Masters Running


Thur Sept 4 Runs and workouts (Read 444 times)


    Meh, CNYrunner can do the VP thing. I'm a little busy these days. Tramps, that's funny. Same thing would apply to soccer moms I guess. Nice running on the trails while you were gone. Welcome to my running this past month... I did fall on that rooty Equinox trail... at mile 19.5 of a 23 miler and I landed hard. Almost like a car accident though... thought I was fine, was concerned about my knee (point of first impact), but it's just bruised. My left shoulder is really sore now a couple days later, and I can feel it in my deltoid and trapezius (sp?) on that side. Those trails should teach you to pick your feet up and place carefully, but at that point in the run it's easy to get sloppy. Dark Horse, it's not you. And it starts way before high school. I was just stunned at what some of the girls were wearing in middle school. They really push the envelope on that dress code... I do find it odd that the boys wear the saggy baggy pants, loose shirts over t-shirts, etc... and the girls wear stuff that looks painted on. Tim and Carolyn, I'm with you on the evening running... I feel so much better after I've been up for awhile. But fitting in a run before I go to work is just hard. But I did it today. Was up at 4:50 and out the door by 5 a.m. for 8 hilly miles that felt really really hard. I was hungry, and really missed my coffee... and thirsty by mile 4. Legs had no sproink and I had to take several 30 second walk breaks on the steep parts. 8:46 avg pace on a route I usually do in 8:20 easily. Bleh. Glad that's over.

    Marathon Maniac #3309

      Tim and Carolyn, I'm with you on the evening running... I feel so much better after I've been up for awhile. But fitting in a run before I go to work is just hard. But I did it today. Was up at 4:50 and out the door by 5 a.m. for 8 hilly miles that felt really really hard. I was hungry, and really missed my coffee... and thirsty by mile 4. Legs had no sproink and I had to take several 30 second walk breaks on the steep parts. 8:46 avg pace on a route I usually do in 8:20 easily. Bleh. Glad that's over.
      Yeah, and all races are in the mornings....except for your 10:00 PM 10k Smile. I really don't know how much faster I could run a late day race, but it would be quite faster (your run this morning is a good example). I probably need to start getting up and running in the early mornings to get used to it before my Marathon....but I already get to work at around 5 to 6 AM. Tim

      Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


        Hi everyone Smile just found a few minutes to read today's thread. glad you're back Tramps. TW, are those garage runs? where are all these weights stashed? DH, I'm so glad you found that job. Sweet what you did for Dark Mare. Happy 50th to her. .... nobody's going to call him on that last comment? Dave, I think that your change in plans was a great idea. & very thoughtful of you. hope if works well for you. Enke, hope you're over this soon. Perch. heal fast. Carolyn & Tall, hope your problems are short-lived. for me, yesterday, just cross training. Verstegen's prehab, a runner's 'daily dozen', & explosive running exercises. I need new names for all of those. maybe i'll just say I cross trained. today was at the gym again, a brief walk, movement prep (active stretching) 4.35 (?) mile run, 9:42 average pace. 168 ahr. then weight machines, stability ball & stretches. back to work. happy days.
          Tramps welcome back! Great last post! BTW, did you hear the one about . . . Wink Tallrunner see my post yesterday about getting hurt. It happens even to those under the constant watch of a battery of coaches. Sorry it happened to you just now but I really would not be too hard on yourself for it. Sometimes things just go wrong. [Editor: Tallrunner it should be 100%, not the other way round. Twocat: Hay you are only allowed to bug me! Editor: Maybe you missed what my title is? Twocat: Hmm . . . good point.] perchcreek I am happy to see somebody else who may be a fellow fan of observing the process and people's reactions and perhaps less interested in what the politicians are saying. I never did see any of the DNC and I am on track to not see any of the RNC! But, I am totally mesmerized by the next day analysis. wildchild nice race! Glad to hear the ankle is ok. Good luck in your 10K. enkephalin getting sick really is a drag. I hope the bug departs in the near future. TammyinGP hope you do well in your 10K and even surprise yourself with a better time then you think you will pull out! Teresadfp HM training is tough on a lot of people! If this is her first, I am not surprised that she is struggling to figure things out like you have to drink a lot of water and best of all eat a lot of carbs! Spareribs if you keep this up soon you will be walking your way into the 40/40 thread! Twocat 7 miles this morning with some friends. My plan is to head back out in a few hours for 9 miles with some intervals thrown in. Why this crazy schedule? A combination of work and weather. I have to go to a business dinner tonight and it involves a really good local steak house! So, . . . I basically want to be able to eat! Blush Then, I want tomorrow off in case it does not rain on Saturday and I can run the local HM. But since rain on Saturday seems like almost a sure bet at the moment I am figuring I will bail on the race which means no running Saturday either. Of course, a much more sensible plan would be to do the 9 miles and intervals tomorrow but nobody every accused me of being all that sensible! Well, perhaps sensible enough to bag the intevals today if I feel like I am not up to it after a half day of recovery. But, I have this relay race next week and it seems like running three legs in that is sort of like doing three speedwork sessions all within about 24 hours so maybe this plan of mine for today is not so crazy? Where are those alien advisers that speak directly into my head when I need them? Hello mars, hello . . . Big grin

          Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

          Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


            Good afternoon Sarah Palin put me into a deep sleep so I could not get up on time to run this morning... I considered a rest day but then decided to go over to the Y. It is 88 degrees and a bit humid so I opted for the TM and did a light progression run. 2 miles @ 8:19, 1 mile at 7:53, 2 miles at 7:35, 1 mile at 7:08 and 1 mile very slow cool down. 7 total. Also did some stretching, light abs and my first day of the 100 push up challenge. I did 15 on my test the other day, ended up with 44 today: 10, 10, 8, 6 and 7. I doubt I will stick to the program exactly but every little bit helps. easy runs the next couple of days then another long one Sunday.
              Happy Birthday to Dark Mare! DH says she is catching up and I am guessing she has always been a step ahead.
              CNY, No kidding. She is usually quiet but comes out with a zinger now and then. Let me tell you how she got me to commit 19 years ago. We had been dating for several months, and I knew she wanted the relationship to go somewhere because she was that kind of woman and we were both 30 years old and not getting any younger, but she had put no pressure on me at all. One day we were walking through Harvard Square and I proudly showed her the chess tables where I used to hang out and play for hours. She gazed for a while at the row of obsessed chessplayers hunched over their games, then turned to me and commented simply, "There are a lot of eccentric older men here." That was all she said. As we walked away, the uncomfortable question suddenly flashed on me: is that what I am becoming? An eccentric older man? And I realized: hmm, maybe I better move on with my life and take the next step. Dark Horse
              I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

              Marathon Maniac #3309

                Holly - Karin, what time are you two running in the morning? I want to be sneaky and run behind you guys, and hear what you talk about Roll eyes Have a great time...and watch out for those strange steps behind you, and in the bushes Big grin Tim

                Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                  Have a great time...and watch out for those strange steps behind you, and in the bushes.
                  Tim the stalker? Hmmm.... I had to scout out and measure the mileage on some routes for a bicycling event that our trail group is putting on in a couple of weeks. So I put a bit over 31 miles on my trail bike this morning at a decent pace. I've got a busy few days coming up (aren't I supposed to be retired?), so am not sure when I'll get out for a run again. I hope the rest of you get some good miles in!

                  Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                  "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                    I'm so liking Dare Mare! Happiest of B-days to her. I love the eccentric old men line--and can visuallize it, as I have been there many times--I do like watching the speed games. And I love getting flowers at work--one of my cats thinks he is a gardener (when he isn't fancying himself a chef) and always wants to smell the roses. And as for the Sox, I have to say, with Pedey, all things are possible. Big grin He went 3 for 4 yesterday. And finally, yes, girls today dress abysmally. Tongue One day in court, a judge told one to pull up her pants. Of course, boys also sling their pants too low. As for the other items of apparel, they are generally too tight and/or small. 6 easy miles for me--cool weather, 8:20 pace. grins, A
                    Masters 2000 miles
                      happy thursday everyone!! thanks so much for the kind words about my post yesterday, i just needed to remind myself why i'm out there -- glad it could help others too DH- happy birthday to dark mare -- and i agree about the clothes -- drives me crazy!! perch - hope your leg is healing holly - enjoy your run with CNYrunner - and karin cool about you and supergranny being interviewed tall - hope your feel better by race time politics - hmmmmmmmm - so hard to believe any of them seems to be a common sentiment -- i really wish they would just put an end to bashing their opponents and tell us what they really believe they can do and how they are going to accomplish it today - just some abs, pushups (the girlie kind) and some light stretching -- spent most of the day with my mom visiting my dear old uncle in the hospital and then over to my aunt's house (his wife) to spend some time with her --- so sad to see this wonderful old couple failing -- i wish the end could be easier Sad


                        Uh, DH -- Are you saying that you are not an eccentric older man? Before you answer, don't forget that I've met you. And please give Dark Mare our birthday wishes.

                        Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                          Holly - Karin, what time are you two running in the morning? I want to be sneaky and run behind you guys, and hear what you talk about Roll eyes Have a great time...and watch out for those strange steps behind you, and in the bushes Big grin Tim
                          I want to be part of the group. Then after the run, we could wind up the karioke machine and pretend we're the Supremes. (I know a lot of the Mary/Flo/Cindy moves.) grins, A
                          Masters 2000 miles
                            Thursday - 8.04 miles - 1:04:01 (7:57) - this was a scheduled 6 x 1 mile day but with the temp at 92 and 46 % humidity I figured I would cut it back a bit. So I ran 1 mile warm up - 8:20 - then I did 5 miles at mp - 7:44 - 7:39 - 7:39 - 7:38 - 7:38 - 2 miles cool down - 8:09 - 8:47 - :05 whew this was a hot one! Tongue
                              Why are race photos always so wretched? If anyone can click the shutter during the microsecond both my feet are off the ground I'd give them 100 bucks. They seem to be able to catch the instant my foot hits the ground at maximum impact and all that loose 44 yr old skin goes south, looking like I am already starting to decompose, while miraculously I am actually still alive.

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                                enke, thanks a lot for reminding me but you are a gorgeous swan in your white singlet compared to mine looking just like I felt, an old iceberg slowing disintegrating away on the way to the sea. I wish I had a picture of how much you cheered me up seeing you at the finish.

                                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
