Masters Running


Sunday 9/18 runs and whatever (Read 444 times)



    Good morning!  Everyone must be out running (or sleeping late) on this beautiful Sunday.  Enjoy the day!


    I'm waiting till it warms up a bit before I head out for a long trail run.  It's only 42 at almost 9 am. Supposed to hit 60 today, though.

    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


      Good morning!  Everyone must be out running (or sleeping late) -- or at work Sad -- on this beautiful  rainy Sunday.  Enjoy the day!






      I got out for a run that was just shy of 13 miles. Somewhat sluggish. Glad I got the grass mowed last night cause it sure aint looking like it was going to get done today.

        Sleeping late for me, Carolyn!  42 is fine running weather; why wait?!


        Rest day, but I needed to check in on the racers.

        Did you notice how many folks nailed 1st place yesterday?  AG…Masters…etc.  Good bunch of runners!


        I forgot to mention a funny moment at yesteday’s race.  About 2.5 miles in, I catch up to and slowly pass a young 20-something.  He looks at me and says, “Good work….sir.”   Sir?!  Ouch. Black eye   Isn’t that polite-speak for “old guy”?


        Erika—congrats on the course PR!  And 1st!

        Ribs—I know it wasn’t quite what you’d hoped still but “still”  1st AG and a solid race! Congrats.  But you and Prime Rib need to get a few pizzas and beers in you; you’re skin and bones. Wink

        CNY—another awesome race!  Yowsa!  And 1st masters; 3rd OA!

        Holly—Great race and congrats to your DH!

        Paul—bummer about the course markings.

        Derrick—5 minute improvement on a 10K?  Nice job.


        Mike—nice pics again!


        Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

        Be safe. Be kind.

        King of PhotoShop

          Tramps, I had that happen to me so many times in the second half of yesterday's race because of the negative split. I was passing lots of people and several of them commented on the age/speed subject.  I have to admit I found it all very flattering, but then I am way older than you.


          1.6 miles walking at Andy Brown Park on the dirt with Lucy von Sheltie.  People who regularly run at the park were surprised to see me walking a dog there and said so. "Why are you walking today?"  "I didn't know you had a dog." 


          Orange attire today.   Spareribs

            Good morning,  Perfect running morning here, 48 sunny slight breeze in the face on the uphill.  5 figure 8 loops around the neighborhood for 6.2 easy paced miles.    Garmin was acting up again. 1st loop should 1.3 miles garmin when I looked it said 2.17 miles but was stopped at 46 seconds?

            pace read 12:31?  I turned it off then on & it worked fine after that.  


            Ribs lookin lean & mean, nice racing

            Holly congrats on getting DH out there on the course.   

            Ericka nice run, congrats on AG 1st.  

            Tramps I'd take the "Sir" comment as a sign of respect.  

            CNY you never cease to amaze us with racing results.  


            Yesterdays manure pile incident, I can't figure out they why moved the pile 20ft from the east side of the trail about 60-70 foot from the horse barn across the trail to the westside 10 feet from the trail and 100 foot from the barn so now it will be up wind to the trail most of the time (thanks for that).   The trail splints the large horse farm in half corral and house west of the trail, barn and pasture east of the trail.   


            Have a Great Day!!! 

            Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.

              Beautiful day here in Western, MA---ran 21.9 miles with iron J this morning and chattered the whole way. She was first in the 40-49 age group at a 5 miler yesterday too (CT). We were both a bit stiff legged at first and then got roling along--8:17 pace overall and a fun run. Heading to CA later today, so nice to have all the miles in before the plane ride. 


              Lots of great racing news from yesterday and whether goals were ht right on or not---excellent results all around. As Tramps noted, lots of race prizes earned by this group. Awesome!


              See you in Hartford Sarge!


              Sorry about the rainy day and being at work Slo!

                Karin, I think you're on to something about hitting goals right on.  I had a thought this morning, inspired by our study of Philip Yancey's book at church, that some of us train due to need for control, myself especially.  I think, if I run at race pace, I will race at that pace, when the reality of a race is so much more complex.  We make ourselves vulnerable to the unknown in a race which seems like the opposite of training.  Maybe I need to look at my training differently.


                A little under 3 miles and it felt very easy even though it wasn't as slow as I expected.  I will run again tonight to assert my need for control over the numbers, to hit 1,000 miles YTD as I planned going into this week.  My log here doesn't reflect that because I started after recovery from the stress fracture but had some good miles and races in January and part of February.

                "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

                New skirt in town

                  17.14 miles today in 9:07 pace.  It felt positively delicious in the chill 40's.  LOVE this time of year!  Fingers crossed that this will be the weather for my upcoming marathon...


                  Mari...are you warming up your mouse clicking fingers for 10 AM tomorrow????



                  NO  MO MELANOMA! Help me run 26.2 miles and raise $5000 for the Melanoma Foundation of NE.  Visit this page to learn more:

                  Mike E

                  MM #5615

                    Well, I wish I could continue the great racing news from yesterday.  I ran my worse 5K ever in 19:40.  This was a trail run and the spring floods left a whole lot of sandy stretches on the course but, stil, a guy that I am always right around the same time ran a 19:02.  But--I was able to run.  I'm not going to complain about it.  I just need to get into a training program that allows me stay healthy while working on my speed.  That's about it from me...gotta go watch the end of Vikings' game. 

                    Marathon Maniac #957



                      Mari...are you warming up your mouse clicking fingers for 10 AM tomorrow????






                      Mike - I have no sympathy for a guy, a many-times grandfather no less, who runs a sub-20 5K and says it's his worst ever......just sayin'......Wink


                      Tramps - doesn't matter what they call you, as long as you're leaving them in the dust.....Joking


                      15.6 easy-paced miles this morning in 50-ish degrees.  (All mileage until I get my Garmin back are either known running routes, TM, or combinations of both.)

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                        wild, neat race picture you posted on Friday.  You look like you were flying.  There was lots of great racing over the weekend - Tramps (5k PR), CNY (5 mi 1st masters), holly (5K  2nd AG and DH and friends 1st AG walkers division), ribs (20K  1st AG and Prime Rib 10K 3rd AG), evan (course PR and 1st AG), pfries (missed turn and shortened course but gets award for honesty and class), derrick (10K 5 minute improvement), and   Mike (5K trail race).  Mike, neat picture of your daughter scoring the winning soccer goal.


                        Nice long runs for Slo,
                        Tramps, Sarge, CNY (a couple), opie (longest of the year), derrick, lame, Slo, holly, and DrRobin.


                        This morning, it was in the mid 40s and almost calm.  I got in 5 miles in about 52:40 for a 10:32 pace.


                        This afternoon, I watched a couple hour special on PBS featuring music from the 60s - protest songs, sing along/hootenanny, etc.  I was really into it with all the good songs from my late teens and early twenties.  Some of it was original film in black and white and some was the original artists today and doing their 60s songs.  Some of them are really old looking.


                        A good day and good runs for all.



                          Mari...are you warming up your mouse clicking fingers for 10 AM tomorrow????

                          Mari--don't forget, it's not first-come, first-served.  You've got all week to enter, then they'll hand out any remaining spots to those with the best times in their AG.  This part of the system is much better, I think; it rewards speed on the road, not on the Internet.


                          So let's review:  folks who are disappointed in their races snag 1st place honors (you know who you are).  Now Mike turns in his worst 5K ever on a sandy 19:40! Shocked  I have to start doing worse in my races, so I can improve....or something like that.

                          Be safe. Be kind.

                          i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                            Nice to see it starting to cool off.. enjoy the Fall running!


                            Today I ran Romeo2Richmond half marathon and came to a conclusion:

                            - I've just plain lost all my old speed.
                            I used Go-Zone racing  ( Wink like I did for my best ever race in '09... not quite the same this time


                            Here's the real version of Go-Zone racing
                            The Start - go out agressive - faster than target.... check
                            Split 1 7:36
                            Split 2 8:11
                            Split 3 7:57 
                            Fast Rythm Zone - get into fast, relaxed effort to sustain pace - a bit slow but ok


                            Split 4 8:01
                            Split 5 8:03
                            Split 6 8:16 
                            The Go-Zone - increase effort alot and feel the pain  ---- this started with a terrible rutty dirt gravel road for 2.5 miles and turned it into the "No-Go_Zone"


                            Split 7 8:18 annoying gravel road for 2.5 miles
                            Split 8 8:30
                            Split 9 8:39
                            Split 10 8:43
                            Split 11 8:57
                            Split 12 8:48 
                            The Get Time Zone -- turned into the "Get this Dang thing overwith Zone"


                            Split 13 8:13
                            Split 14 7:40 (0.1)
                            13.1 miles 1:49:07 (8:19 pace) 

                            ... it was a good workout and nothing injured. Smile

                            Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                              Good afternoon!  Great long run for Karin, especially after yesterday's racing. and also Robin. The morning temps have been nice lately. Not so sweaty!  Nice race Mike and you are doing just fine witht your 19:40 at your age, but I know goals are all individual. 


                              I slept in a bit then ran 10 miles. Legs felt a bit stiff and tired, not too surprising after yesterday's run and hike combo.


                              I hope yesterday's racers are recovering well! Good luck to those signing up for Boston...

                                Intervals this afternoon at the track. 2k w/u then 3x400 (1:23, 1::20 and 1:17) then 3x200 (28,29 and 29) then 3x100 at 13,14 and 13) then 2k c/u

                                now to get dinner ready as Pam is getting homee early from NYC with all her loot...will check in later to read race reports and other details I have read.




                                Recent Best times: None recently
