steve))) (((SR))) Good runs to all today!

                  Upcoming Races:

                  Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                  Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                  Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                  Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                    Now I can sit quietly at my desk and work all day and Saturday I will hopefully be able to do what I need with a better attitude.
                    Are you going to need a wake up call later on Dave? Good job getting 13 in on a week day!! Thanks for re-posting Denise's post from yesterday Tim. That really does say it all and I agree with her whole heartedly. I forgot to mention that I closed myself in DD#2's empty bedroom (away from the dogs) this morning to do my 300 crunches and 50 pushups. Boy I can sure feel that I haven't been doing my crunches for a while. Undecided


                    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                      5.1 miles @ 8:19; warm and humid. First day back from a week-long change of venue. (I worked, but from a cabin in a state park, while DW attended a nearby conference.) That meant a week of trail runs, which was a nice change. No speed work; just tried to stay upright with all the roots and rocks. (Lift those feet!) Only one fall with no real damage but I would have received a nice score if dirt-diving was an Olympic event (which it shouldn't be). I had a nice 6-8 mile loop (depending on the route) around a small lake and about triple my usual elevation change, with cool weather. Did a triple loop 18-miler on the weekend and took a 9-mile day hike on a gorgeous nearby trail. (For some reason I can’t get a satellite image from Sportracks.) I’m lost on the news here and in the broader world. Example: Who the heck is Ike and why is he bugging Brueger? And did I hear something about CNYrunner being VP?

                      Be safe. Be kind.


                        Sopftball report...well, we got knocked out last night in the city tournament...9-6..we hung in there but still lost..ended up 4th in the tourney, a big improvement over our regular season performance, but still 4th. We have lots of senior games to play...last year we had games almost up to Thanksgiving. Karin:
                        torso still, arms pumping, shoulders low, feet striking at mid-foot or better.
                        So THAT'S what I'm doing wrong.. Tammy: Great 8-miler...welcome back. Breger:
                        Don't go near Tallahassee. It is a long way from Ft.L. And FSU is there so I'd have to not talk to you anymore. (DS is a Gator.)
                        Bill, you might appreciate this...when #1 son was at UF, he was home one summer & some of my friends were over the house. One asked him "Where you goin' to school, Mitchell?" "Florida." "Is that the one in Tallahassee?"...and Mitchell said "No, I already know how to read". Denise:
                        so there it is 10 miles in 1:45:51 -- total avg pace of 10:35 -- pretty darn respectable for this old gal if i do say so myself
                        Absolutely! Well done... Ribs:
                        Ecce Macdonaldus Senex, qui fundum habet. Et in hoc fundo, nonullas boves domesticas habet. Cum moo moo hic, cum moo moo ibi. Hic una moo, ibi una moo, ubique una moo moo.
                        Beach Boys, right? I usually don't run on Thursday but we have a double-header Saturday on the road so I went out this morning. 4.1 miles on a tough course...37:17 (9:06), 17 seconds faster than the last time on this course. I'd love to sneak under the 9:00 pace..would do a lot for my ego and possibly give me a good shot at a sub-50 10K in October. DickyG

                          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                            Hey! Tramps is back...welcome back. You ain't gonna believe what's going on around here. For example.... DickyG
                              5 mile progression run this morning...avg 7:52 pace... DD#1 entered middle school last week...she already doesn't like getting up earlier Roll eyes
                              Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

                                Morning everyone. Darn near fall like weather here after 90s and high humidity earlier in the week. 7 miles this morning at a 10:02 pace (I'm okay with that Undecided). On Tuesday, it was 93F with high humidity here. Our classrooms are not air conditioned, and when I went into one of them to deliver some papers to a teacher, it was like an oven in there! I asked him how he was keeping his math students awake, and he said "when I bend over to help them, the sweat dripping off my forehead wakes them up!" I know he was just joking, but TMI!! Some great long runs this morning. Dave - you're a wonderful grandfather. I hope you know that! I have to say I was impressed with Pallin's speach last night. She looked poised and confident. Her joke about the difference between pit bulls and hockey moms made me laugh (the only difference is hockey moms wear lipstick!) Enjoy your Thursday, everyone. Jeanne