Masters Running


TGIF May 7 Runs and such..... (Read 470 times)


    7 straight hours of sleep last night! I'm celebrating! Big grin


    After dropping DS off at school, I got in a 5.3 mile run (50:57 thanks to mile 4 where I ran fartleks so got my pace down a bit).  and now I have the whole day to do stuff around the house, get caught up on laundry, etc. and even start some gardening this afternoon. Or at least that is my plan.


    I have my first 20 miler of this training round to do this weekend. Even though I've run 20 milers when training for previous marathon, I don't know why this distance still seems so intimidating to me. Not sure where I'll fit it in. Ideally it would be my mothers day morning thing but it's supposed to rain all day Sunday. Not sure I'm up for 3+ hrs in the rain.


    hope you all have a great day! And good luck to those racing this weekend!



      Tammy, I know what you mean. My last 20 miler attempt two weeks ago was miserable. Tired legs and headwind the whole way, I stopped at 15 miles. Tomorrow I've got a 5k in the morning and will run more to make 10 for the day, then 20 on Mother's Day Sunday. I'll admit I'm a bit apprehensive on how that will work out. But... I've already told myself I'm going to go 20 even if I have to walk some!! Today is a day off from the gym and just an easy 3 miler or so at lunch. Hopefully that'll give my legs enough of a break to be ready for the weekend!


      (enjoy your day, btw, sounds lovely!)


      Hey Opie! Glad you found your way over here. Things at KR just seem barely on life support, but the RA masters are a lively bunch! And yeah, I was wondering if you were going to get back into maniacal running anytime soon. Nice plans for the fall for you!


      Yay Mary on finding the right combo of adult beverages and OTC meds. Hope you can kick that cold soon. I can't believe how long mine hung around (but feel pretty good now!).


      Hey Dg! Careful on those wipeouts. Don't apologize about being behind. I am all the time these days. Do you still use a Polar? Just wondering. I've never used the gel flask thing either.


      Love those downhill runs where you feel the need for pullouts, Perch! Any news yet...? tap, tap, tap...


      You're doing great, Byll. Steady buildup and recovery, right? Be good to yourself.


      Really nice day here... won't last though. Forecast for tomorrow's 5k is temps in the 30's with snow showers early on, changing to rain showers later. Still not sure the difference between a snow shower and a snow flurry, but I don't want either one of them!

      Go Pre!

        Slept in. I'm in a funk. It's probably ok as I need to taper for  Pacer duties ---- 3:40 at the Toronto Marathon in 9 days.

        mustang sally

        Bad faerie

           1h easy this morning, trying to shake off a brutal track workout while not deflating tomorrow's LR.


          I have my first 20 miler of this training round to do this weekend. Even though I've run 20 milers when training for previous marathon, I don't know why this distance still seems so intimidating to me. Not sure where I'll fit it in. Ideally it would be my mothers day morning thing but it's supposed to rain all day Sunday. Not sure I'm up for 3+ hrs in the rain.


          I'm supposed to go 21 and change tomorrow and then 23 or so next Saturday.  I'll take rain over H&H any time.  see also; Bayshore, 2010


          I approach all the super-longs with more dread than they deserve.  After all, I can stop, and often do, for things like the Blue Room or gel or water.  In the race, I don't.  Unless I have to.  see also; Bayshore, 2010


          And after four marathon cycles (a pittance to you Maniacs, I know), I know the predictable rhythm of a 3-hr run:

          1. Warmup, gravel in legs
          2. Unwarranted Optimism
          3. Dogged Determination
          4. Sniveling and self-pity
          5. Blaming Coach
          6. Final 2-3 km, completed only because I forgot to put my bus pass in my pocket and must get home.*
          7. Stagger around house, alarming children; switch on espresso machine
          8. Latte
          9. Nap



          *To his everlasting credit, The Scot once left a meeting and drove across town to pick me up when I called him and said, "I am done.  I can go no further.  Please take me home," and never once did he say, "But, Sal, you're only a mile from the house."


          MM #6177

            Um, isn't today the 6th?


            Been negligent in posted, but I've been here and running. Tuesday night was the track workout. 100m repeats, 6 per set, two or three sets. By the 2nd repeat in the second set, my hamstring reminded me why I avoid speedwork like this. My target was supposed to be 26-27 seconds per repeat based on an 8:45 5k pace. So of course I pushed it and tried for 23-24 seconds. Needless to say, that's what made my hamstring seize up... the remainder of the repeats (didn't do a third set) were back to the 27 seconds. Sigh. What I don't get is how I can run a 15k at that same pace, but can't for the life of me push it any faster, even on such short distances. Ah, the burden of a slow-twitch runner...


            I'm signed up for a 10k that's this Sunday, so on Wednesday I ran the course. It was pouring rain and nasty-cold, even had my gloves on. Kinda hilly, which is fine, but at least now I'm prepared for it. Hopefully Sunday's weather will be better.


            And then last night I went to the tempo workout. Ah, I loves me the tempo workout! The coach gave us different workouts, depending if we were racing this coming weekend or not. The basic workout was 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 7 minutes and 5 minutes, with 3 minute rests in between, all at HM or better pace. Sustained effort but not all-out running, which is exactly what my body likes to do. Those who are racing this weekend did 2x 10 minutes instead of the 15 and 10. And the non-racers had extra fast bits to do at the end, whereas we just got to do a cooldown jog and go home, yippee! No hamstring pain when I do this workout, and more often than not, each subsequent repeat is faster. So yeah, Tuesday track is whack, while Thursday tempo is excellento!


            Today I did not run, but went to the gym for 45 minutes on the elliptical. Can you say BORING??


            The Ragnar captains meeting was last night and I just finished reading the minutes for that. oh. my. gawd....

              The Ragnar captains meeting was last night and I just finished reading the minutes for that. oh. my. gawd....


              <Sticks fingers in ears>

              La, La, La.  I can't hear you!



              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                4. Sniveling and self-pity


                *To his everlasting credit, The Scot once left a meeting and drove across town to pick me up when I called him and said, "I am done.  I can go no further.  Please take me home," and never once did he say, "But, Sal, you're only a mile from the house."


                Ok, I get stuck on that #4 far too often! And yes, I'm known to stop and "regroup" along the run, as well as for those other things.

                And yes, my DH has saved my butt several times on these runs where my initial enthusiasm is trampled by my weary can-go-no-further legs a few miles (or a good hill) from home!


                  Easy few miles around Niagara Falls. Had the place pretty much to myself.




                    . . . wondering now if I should take my cell phone with me on long runs incase I can't finish it, or wondering if bringing cell phone will give me the option to not finish it???


                    things that make you go hmmmmm.....



                    Marathon Iowa 2014

                      I never take a cell phone - but your reason isn't why.


                      I just sweat too much - no matter when, no matter where.


                      I don't want my blackberry to rust.


                      No running today - had to drop off PBJster #1 at school at 5:30 for a bus trip to NYC.  Their french club will be riding bikes in central park for 2 hours, along with going to a french restaurant.  Then she gets to Boston on Sunday.  Now that's a big city weekend.


                      Did sneak in a weight lifting session at the gym during my lunch "break".

                      Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                        Tammy, I always have my phone with me..... especially when running alone.   Good luck - you can do it!!


                        "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                        It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                          dg.... no news.  They haven't made a decision yet...geesh

                          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                          Petco Run/Walk/Wag 5k

                            PBJ - i use an elastic SPI Belt to hold my phone. Keeps it dry and I run my ear buds out the side thru the zipper. I also use it to hold race numbers.


                            I am late getting in, and haven't had time to read thru the thread - this is a talkative group! and please don't stop it!


                            I got out for a 3.3mi BF run in my neighborhood this morning. It went so well I am thinking of trying to get 2 runs/week in BF or at least every 4th run/walk


                            Went to DD2's early this morning so she could get out and pickup some meds for one of her dogs. The boys were happy to see me. I didn't completely capture Beans smile (on the left) but you can see it a little. Both tracked me as soon as I walked in the room. One look melts a heart!


                            Blue on the left, Bean looks like an Alien with the flash reflection. He's looking at Mom. Oh, how do ya like their scrubs courtesy of Gma & Gpa!


                            Bean is looking at me while something else caught Blue's eye!

                            bob e v 


                            bob e v
                            2014 goals: keep on running! Is there anything more than that?

                            Complete the last 3 races in the Austin Distance Challenge, Rogue 30k, 3M Half, Austin Full

                            Break the 1000 mi barrier!

                            History: blessed heart attack 3/15/2008; c25k july 2008 first 5k 10/26/2008 on 62nd birthday.



                              Bob, what adorable grandsons!  You're so lucky to live close and see them often. Is your DD better?


                              I never carry a cell phone when running - no reception in the mountains, and in town I don't figure I need it.  Plus I don't know how I'd carry it anyway.


                              Heading out for a RAW - yippee!

                              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                                Tammy, I always have my phone with me...


                                mary - me too. 

                                Does yours have a time/date function too?

                                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
