Masters Running


HEY...TIMBO !! (Read 858 times)


    Good Question Tim.


    What time am I shooting for?  Answer: Something faster than yours !




    Honestly...I don't have a specific time goal. Here's the best answer I can give.


    When I come across that finish line I want two things.


    1). A BQ finishing time.

    2). A time that taxes my fitness other words, the best I got. When I look at the clock I want to say..."Damn! I didn't know I had it me! Friggen Ehh!"


    I know what I think I can run...I want to better than that.


    And for future smack talk...Do you think you can come up with something a little more creative than the cliche's you would expect to hear from the palyground kids?


      Hey, you too... you could also run the race hand in hand singing kumbaya.....Big grin

      Marathon Maniac #3309

        I have to admit something Slo, and I feel kinda bad about it too. You mentioned how you were going to be running off my right shoulder till mile 23, then "try" and take off.....sounds good in theory I suppose..... in Cartoon Land. I bet you watch a lot of cartoons don't ya - it's just you have a lot of imaginary thoughts


        But I got to thinking.....being the nice guy I am,


        You said you want a break thru, gotta love that, so I have totally changed my mind. You're more than welcome to "try" and run off my right shoulder all you want to - really. But I will tell you and everyone here............I have a lofty goal in my mind that I am fully capable of I'm not telling anyone (well, maybe somebody)


        So Brother, if you want the break thru Marathon of your life.............stay on my right shoulder AND ENJOY THE RIDE !


        And my Friend WILL see the best I have !


        BTW.....You don't puke easy do you..........Ya know, you running behind me and all !


        No smack - Just fact !



        Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

        Marathon Maniac #957


          BTW.....You don't puke easy do you..........Ya know, you running behind me and all !




          This makes me think of when I ran my first AF Marathon.  I tried to stay right off the shoulder of the pace group leader.  He kept wiping his sweaty face and flicking it backward, hitting me with the spray of sweat.  Dead   It kind of grossed me out, but not enough to make me let go.  Marathons are a messy business....

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."



            yum ..... popcorn!  Big grin

            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.



              BTW.....You don't puke easy do you..........Ya know, you running behind me and all !



              Hmmm...Maybe your right. Ya know...with the smell and all.


              It could be enough to make one puke.


              Kinda like all the $h!t your spreading right now. Maybe I should rethink my strategy...take the lead and just let it stretch out from there.


                yum ..... popcorn!  Big grin



                although, suddenly it's smelling quite rank here. . .


                Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo


                  I'll share!! 


                  "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                  It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                  Marathon Maniac #3309


                    Kinda like all the $h!t your spreading right now. Maybe I should rethink my strategy...take the lead and just let it stretch out from there.

                    No $h!t here..............all legit


                    You can take off all you want will start too fast and blow up anyways. But I will tell you get a lead on me, I promise....I WILL chase you down ! (you have no idea how stubborn and persistent I am......and have a  very fast closing speed)


                    No fancy cliché's or playground talk here - although I was just trying to communicate on your level


                    Is it have you Big Boy Pants on now


                    Smells like fresh Daisies in here.....



                    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                      Is it have you Big Boy Pants on now



                      This coming from the "guy" who wears capris! Big grin


                      It's all good Tim.


                      This I can guarantee...You won't know if you should run me down or run to stay ahead. I'll control this race. 


                      The Hunter...or the Hunted. You pick, but don't be suprised if the game changes. The hunter becoming the hunted. You'll be guessing...I guarentee.


                      When you talk about stubburness and persistance you're already admitting defeat. An attempted come from behind victory. You're no Rod Dixon and this ain't New York City. This is Green Bay, Titletown. My Town.


                      Yea Buddy !


                      Damn, makes me want to go out and run !

                      Marathon Maniac #3309

                        This coming from the "guy" who wears capris! Big grin


                        It's all good Tim.


                        This I can guarantee...You won't know if you should run me down or run to stay ahead. I'll control this race. 


                        The Hunter...or the Hunted. You pick, but don't be suprised if the game changes. The hunter becoming the hunted. You'll be guessing...I guarentee.


                        When you talk about stubburness and persistance you're already admitting defeat. An attempted come from behind victory. You're no Rod Dixon and this ain't New York City. This is Green Bay, Titletown. My Town.


                        Yea Buddy !


                        Damn, makes me want to go out and run !

                        I'll give you the Carpis comment - but they are actually leg warmers


                        Me playin' cat and mouse with you.............not gonna happen - sorry (no way)


                        I have a goal time - pace pretty much figured out (quicker than you dude) For me, I'm locking into my "cruise control" pace, and nothing is going to distract me from that.  The clearest path to victory involves figuring out a plan and sticking to it, regardless of what happens along the way.....and YOU are NOT gonna happen to ME along the way !


                        Admitting defeat.................??????


                        I said I would chase you down if you get a lead.....not try


                        Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                          ....and YOU are NOT gonna happen to ME along the way !



                          Oh, I'll be in your head. At the start, along the way and as you cross the finish. You should hope this will be a close race.  At least you'll know you'll have eat your words instead of just wondering.


                          Here's a thought for you come across a late water station and look down to see all those empty cups on the ground. One of them will be mine...but how long has it been there.

                          Marathon Maniac #3309

                            but how long has it been there.



                            Doesn't matter........I can't say I've ever tried playin'  "MacGyver" with empty water cups before  Confused 


                            Steady pace - time = free beer from you (and the freaking race of your life, if you follow)


                  's really simple



                            Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                              Am I going to have to separate you guys the night you have dinner at my house? Put Slo on one side of the room and Tim on the other?  The Cellcom is full - both the marathon and the half marathon. If I'm not up and running by then, wouldn't someone here really like my bib # to see how this all plays out? Let the smack-off continue Big grin

                              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                                private message to jeanne.  send me your USPS mailing address so I can forward some ingrediants to put in Tim's beverages when the smackathon comes to your house. Tell him they are Japanese vitamins or something but DO NOT give to SLO. thanks. 


                                ps - admnister about 1/4 the dosage I was going to give him at the Rock'n'Roll, .

                                . . unless you decide to run <<<(yes/yes)>>> and want to beat him too. Smile.

                                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
