Masters Running


Thursdaily, 4.25.24 (Read 33 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    Another in this series of palindrome/pandemonium dates.


    Last night's 2.5 hour meeting wore me out, but I was still wound up when I got to bed so it took a while before I could calm down and get to sleep - one of the reasons I don't like evening meetings.


    But I still got up on time this morning and headed out for my workout in refreshing 30° temps and with lots of moonlight. I got in 5.4 RW miles at a decent pace, but I really had to work at it, and my head wasn't really into it, so it was a bit of a struggle and it didn't feel as fluid as I would have liked. However, I'm glad that I got it done, and I'm also glad that I only have morning and mid-day meetings today.


    Have a greta Thursday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      4.18 fairly slow miles this morning. I had a podcast I wanted to finish so I just kept moving until it ended without regard to distance or pace.


      I'd should get the local Huntington paper, especially during election time because I have no idea what is going on. I see a bunch of signs out that say, "Save our parks, vote no against the excess school levy".  I haven't a clue what the issues are. I need to find out before our elections which are in a couple weeks. We have a U.S. Senator and a Governor race this year and I should probably see who the candidates are.  Election for a new Huntington Mayor is going on this year too. That race has the most signs up in yards.


      We get the Charleston paper delivered here and take it to my father-in-law but I never read it. First they made it smaller, then they did away with Monday's paper, then they did away with Sunday's paper, and then they did away with delivery. Instead of getting delivered every morning it now comes in the afternoon mail.


      Speaking of books, here is today's Speed Bump:




      MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

        • Jay - happy another palindrome day.

        Gotta love all the end-of-the-month PD's.


        Steve - happy another pandemonium day, I guess double your fun with Mr. "I'll-take-care-of-it" Rep, Participation Award Coach, etc.


        Deezie - any Anna, Ava, Bob, Dana, Elle, Eve, Hannah, Otto, etc. babies yesterday (or today, tomorrow, etc.)?


        Surprisingly, but probably not, still sore quads, back, shoulders (from using trekking poles on steep parts) from yesterday's first 5K loops over at the Hillside Park and, with long predicted rains finally materializing but so slightly light that not even a poncho would have been needed if I flaunted RR#1 (ed note: as he has been doing all his life) and went back to the scene of the crime anyway so, of course, I did but kind of faded after a revised one-and-a-half loop maximizing ascending stairs and maximizing worn adjacent trails to minimize the descending stairs for a measly mile plus (1.10) but that made me as happy, and tired, as marathons-to-hundreds used to so, with Jay's 5.4 and Dave's 4.18 = 10.68 RA miles so far far today..

        "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

          Thanks, Jay.   Dave- that's hilarious.


          This is the big Rock n Roll Country Music Marathon/Half here this weekend- or whatever it is called now.  I won't go near the thing.  It's impossible to park and get around and this year there is construction at Nissan Stadium and there are 6000 fewer parking spots (that seems high, but that's what the paper said.  This race falls in the category of my "stay away from big races" stance.  I've run the full and the half each once, and that will do it.


          5.5 miles this morning from our clubhouse.  Another beautiful morning, but running feels hard right now.  Got it done.  Robert Earl got me up at 1:30 and 5:20.  I'm not good at getting back to sleep quickly.  It's like having a new baby- only he's almost 9 years old!

          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth




            Deezie - any Anna, Ava, Bob, Dana, Elle, Eve, Hannah, Otto, etc. babies yesterday (or today, tomorrow, etc.)?



            Haha - that would be cool, but not that I know. I had a beautiful baby boy Henry delivery yesterday afternoon - his weight was 9lb5oz =4.224kg - so they really had all the cool numbers happening!!


            Not happy about the 29 degree temp to start my run this morning but managed 5.4 miles with the SS crew. Then church and prayer group breakfast. I am so tired from that long stretch of work days so the rest of the day I plan on just staying in and doing little tasks around the house.



              Karen, I’m with you.  That Rock and Roll whatever sounds like a good event to avoid!


              Ive spent the last couple days trying to get a doctor to repeat some lab work.  I had some wonky results last month and I feel it was due to dehydration.  Finally got the orders put through today so I’m off to the lab.  I’m just back from a run/walk so I’m going to cool off a bit, drink a little extra water, and head over.


              Taking charge of your health care should not be this much work!


                Tet - The Mt. FUJI 100 mile race is live streaming on YouTube:


                4:35 EDT - Courtney Dauwalter comes through 52.5km aid station as the first woman (3rd overall I think)


                It's morning there now but expected to get up to 80 and humid as the day progresses.



                MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                  Dave-san: arigatou !

                  Though It's at the base,

                  some sections are as steep

                  as up in the Summit Race.


                  ps - though they just seem to be streaming from around the various aid stations I'm familiar with them all as the various runners come in, or waiting for them to to give the standings, NHK World has a 49 minute on demand condensed start-to-finish program they aired on it last summer with a photog somehow keeping up with the leaders on some of the very steepest climbs and descents plus, at the end and like Leslie's Western States, some stragglers just barely making it. .

                  . or not.

                  "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                    Hi everyone,


                    A little quiet in here today.  Often when I post at this time of the night I start page 3.


                    I took a half day from work today.  The ignorance of some of the managers (not mine, but the other groups) is disheartening.  It's really hard to tell if they don't want to do their new jobs or don't know how to do it.  The latter seems difficult to believe, but I've read enough Dilbert books to know I shouldn't be surprised by either.


                    The main reason I really took a half day was that DW is coming home tomorrow after my work day is over and we get the grand baby for the evening so DD and SIL can get out for a Friday night 3rd Anniversary date.  So I needed to get to the gym today and I had promised my fired I'd be over to cut up more of his maple trees.  It turned out to be a very stiff triple - a strength workout at the Y weight room, then a "hard" swimming workout that featured some fast for me 50 yard freestyle repeats; then 3 hours cutting up an overgrown Japanese Maple tree with my pole saw.  I'm officially wiped out.


                    Won't be around for a few days - DW and I are vacationing in an undisclosed location Saturday through Monday.  Only a long weekend, but it's our first vacation alone in a long time.  I can't remember, honestly.

                      BTY- enjoy the vacation!

                      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                        Garmin, WHY?



                          Econo, are you having glitches?  Or don't like the new home page layouts? I'm not a fan at the moment.


                          Well, I probably ate something bad as I was sick yesterday afternoon and had to miss a fabulous team dinner in the evening. Laid in bed the rest of the night, feeling a bit feverish, but better today so made it on the train to come home. Took a 3 hour nap this afternoon (recall, I am not a napper). Three other people in our group of about 16 also picked something up. Too many crowded events, restaurants, and seafood. I don't need to see any more oysters or sashimi for awhile.


                          Hoping I feel better tomorrow, as I had something similar (but worse) less than 3 weeks ago so kind of tired of this. At least my jeans are feeling a bit loose.


                          Funny carton

                          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                            I'm vacation working at the house on the Big Island.

                            First run in over a week, 2 miles on the "flat" sidehill route from the house, just 225' of climbing. My knee wasn't any worse afterwards. Hopefully I'll be able to go to the beach and back next week, about 6 miles roundtrip, 1800' of climbing back to the house.

                            60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying

                            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                              Surly - I got lucky with a conference there

                              in October 1987, . . . that allowed me to do

                              140.6 miles by staying over a day on Saturday.

                              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                                Tetsujin209 - I love your workout.


                                Dnaff - Kudos on taking charge.


                                BTY - Enjoy!


                                +1 to not a fan of the Garmin page layout.




                                I got three on the mill and a double dose of the home PT.

