Masters Running


Monday 8/25 runs and what not (Read 421 times)


One day at a time

    I missed everyone's reports this weekend, so I'll have to go back and read them! We were at our cabin in the mountains. DS ran 6 miles on the very hilly, rough logging roads. Our collie (who does look just like Lassie) decided to FOLLOW him without telling us, lol. We thought he was lost. We started driving to find him and were freaking out. Much to our surprise, he covered over 2 1/2 miles, managing to keep up pretty well with DS. This dog is NOT in good shape, so he slept the rest of Saturday and all of yesterday. I bet he's still sore! My friend and I ran 5.5 miles on the our local XC trails while DS was running with his team. Those trails are KILLERS! We ran/walked for an hour and a half. I turned my Garmin on just for the running parts - we ran 5.5 miles in 1:05:47. I keep telling DH he should go for a run there to see what DS does! DS has a two-mile race there on Wednesday that he wants to do under 11 minutes. Have a great week of running!

    I Can Go The Distance

      Holly:Glad to see that your return to running is going so well. Let me tell you about kids with big feet. My DS in 9 (he will be 10 in January) and is already 5'7". He is taller than my ex-wife and the same height as me. He wears a size 15 men's shoe! When he was two we had a bone scan done on him and the Dr. told us he had the potential of being over 7 ft. He is adopted but we know his family history and there are many people in his family who are over 6'5" or more. When my ex-wife complains about how big he is getting or how much shoes cost, I just tell her, that NBA contract will fund our retirement! 8 miles easy for me today at the track in 1:18:53 a 9:52 pace. Have a great day everyone. Bruce

      "Don't give up, don't ever give up." Jim Valvano



        Holly, your DD sounds like a keeper! Where do you suppose she got that perverse sense of humor? Big grin And she's adorable! Nono, congrats on the big PR! Did your babysitter and your dentist run the race, too? How 'bout that RR? Roy, another "cracking" run up your new favorite hill. Post a picture please! Tramps, good luck recovering from your dog encounter, and happy 3 year runniversary. You're running so well it's hard to believe you haven't been at it much longer! I think the reason Ribs remembers your old CR posts is that, as is typical of older folks, they remember the past really well but lose their short-term memory. Evil grin Denise, glad you got out for a run, even if it didn't turn out great. Like Twocat says, you're doing better than most people could imagine! Yesterday when I was slogging through a slow run, one of my neighbors asked me how far I was running, and I said about 4 miles. He was so impressed. I didn't mention that I meant 4 miles SO FAR - I did 9 total. Twocat, Thanks, but I'm happy with the goal of 30-mile weeks for now! The only month this year that I've consistently managed to be over 30 miles per week was in May, when I was unemployed. And nice job on the speedy 15-miler on a Monday morning - wow! And 400 ft hills aren't so much smaller than what I run - just much lower altitude! No run yet today - I'll run at lunch if its not too hot, otherwise I'll run on the way home in the cool mountains. If its hot I may run in just sports bra and shorts again - thanks for the encouragement! I told DD about it, and she assured me that my stomach looks just fine. And believe me, she'd be the FIRST one to be embarrassed if I wore something I shouldn't! I just try to dress a bit conservatively, as I have seen many people out in public in outfits that make me cringe and shield my eyes. Tongue

        I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


          Holly, are you going to continue your "gym membership" after you're back on the road? That cross training is very valuable, as you've found, and at that price you can hardly not do it! Would be fun to see how long it takes them to notice. Funny story on DD. And my DS2 is always outgrowing his shoes. He likes his soccer cleats to fit pretty snugly, so it seems we're buying two and three pair a season! That was fine when he liked the $28 Nike's and the sort, but the last pair were $90... ouch. Foot update: I iced it (as in soaked my foot in a dishpan of ice water) in a 5-10 minutes in, 5 minutes out fashion for over an hour yesterday afternoon, then again for about 45 minutes (almost continuously...less ice) before dinner. Had it on the cold pack for about 30 mins. before bedtime. Took 800 mg of ibu at 3 pm (first ibu in over 24 hours), then another 800 mg at 10 pm, AND ibu cream rubbed into the sore parts at bedtime. This morning, feels fine. Hardly would know I had a problem. I didn't ice it well Friday night, so the soreness on Saturday was a reminder I really need to do that. It's progressing or behaving about as the podiatrist said it would. He said this sort of thing can take awhile to show itself, but once it does it can progress pretty quickly. My dad struggled for years with it before having surgery a couple years ago, which he said did help, but then he's not out running around either. Funny part is, I broke my other foot many years ago (horse stepped on it) and it healed with a small upward bump in the bone. Dr. says that's probably the reason I'm not having problems with that one now! Too bad she didn't step on both feet and break this right one, too. Heading to the gym tonight after work for some weights and pool running. This is my last big week of miles before taper, which I'm really looking forward to! Nonoruns: you are amazing. With all you've been through this year, and especially recently, you pull off a 7+ minute PR on the 10k. Running as therapy is not a concept lost on you! Tallrunner: careful there, big guy... You say you're going slowly, but you tend to fall hard. DH said it well... Enke: mystery pains drive me nuts. I get those in my ankles every now and then, and then poof, they're gone! Teresa: I remember when my dog followed me on a run once years ago. She really didn't like it, and didn't even try to follow me after that! Hope he recovers with few aches and pains.
            I'm glad to see my fellow Michiganders and hamstring sufferers, dg and roch, are recovering and getting in some nice runs. Hopefully, we can all be healthy and at the Crim next year. Evan, nice race with 2nd in AG but sorry to hear about the foot problems. nono, congrats on that major 7:17 PR in your 10K. Twocat, congrats to your wife on her distance PR. Tramps, you ran a nice race but that's a bummer about the collision with the dog. I hope there's no lingering bad effects. hopeful, great job on your first 40+ mile week. Steve, I'm anxious for a few details about your 5K. Franc, do I take it that you did a marathon as a training run? Wow. Nice long runs for slogino, bike, Holly, breger, maine, CNY, Peter, and Evan. It was a beautiful morning for running here, temp in the low 50s, light breeze, and clear. I got in 6 miles in a bit under 59 minutes for a 9:48 pace. A good day and good runs for all. TomS
              Well, I missed my medium-long run yesterday. My hip is twingy, and I'm terrified of hip injuries. So I bailed after just a quarter mile and worked in the garden instead. Now the pace bunny is gaining on me! I'll try again tomorrow, but I won't hesitate to take several days off if I need to. Holly - I just love the photo of DD and Dexter. She's a riot! Work is crazy-busy today - no time to chat, or read much else over here.

              aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

              Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason

                Who else thinks Holly's DD didn't fall far from the tree? nono, fantastic 10K PR. Has your doping test come back yet? Ribs, I still can't believe you ran behind that guy in a race, singing, "Disco, disco duck," to annoy him. That's the sort of thing I would do. You must be irritating as h*ll to live with. I've been unemployed since last year. I just turned down the serious offer of a military intelligence job that would pay 60K-70K per year and might lead to better things, so I could interview for a part-time temporary job teaching high school Latin for $200 per week. I should probably have my head examined. But you know what, I'm not interested in military intelligence, even though I'm very good at it, and I'm getting too old to work full-time at things that don't interest me. Time grows short. Dark Horse
                I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

                King of PhotoShop

                  DH, I am absolutely irritating as hell to live with. Why do you think my wife's handle is The Saint? I also see where you are coming from with a good paying job you wouldn't like, or a low paying job you would love. Somewhere there must be a happy medium. As for remembering Tramps' post from years ago, I bet all of us who have been here awhile remember it. It was very funny (the writing), although the incident itself was not. Thanks all for the great b'day wishes! Loved that cake-cutting photo, speaking again of Tramps. Nono, way to go! Big PR! That's right Tall, take it slow. Don't marry her until this weekend. 41 miles Mary? Just like your age. Nice work. Gordon you asked, so good luck on the job hunt. I got 5 in today at the dirt track with The Saint. 1:29 for me, or just about 18 min/miles. Saint did 7. No sooner did we send Prime Rib off to college yesterday, than we had to send Riblet off to school this morning. Here's a pic. Riblet is the one with the tie. Spareribs

                    What a handsome young man that riblet is. His school uniform reminds me of what my two sons used to wear when they where attending a private school. Lucy is sure pretty. The heat and humidity made the 20 miles I ran this morning to be one of the hardest 20 miles I have ever ran. I am glad it is over. Black eye My house is enjoying getting to know our new exchange student. He is from Germany and will be living with us for the school year. I am such a lucky girl to have three sons during this school year. Tongue Off to take an ice bath, a nap and then to work in the afternoon.

                    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                      Nice reports here and I wish I had more time to respond appropriately. We are just back and I have to head to the airport. I have 3 client days this week in 3 different locations, so I am a bit rushed. MIL doing better, so that heayy worry feeling is dissipating a bit. She has MS that has been asymptomatic for a long while and everything seemed to go haywire last week. We are hopeful that this was just an aberration. My in-laws are in their mid-to--late 70s, so each health event is a bit more intense. We also stopped to see my family and that amounted to hearing how I am to blame for all problems. My last two runs have been heavy legged and heavy hearted owing to lack of sleep and getting too wrapped up in stuff. Sometimes it's good just to run and not think. That will have to be next week. Pardon the overshare moment, I am a cup is half-full person and just had a hiccup is all. Thanks for listening---Krabby Karin will be fine. Twocat, you'll blow by me on Monday. You are running so well right now and your goal is right there. We'll see if I wake up with a jonesing for a race on Monday. I did get in 8 miles at 6 AM in the cool morning air of Rochester. I slept for a good portion of the drive across the NYState Thruway after Syracuse and still have car door creases on my face. Lovely! Sorry about the dog mishap Tramps. Let me at 'em---the way I feel, no doggie owner like that stands a chance! Great photo of Riblet. What a handsome guy. A bright spot for early September will be a run with Holly! I circled it on my calendar Holly. Your DD looks marvelous. I can't wait until she runs with us as well. Big grin Erika, I am worrying about your (((((foot))))) too. You know what you can handle and I am just hoping it's not an extended thing. Okay, I said I had no time and I am rambling. Time to get into grown-up clothes and earn some dollars so we can pay bills. CNYrunner/Karin

                        Great pic of Riblet's first day of school. I'll be taking a similar pic of my son and his two dogs next Tuesday. Every year I take the same pic of him and his dogs and in just 3 yrs it's amazing to see how much he changed from this cute little Kindergartener to a grown up looking young man - and he's only in 3rd grade! Cute pic of mini-Holly too! Only got in a total of 3 miles running last week. I did a speedwork session on Monday and haven't been able to run since. My goal this week is to at least double my mileage Roll eyes DH had surgery last Tuesday and has had a multitude of side effect complications that aren't resolving and we ended up in ER yesterday. So, I've been a round the clock nurse, mom, trying to work a bit here and there from home, and do all the household/yard/garden stuff too. I always knew my husband did ALOT at home and never took that for granted, but suddenly when he's unable to do anything at all, it hits you a bit harder at just how much work it is to keep up with everything. I'm one tired puppy trying to keep up with everything and help out DH too. The stress and physical demands are taking its toll - but life WILL get back to normal soon. I'm sure of it.



                          Hope everyone's Monday is going well. Late post of 4.5 miles on the eliptical in 35 minutes with weights and ab work. Our YMCA was closed last week for annual cleaning/fixing, so it felt good to cross-train today and hopefully have fresh legs for a long run tomorrow. Today was the kids' first day back at the high school where I work. I thought of Holly's DS and DD as I helped "lost" freshmen find their way around the school. They looked so frightened! I hope everyone's kids are enjoying their first days back. Holly and Spareribs - the apple didn't fall far from the tree for either of you - your kids look just like you! Those were great pictures and brought back a lot of happy memories. We started a tradition of taking the kids' pictures walking down our driveway to catch the school bus on the first day each year. Dicky G - my DH finished dead last in the last flight. I was proud of him, though. He had a couple of beers, talked about his bad round with some friends and came home in a pretty good mood. Mary - congrats on your 40+ week! Seems like you are right on track with your schedule. Are you feeling positive about your training up to this point? Nonoruns - a PR in your race is great - knocking 7 minutes off last year's time is amazing! Hope you celebrated your huge accomplishment. CNY Runner - hope your MIL continues to improve. It sounds like she's been through a lot. From Olympics to the Democratic Convention tonight. Do you think there will be any "synchronized speeches" or other great forms of entertainment? Enjoy the rest of your day, everyone. Jeanne
                            That Riblet is a handsome kid. Must be adopted. Disco, disco duck. Tammy, good luck during this rough patch. This too shall pass. This afternoon I interviewed for a long-term sub job teaching high school Latin. It went well. To be honest, I think they were prepared to hire me if I didn't have two heads. School starts next week, and who else were they going to find? It's only one class a day, so I will have plenty of time to post here. I am reminded of how my grandfather got his first university teaching job. He was only 20, and had just earned his history M.A. A renowned history professor became ill shortly before classes were to start. My grandfather used to say, "They didn't have time to find anyone qualified, so they hired me." Later my grandfather became even more renowned than the man he had replaced. I am turning 50 this week, and I don't have an M.A. yet, so the analogy is not perfect. Dark Horse
                            I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

                              That Riblet is a handsome kid. Must be adopted.
                              although I haven't seen a pic of The Saint, I am thinking she is probably drop dead gorgeous. Riblet obviously gets his great locks of blond hair and dashing good looks from the maternal side.




                                Riblet sure is a cute kid! But he probably went off to school with dog hair all over his nice clothes. Wink Lucy's a cutie, too. Mariposai, nice way to tough out a 20-miler! Enjoy your exchange student. Karin, Sorry to hear that your usually sunny outlook had a "hiccup". Family stress can do that to you. Hope things are looking up for you, and you find time to run in your 3 different client locations this week! PDR, take care of that hip - hope it turns out to be nothing. Erika, same to you with your foot. Tammy, hugs to you and your DH. Hope he recovers quickly! You're lucky he's such a help around the house - my DH isn't very good at that. Dark Horse, congrats on the new job! Even if they had no other applicants, I'm guessing they're lucky to find you. I bet you'll be a fun (but strict!) teacher. I wish I could find a part time job I love. I like my job, but don't like full-time work.

                                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.
