Masters Running


Monday May 5th Daily Run and Fun (Read 483 times)


    Good afternoon, Good luck with the surgery BTB. And wishes for a speedy recovery. 4 miles this morning, it was a beautiful morning. Mike

      Welcome to Monday all! A BIG TIME congrats to all our awesome racers this weekend! I'll get caught up with you all at some point! You all are my heros! Vista- it's always good to have you start us off. YOu said you DROVE between dinners? 1/4 mile? Come on! Have a great starry run tonight. Holly- Moving day! You sure know how to recover from marathons! Sheesh. Congrats and good luck, watch your back carrying those boxes! That was some story about what happened at the Pig! CNY- I'm amazed that you actually took time out of your drive to stop and stretch. How's that for dedication? perch- I'll bet the legs were just a bit wobbly for your run. hopeful4ever- sorry to hear about your back. Sad Have you tried ice or heat on it, and some gentle stretching? I hope all is AOK for this weekend for you. stumpy- I need some of those awesome muffins of yours to aid in my recovery. PeterNC- summer already? WHat happened to spring? Good running today! Roy- sounds like you're hanging in there Roy! Continued good vibes heading your way that the body hold together. Rochrunner- Like with Roy, it sounds like you are hanging in there as well, making steady progress. Keep doing what you're doing! dg- I was hoping your run would go ok, and it sounds like it did. Please be careful. Your drive home sounded pretty cool! You painted a good enough picture with your words. Twocat- It's good to see you posting about runs again. what airline did you book to Missoula? Tallrunner- Life sounds good for you! Smile SueT- treadmill? Yuk! Why? Are those peepers outside too noisy for you in the AM? tomwhite- keep at it. This crosstraining will pay off when it comes time to run again. lyndenrunner- forget the diet, just run more! Wink Mariposai- I need to get to your race report still! Can't wait! How about a nice easy walk, instead of doing nothing? Just to get some blood moving? Thank you for that history lesson as well. Ribs- Congrats on the 10 miler! That's fantastic! How come your recovery wasn't the usual 3.3 miles? Aamos- funny about going to colorado to escape the snow! So what were you doing there anyway? Spill it! TomS- I'm glad the knee and hamstring held up. Usually it's your hip that bothers you. Is this new? Jeanne- You'd better be sorry for that one! Wink Teresa- you're becoming quite the celebrity! Evanflein- good thing Holly didn't mess up Boston for us all! Wink And who in their right mind would pass up an opportunity to run with you? Roger is a lucky guy. Tammy- wear your sore legs proudly! Those were 13.1 hard earned miles in many ways! anachrotech- Keep those joints moving. It's good for them and for the head. MrWhite- I'm glad you had a good run. Although I'm longing for more details. What made it so beautiful? Thanks everyone for the well wishes. You have all once again left me watery eyed. I'm back at work, and have to keep shooing everyone away from my desk because they want to see my ankle. My whole lower leg has that ugly yellowish tinge from the betadine or whatever it is they smear on you. Other than that there's nothing to see other than some bandages with some stuff oozing through them. Things went well. It was actually a very fun experience. I met some really nice people. In pre-op, I was in the room with this huge, burly, deep gravely voiced, snake and dragon tatooed guy. I asked him what he was in for. Wink He was having carpal tunnel surgery and said he was nervous. Turns out his doctor was the one that did my knee, so I reassured him that he was in good hands. Then I got his life story about how he has always worked since he was 15 years old, and now 30 years later he has been without work for a year and feels like such a failure. The guy broke down on me. He was just a big kitten in disguise. You sure can't judge a book by it's cover. The hospital staff were all excellent and friendly. When I finally got wheeled down to the O/R, while parked in the hallway on my gurney, the doctor who did my knee surgery came out to say hi. He said he saw my name on the list and wanted to come see what was up. So we played catchup there. His son is an awesome XTerra triathlete, so I got the lowdown on him. Then when in the O/R, one of the technicians says "I know you. You graduated high school in the class of '80. I'm from the class of '82." Then she proceeded to introduce me to the other two technicians who were also graduates from the same high school as me, just one year apart in either direction. So we spent the entire surgery time playing catchup from the past 25 or so years. That was a lot of fun! It sure helped to pass the time. The surgery itself went ok, although it was a little more complicated than the surgeon thought it would be. There was a hard, gel-like sac in there, he called it a cyst like lump, that he took out. But it was surrounded by a lot of hard fibrous tissues, so that made it a little more tricky. That stuff had to be carefully picked out, since it was right on my tendon. At one point, he cut into something that somehow the antithesia missed. HOO-BOY, that sent sparks flying. On discharge, I was told to use pain as a common sense guide as to how much to do. Evil grin That's trouble! Common sense doesn't usually exist in too many runners. He said to be safe, refrain from doing too much for the next 3-4 days at least. Define "too much". Smile I'll be good, I promise. Thank you again, everyone... Smile I really do appreciate you all. Enjoy the rest of your Monday!
        BOB?????? why are you at work???????? you should be home resting!! i was thinking of you so much today - glad to hear things went well except for that little spot the anesthesia missed - youchie!! please rest and be good to yourself!! you so deserve it!! and i'm just going to say DITTO to everything Bob said - wish i could write a note for everyone!! i need to get moving and get ready for work - would so love to play hookey today - finally a beautiful sunny warm day here in mass. trying to get back out there but not sure i'm quite ready -- followed the rehab program recommended in another thread so this is what my day looked like: 10 min walk 5 min run 5 min walk 5 min run 5 min walk.........totalled 2.34 miles still felt twingy in the buttocks - so frustrating then took my bike out for a 10 minute spin -- needs air in the tires now need to go do some PT exercises and get ready for work -- will take some motrin to ward off inflammation and try to ice at work if it's not crazy!! HAVE A WONDERFUL MONDAY FRIENDS!!




          Btb, glad to hear the surgery went so well. Promise you'll take it easy for a few days, as directed! (Why are runners so stubborn and so pain-tolerant?) And why are you back at work after surgery? Holly, good luck tomorrow with the big move! Moving sucks, but being in a new house is so exciting at the same time. Twocat, Missoula is beautiful. Glad that you decided to go for it, and book plane tickets! Denise, so glad to hear you're back to running a little. Speedy recovery. I've been enjoying all the race reports - seems like racing season has really started now! It's too hot for lunchtime runs, so I'm planning to leave early and do a trail run in the state park near home, in the nice coooool mountains! On the layoff front, I got some good news today. I had been offered 6 weeks severance pay, but I met with a lawyer and she suggested I ask for more. I've been with the company for 18 years, so I asked for 18 weeks. I didn't really expect they would go for it, but they upped the offer to 9 weeks. Just goes to show, it never hurts to ask.

          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

            OK, how much does Jlynne get fined for that story---or do I, for reading along and being taken in until the punch line Shocked? deez, too bad you and btb can't recuperate and rehab together, because I'm sure he needs someone at every minute to keep an eye on him so he doesn't go running some 10 miler tomorrow! Roll eyes [yes, and Ribs, what about your 10 miler? That sort of came up rather suddenly! Good deal, good for you!] be careful, Bob, please. (Say, were the medicos able to do anything about the cootie issue?)
            Masters 2000 miles

            i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

              btb... so glad it went well. "Now (in a stern voice) NO running for a bit!"

              Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

              King of PhotoShop

                Who else noticed this line from btb's post? "Things went well. It was actually a very fun experience." He's the only one I know who could have said that. Bob, seriously, unless the doctor was referring to movement that allows some flexibility to the area, there are no reasons to run and several reasons why not to run. I hope you won't do anything unwise. It's for your own good. Also, you picked up on the OC order of my brain with the 3.3 question. Here it is. My week is 30 miles planned. My track is 1.1 miles. Yesterday I did a ten-miler, so I need 20 for the rest of the week. Today was recovery day, so I did 3.5, adding 2/10's of a mile to my run. Why? Because the rest of the week will be: off day, 4.4, 4.4, 4.4 and end on Saturday with a 3.3, all nice and even. Good luck Bob. Aamos, I have been adding one mile a week to my "long run". Four weeks ago it was six miles, so now I am up to ten. I won't go beyond 14 miles, or two hours however, since I am not marathon training. Thanks for noticing. Spareribs

                  I am glad to hear that your surgery went well btb. You must live in a small town where people still knows each other fairly well and can still meet up 25 years later. Now, please REST (hey, you can even get one butterfly hug per day of rest). Thanks for the summary, I sure miss it when it does not happen (no presure here Big grin

                  "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                    and end on Saturday with a 3.3, all nice and even.
                    This reminds me of an old Steven Wright joke: I got into an argument at the roulette table over what I consider to be an odd number. Happy even running Spareribs!
                      No run for me today but I had to stop in and see how Bob was. Sounds like you went to a party or something. Take it easy and do as your told and hopefully you will be better than ever. Good luck Larry

                      Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down


                      One day at a time

                        Glad you're doing well, btb! You and I graduated from high school the same year. Do you remember the song "My Sharona" from 1980? Our class got in trouble when it was our turn to run the weekly pep rally - we played that song over and over and over.. And a kid put a minnow in a blender and then ate it ("Minnowmatic" skit). The good old days!

                          BOB?????? why are you at work????????
                          Well, that's what I was wondering, too! Listen to nurse Denise and behave yourself! Honestly though, you would be the one to find a party everywhere you go, even to the O.R! Rest up and get better soon. Oh, and thanks so much for posting that Amy update a couple days ago. She is such a darling, I really hope things turn out well for her. Geez, good to know Spareribs isn't the least bit anal or anything, ya know? Carolyn, congratulations on the increased offer! Women frequently get the short end on a lot of these things (pay, severance, perks, etc) because they take what's offered and don't ask for more. Thanks for letting us know that it really does work! Getting ready to go watch the first soccer game of the season, finally! Then the boys and I are on our own for the rest of the week cuz DH is heading to Denver for meetings. We have a friend coming up from Anchorage to stay with us Friday and Saturday when she's here for board meetings, so will have some more house cleaning to do. But it'll be fun to see her and her 6 month old baby who will be coming up too! Haven't had a baby in the house for oh.... over 12 years!
                            ....btb//.......if that was FUN, I'd hate to see something that you thought WASN'T ======== .......roy//......ok, Dr Bookspan emailed me back, (she wants to do another article on me---NOT THIS TIME) gonna see if I can get some tips and let you know..... ....Be A Brave Little Soldier......try this one til I hear from her......

                            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                            King of PhotoShop

                              This reminds me of an old Steven Wright joke: I got into an argument at the roulette table over what I consider to be an odd number. Happy even running Spareribs!
                              You just have the best sense of humor. It's why we miss you when you don't post. My wife and I love Steven Wright. One of my favorites was: "I have a huge collection of seashells, which I keep on beaches all over the world." Spareribs
                                Tonight was my third 5-mile speedwork session on the 9-week plan for the 5K in June and the first time I actually accomplished what I set out to do. Smile Ran 1 mile at glacial pace, then 4 x 800 repeats at race pace with 400 walks in between. (OK, so I shoulda been jogging in between, so sue me!) Finished with 1 mile at slightly below glacial pace. The first time I tried this, three weeks ago, I could only sustain race pace for 1/4 mile, not 1/2. And my allergies have been miserable all day, so it feels like even more of an accomplishment. Last week, I didn't even try speedwork, since it was my first time on the monstrous hills at Valley Forge. Tonight, I'm hooked - fast is definitely fun. I felt strongest in the third repeat of the 800 at race pace. Legs felt entirely like rubber by the fourth one. btb - glad to hear surgery went well. Mike - sounds like you're getting back in the swing of things, runningwise - glad to hear that, too Have a meeting tomorrow evening (that's for fun, NOT work), so it's a rest day for moi. Eliz

