Masters Running


Tuesday, 2.16.16 (Read 32 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    Lots 'a good posts yesterday, but I have no time for comment. I have to leave at 6:30 for a 7:30 meeting in Concord, NH. No time for a workout this morning either, which is just as well as we got a few inches of snow overnight and I have no idea what shape the roads are in.


    Have a greta Tuesday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.




      Nice easy 9.4 miles. Started with dry pavement and ended with nearly 1/2 inch of snow accumulation. Had I taken the time to look at the weather before heading out I might have worn my trail shoes instead of light weight trainers. This was good snow ball material. Packed well and didn't clear of the shoe. I would have do a little scuffle to clear the snow pack of the bottom of the soles. Still, I do love running during a snowfall.


        Good morning Jay, Slo and all to follow. Jay, your daily schedule makes me tired. Very tired. Safe travels to Concord this morning. Nothing like trying to shake off snow from the bottom of your running shoes to keep you focused, right Slo? Nice run this morning. How's the training coming along? And belated congrats to your DD!


        Some great pictures of the cross country skiers - and finally a picture of the mysterious Mr. Blue Eyes!


        Saw your picture on FB Aamos - nice AG win.


        Hope the back is better Holly.


        It was 21° here this morning! Woo Hoo!! First time running outside in over a week and boy - did it feel great to get off the treadmill and out into the "fresh" air. 5.5 miles at a very slow pace. I've been wearing the Saucony Triumphs for quite a while and was excited to see the new model in the store a couple of weeks ago, but after a few runs in them, I don't like them. Thinking maybe it's time to switch brands. I'm looking for a cushioned, light stability shoe. Any suggestions folks???


        The backlash on filling the vacant Supreme Court judge spot has been amazing, though not unexpected. It will be interesting to see if POTUS can get someone approved by all of his friends before he leaves office....


        Speaking of which, don't forget to vote if you have a Primary today!

        Sayhey! MM#130



          I used to like going for a run in the snow, too SLo.  And keep us posted when you hear about the audition results.  Sounds promising.


          Thanks for all the comments on my query yesterday.  Appreciate it.  Fewer and fewer people seem to want to chat in a marathon anymore.  Or maybe they don't want to chat with a lady of a certain age!


          Well, I stayed up past my bedtime watching the Grammys.  Loved Stevie and Pentatonix saluting Maurice White, and Stevie's braille winner note and comments.   And the Hamilton segment was exciting.   But Kendrick Lamar, wow.


          Rained overnight here, so enjoy listening to that with the windows open.....then it cleared out enough to get in an easy 10K this am.


          So Steve, we were thinking of lunch Saturday--bring your family along?  We promise to be on our best behavior.




  (for a piece or two of my mind)


          Trails are hard!

            Slo--love being the first footprints in the fresh snow.  Although bringing large quatiies along with you is not fun.


            Jlynne--isn't perspective wonderful?  It's amazing how single digits can make mid-20's feel balmy.


            Right now, I'm sort of weather bound in my construction trailer in NJ.  Pouring rain that shows little sign of letting up.  2" of snow last night meant that the extended delay that I complained about at the airport last night got me into my hotel at 2:45 this morining.  For the first time that I can remember, i didn't set my alarm to be on site at the regualr time.  I did make a tactical error in not picking up lunch at the same time I got my breakfast this morning.

            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



            Rose Colored Glasses





              8 miles/9:10 average pace

              1st mile was a 10:10 due to unexpected slush. Fortunately, Tricia and the rocket scientist were in front of Carol, Bob, Bill, and me. Tricia made the announcement: "There is something slick on this surface!"  It was so odd. The path around where the watertower used to be had ankle deep water with a slush base making for some treacherous footing. By the time we rounded the bend, we had a practically dry trail. We ran through Eastern State Hospital and around New Town, then Ralph, Bill and I ran through Skipwith. Bob, Carol, and Tricia ran straight in.


              I wish I was going to Tampa!  I wish I was going to New Orleans!  I wish I was going to Green Bay!  I wish I was going to Portland!  Alas, I am going domestic. In April. Up to Reston!  Yippee!


              Now where the heck is TwoCat?  I miss that little kitty on crutches. I prefer sans crutches. But where the heck is he?


              Oh Slo_.  I wish Stretch would have majored in secondary education along with his Biology BS. He is still at the pre-school. He only gets "Flex hours". He would like his own class full time. He figures he would have more control. It is so funny to me to think of this Six Feet, Five Inches tall (but skinny) man with those little 3, 4, and 5 years old children!  Apparently he scares no one and they love him. Nehemiah gave him a chocolate mini bundt cake for Valentine's Day. The card read: "To: Mr. Blaine, You're nothing BUNDT the best! Happy Valentine's Day"


              Please let us know if your dear daughter got the gig.


              JLynne, I think South Carolina votes on Saturday.  Kathleen Parker had an interesting editorial about that state today. As for the SCOTUS, I don't see why the POTUS shouldn't be able to appoint a replacement, seems to me he has almost a year left on his term. Clearly it is his duty to nominate a replacement. We have cases that need to be heard. Can we put aside partisan politics and get on with business? Gee. It's not like anyone is trying to pull a fast one. Justice Scalia died of natural causes during this president's term. Now if he would have waited to die until November? I could see how it might be legitimate to wait. Clearly he died this past weekend.

              "Anytime you see the word "inflation" in the news, replace it with "record-breaking corporate profits" and you'll get what's happening."


                so many days that i've missed out on and I thought for a minute that someone resurrected last years Valentines Day thread, but all the content seemed to be current 

                I hope MikeE didn't break his leg the other day. What kind of drama's are these anyways? you play your own stuntman?


                Had yesterday off so took the dogs for a few miles on the trails.  Annie always wants to join us, but I made her stay in the house yesterday. Then when we got back, I let her out and she joined us out in the garden where i planted some spinach seeds. It was fun for her and if she runs with us for much more than about 1/2 mile, she pays for it later that day. We celebrated her 9th birthday on Sunday. Her body is more like a 15 yr old, but her mind is still like a young puppy. That's going to make it harder in about another year as her mobility declines even more.


                Sayhey! MM#130

                  Alas, I am going domestic. In April. Up to Reston           So ALAS is your feeling about Reston?????   


                   Also feel sad for hungry stumpy.

          (for a piece or two of my mind)


                  Trails are hard!

                    Now I feel a little guilty that the rain let up and I just finished my late lunch.

                    Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                    Rose Colored Glasses

                        Is this the tongue in cheek emoji?  hee hee hee!  Alas, I am ever so fortunate to travel domestically to Reston!  We are all looking forward to this adventure.


                      I'd like to go here when we are there.


                      Whew!  Stumpy has eaten lunch!

                      "Anytime you see the word "inflation" in the news, replace it with "record-breaking corporate profits" and you'll get what's happening."

                        "Hi" to Dave and Rhoon.  Nice long run mari.  Also neat picture in the snow.


                        It was another 5 mile walking day:  3 this morning on the TM at a 13:50 pace and 2 this afternoon outside at a 13:56 pace.


                        A good day and good runs for all.






                          This morning I met some friends from my women's ultra group,  the Dirt Divas, for a 6 mile trail run.  Nice bunch to run with!  Then in the afternoon I took Tazzie and Ladybug out for a few more miles.  Like Annie, they're slowing down - Tazzie did 1.5 miles and Ladybug did 2.5 miles.  I did 4 miles.  So 10 miles for the day.


                          Here's a picture of my group run, in Red Rocks park:

                          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                            Well ... tomorrow I strap on my running shoes - first time since Thanksgiving. I am glad that I didn't start today as our road surfaces were snow, that froze, and then were rained on - so I would have fallen for sure.


                            Nice to see the pics of Enke, Mariposai, Paul, and Mr Blue Eyes.


                            RCG and Amy will be in Reston - how fun!



                            Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.

                            Groucho Marx

                            Mike E

                            MM #5615

                              Hello everybody!


                              I had a meeting at church, tonight, so I went into work early, left early, and got my run done just in time to make it to my meeting on time.  I did 10 miles with 3 x 1 at 6:32 - 6:22 - 6:24.  This is the first time I was able to get outside for any kind of speed work.  My other two attemps on the treadmill were only 7 minute miles and I ended up having to grab and hang on to the rail for dear life.  So, before I headed out, I figured if I could go around 6:40 or 6:45, I'd call that a success, so when I was close to 6:30 after my first one, I figured I'd push it a little harder on the next two and see how it went okay.


                              Okay--that's all I got.  See ya!

                              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                                Good job mikee.
                                You're a superman.

                                If I had to run 10-miles before going somewhere,

                                I’d never make it anymore.
                                Three-and-a-half miles jogging + one-and-a-half miles walking

                                in a blessedly dry but otherwise gloomy-grey overcast morning

                                only to arrive and remember I had a 9-5 meeting

                                starting uptown in 30 minutes.
                                If I didn’t love skiing more, I’d love to leave fresh running tracks in the snow too.

                                However, how come everyone’s doing it except in pictures from Colorado?

                                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
