Masters Running


Monday, November 7th Daylight Daily Thread (Read 653 times)

    Thanks for the props on my race.  Tramps, now I feel bad about the snide comment I made in the October Masters Miles thread - I'll have to go fix it...   Joking

     You understand, don't you, that she means "special" in the "special needs," "special education" sort of way?  I'm endlessly harassed like this. Roll eyes

    Be safe. Be kind.

      ...hopeful//..........Claire just turned 4.......

      ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

      MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

        As usual, my quads are very very sore, and just walking up my stairs is painful....well, walking down hurts more actually


        Dear Timsie
        Without a lot of quad-quashing descents or heel-striking that is beneath your dignity, your quads should not be that sore after a regular marathon, especially after a couple of days rest man.
        Unless you want to risk embarrassing yourself and your new friends, to say nothing of us, even more in your upcoming ultra, I’d recommend that you devote any spare time at all in the next month to as many long runs as possible (30-40 miles or more) until you achieve the mid/fore-foot landings that make long distance running possible without much, if any, noticeable quad soreness.
        I wouldn’t normally recommend much, if any, training to anyone but, if your quads are still sore even two days later, maybe run enough right now to see if you can get them even sorer, e.g. running down big hills as fast as possible helps.  Then see how such sore quads feel when running a couple of miles at ultra-pace in your marathon shoes, your trail footwear, and then, last of all, barefoot.  I’ll bet that even though your quads will stay sore for the shoes, running barefoot will force a soft enough mid-foot landing totally off your heels, that your quads won’t even notice it.
        Then, even if you only have a short out-and-back stretch of smooth bike path somewhere for running barefoot, do a couple of one-two hour barefoot runs until you can get used to maintaining the comfort of mid/fore-foot form even when shifting back to shoes too.
        Good luck on all fronts. 
        You’ll need it.
        - your friend. 

        "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

        Mike E

        MM #5615

          Oh man!  Ever since I got off that plane it's been one thing after another!  Of course the first thing I had to do, when I got home, was to make sure my patio chairs were still there.  They were. 


          But the fun continues--I have to get going!  I know--you're all waiting for pictures from the race (yeah, right)--I hope to have time, tonight, after my run.


          Oh--key phrase in this post?  " off that plane..." 

            I forgot earlier - a belated congratulations to Carolyn on the great HM PR! Six minutes is a HUGH improvement in anyone's book.


            And of course Happy Birthday to Meg/jdmom, who has started making regular appearances here again.


            Now who else did I forget...?

            Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

            "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


              Good Morning!


              That first beer glass is especially funny Tramps. Thanks for the idea!

              Got in a 5.5 mile run yesterday. Nice and crisp out, but that didn't deter the pups from creek playing.


              probably no run today though. too busy. story of my life.



              Marathon Iowa 2014

                It's Meg's birthday?  Happy birthday!  How was the race?


                We finally got power at the site today.  Yippee.  Back to work.


                Yesterday - 2 hours unmiled.


                Today - lifting, stepping, and spinning at the regular gym.  Gee it's good to get back to normalcy.

                Marathon Maniac #3309

                   my money's on you at Tecumseh! Smile 



                  Hey now Carolyn...that's not playin' nice at all  Joking


                  Me...I'm running against the clock to better last years time, running it point to pint this time - yes, play on words Smile


                  Teteroni - if I felt great right now, that would mean I didn't race hard enough....I gave it all this Hoosier Boy had right now - and then some. But thanks - I think  Undecided I really do need to barefoot run more.....think I will a few miles tonight just because. My gal freind was amazed when she saw me do that for the first time, and I actually bought her a pair of Nike Free Runs...she luvs um (she runs behind me a lot) She has pretty good form and mid-foot strike, and I'm going to have her run barefoot in the grass for the first time soon. 

                  Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                  MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                    Teteroni - I really do need to barefoot run more.....

                    My gal freind was amazed when she saw me do that for the first time,


                    Tim - shhhh.  you're supposed to say "the goddesses aren't at all interested when I run barefoot" or all the guys'll start doing it too and we'll have to think of something else.  In the meantime, read Mrs. T's IM RR and get signed up for one of your own IM's before everyone else starts doing them too. <<<<(skip/skip/skip)>>>>

                    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                    Marathon Maniac #3309

                      Tim - shhhh.  you're supposed to say "the goddesses aren't at all interested when I run barefoot" or all the guys'll start doing it too and we'll have to think of something else.  In the meantime, read Mrs. T's IM RR and get signed up for one of your own IM's before everyone else starts doing them too. <<<<(skip/skip/skip)>>>>

                      On my "adventure"  bucket list for sure Tet, but I have to get my sciatica taken care of first. I've tried to keep my back pain to myself, but it still hurts...cycling makes it really hurt more. Option one is temporary injections - option two is surgery on the vertebra that is pinching my sciatica nerve. I will wait till after the Bandera 100K, then see what I need to do then. If my back behaved, I could do a Iron man right now, considering I did bike a lot before I stopped because of my back...I can fake my way through the swim Smile

                      Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                        Enke—I like you.  But the Bangels?  There’s no accounting for taste.  Wink



                        Tramps, I like you, but there is no accounting for your sloppy spelling.  It's the Bangles.  Wink  In my defense, I am a bigger Leonard Nimoy fan than a Bangles fan.


                        So I was at the pharmacy with the two kids yesterday waiting to get flu shots.  I was beginning to listen to a voice mail message I had just missed just as they were bringing out the shots.  It was my husband breathlessly saying come....home...right now.....take me to.....the ER.  Click.  We said hold the shots and dashed out of there like lightening, thinking the worst possible thoughts, I called him back and, NO ANSWER.  Right before I got to the house he called and said he was bitten by a dog.  Whew, at least I knew it wasn't life threatening.


                        Even given my husband's tendency towards melodrama and his fear of blood, I will admit it was a pretty awful bite, looked like a chunk of flesh taken out of his palm, in the thick part below his thumb.  So off we went to the ER where I watched them freeze the area with needles, ok, that he could barely stand and nearly cried.  He has to go back in 3 days for stitches - which I think? might mean more freezing needles into his hand.


                        Funny part was, every time a new medical person would come in, he would tell them "just so you know, I'm a bit squeamish".


                        It was our neighbour's dog that had found a new way to slip through the fence.  I had warned my DH that that dog was not right, way too aggressive when I tried to get him to go back to their yard just a few days earlier.  But my DH, thinking he would win the dominance game, cornered the dog in our yard and lost.


                        Well, think I will dust off the TM later today, and avoid the chilly drizzle.

                        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                          Enke, keep the bad dog but send me the chill down here.  It's been a little warm lately.  Last time I had an incident like that I fixed the fence and explained the real purpose of a hammer to the dog.  Oh, and I have a lot of girl pop on my iPod to run to like this but no Bangles.


                          3 miles slow at lunch but not particularly easy.

                          "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me


                            Hi Slo!!!!


                            Young Frankenstein...I'm getting teary eyed.


                            I like JLynne's star filled run...Just...not in the morning....


                            Good grief Holly, I hope DD does not spread herself thin.


                            Believe it or not Tom White, when I lived with a bunch of hippies, I was treated by a vet when she came and checked the horses. Claire is 4?? where does the time go??


                            Wow Lamerunner...That lady is crazy fast.


                            Oh well...I'm out of another will..I mean. Welcome Back MikeE!!


                            Oh crap Enke!! A person should feel safe in their own yard...Yikes!


                            The mutt and I hit some serious trails. After a few near falls, I remembered my dislike of gravity. Though it was quite windy, we were mainly in a valley. The trail map claims that section is three miles. However, the map only shows two switch backs, where there are several. It really doesn't matter except when I look at my watch and say "Three miles my ass!". Then I have to bribe Tag so he doesn't rat me out for swearing.  Being out of the wind, it got quite warm so we both went shirtless. Since we were out of the winds, I did not attempt to wear mine like a cape. 


                            SO, maybe we ran 6 miles. Maybe we ran more, Maybe we ran less. We heard a new noise on the way back and saw a branch fall across the trail we had just been on. The pace picked up a bit.


                            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                              I look at my watch and say "Three miles my ass!". Then I have to bribe Tag so he doesn't rat me out for swearing.

                               Being out of the wind, it got quite warm so we both went shirtless.

                               Hey Tag - it might not be worth what he says but maybe try hding his watch and shoes next time so he'll gradually be able to run more and more like you. good luck with him. you're doing great so far.

                              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                              Marathon Maniac #957


                                So I was at the pharmacy with the two kids yesterday waiting to get flu shots.  I was beginning to listen to a voice mail message I had just missed just as they were bringing out the shots.  It was my husband breathlessly saying come....home...right now.....take me to.....the ER.  Click.  We said hold the shots and dashed out of there like lightening, thinking the worst possible thoughts, I called him back and, NO ANSWER. 


                                Okay, I admit I may be a little heartless here, but, good grief, doesn't this strike you as a little melodramatic for a bite on the hand?   I mean, most of us would have wrapped a towel around it and driven ourselves to the urgent care......I'm sorry but he makes it sound like he's having a stroke or something.... 


                                SteveP - I am SO hoping I get to meet you are so cool!  Tag, too....Smile

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
