Masters Running


Labor Day, 2015 (Read 41 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    Ribs, if there were a way to predict good runs, do you also suppose we'd be able to see bad ones coming? How would that change the dynamics of how we train? Regardless, I'm glad you had a good run yesterday.


    Sorry about the pay-back from the IPAs, as well as the sticky weather, Roch. We've got heat coming in today, with humidity building through most of the week - maybe your stuff is coming this way.


    Nice run and gardening cross-training, Holly. Aren't you glad your gardens die back over the winter to give you a break? Very considerate of them...


    TW, your joy of being mobile and outside again is really infectious! keep up the good work.


    Enjoy the last of the hatch chillies, Twocat. About the website; I'm with Evanflein - "Improved" websites and running shoes rarely are.


    Evanflein, I like the concept of your Conservation Of Good Runs Theory. Have fun on the Dome today. Sorry about the Garmin - technology is great when it works, and can be immensely frustrating when it doesn't. Tasty dinner you had last night!


    Sounds like a great hike, Robin, until the "treacherous decent." Nice little 17.4 mi. run to follow that up! We've been to Chauncey Creek for lobster twice this summer, and have one more visit scheduled before they close early in Oct.


    DW and I also did yard work yesterday, including mowing and picking up and breaking up twigs and filling a couple of kindling buckets for this winter's fires. In the evening, we had drinks on the deck with chips and olive tapanade hummus, and then grilled/planked salmon with a honey/mustard glaze and broccoli and corn sauteed in in a little coconut oil. Today is a SRD, so I stayed in and tried to read, but my substitute glasses don't let me read for long, so that didn't work all that well. For today, we'll do some more yard work, maybe some kayaking, and then go to a neighborhood barbecue.


    Have a greta Labor Day!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


    Trails are hard!

      Erika--I have the same sort of problems with my 315. I solve it for a while by deleting all but one month of history and then doing a soft boot (MODE and RESET)


      Another painful day on the island. DW is presently making scrambled eggs with bacon and cheese. I will likely miss another run, but it doesn't seem to concern me at the moment 

      Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


      Sayhey! MM#130

        Hope there is not a lot of laboring going out there deez?


        I can accept the fault, twocat; just hope your batch was as good as mine!


        yesterday after our long runs, a bunch of us were drying off in the parking lot agreeing that it was cooler......we were all still dripping and wearing the least amount possible, but it was less oppressive. I guess we have varying degrees of H&H, kinda like Eskimos having a dozen words for snow?


        So 14 yesterday and 12 very easy Lakes Park miles in a delightful drizzle.



        cats enjoying the rain and long weekend by cuddling  (for a piece or two of my mind)


          Happy Labor Day Jay, Kevin, Aamos. and all to follow. Everyone must be out soaking up the last "official" holiday of the season. Sorry about the ongoing issues with your glasses Jay. Kayaking sounds like a good idea. And hope you enjoyed those eggs and bacon Kevin. Aamos, I really don't know how you run such amazing times in all of that heat and humidity. No wonder you're in such great shape!


          We had some huge storms pass through here last night. But alas, the humidity is still here. Ran 4 at 5:30 this morning and it was already 72° and 90% humid. I was soaking wet before I hit the half mile mark. I just looked at some of the obstacles for the Tough Mudder at Elkhart Lake next weekend. Oh. My. God. What have I gotten myself into?!! I sure hope I'm around next Monday to tell you all about it.


          Enjoy your holiday everyone.

          King of PhotoShop

            The Saint and I did 3.3 slow on the dirt path.  She's recovering from some kind of hip/hamstring discomfort. For me it was just recovery from yesterday's 8, and to keep her company.


            On Saturday on PBS I watched one of my favorite cooking shows, with that guy Ming who is an excellent chef. He made a sweet and spicy meat sauce that I thought would be very tasty, so I made it with tempeh instead of ground beef and we had it for dinner last night over tagiatelli. Oh my was that good, a delicious vegan meal with lots of protein.  Tempeh is awesome.


            Well, I'm back writing the running blog for the Dallas Morning News and today I posted on why runners, otherwise sensible people, almost always try to run through injuries.  Your ideas are welcome:



              Thanks for the recap Jay. I think I've been to that lobster place before but I was about 10 years old so I am not sure of the name. I do know that we were sitting outside on picnic tables when my dad took a wooden mallet and cracked the lobster open. It went spraying everywhere, mostly on me!


              Nice hike and long run, Robin. I wish I could have seen Ester Dome, Erika, but I will take your word for it's steepness. I have seen th elevation profile before. Did you see any runners out there today? Sorry about the Garmin issues.


              Jlynne, I admire you for doing another Tough Mudder, you are crazy!



              Stumpy, missed many runs on vacation too. All is well now.


              We have been back about 24 hours now and Mr. Starr has slept 12 of those. I ran the lake  in 70° weather and was surprised to see an eagle flying overhead. It was so beautiful I had to stop to watch it soar. I pointed it out to another runner going by. Actually I saw a dozen people out this morning and knew all of them. I know this is a small town, but at 12,000 it is not that small.


              Have a great Labor Day and good running everyone. To white, I am so happy for your continued recovery!

              “Courage is not defined by those who fought and did not fall, but by those who fought, fell, and rose again.” — Adrienne Rich

                tomw, I continue to be happy about the way your recovery is going.  Twocat, nice 10 mile race.  Aamos, good job in your 5K.


                Nice long runs for Holly, DrRobin, evan, and Aamos.


                This morning, it was about 70, there was a light wind, and it was humid.  I did 5 miles at an 11:12 pace.


                A good day and good runs for all.


                  ...thanks guys// jay said, I'm just enjoying being OUTSIDE again.........ohboyohboy



                  also, I get to say something about the weather


                  90's again, massively humid.................ask me if I care


                  1st of 2 PT sessions

                  followed by

                  3x 13-min cane assisted walks


                  since this will be my 4th week post-op

                  I hope the PT lady lets me do the single leg step-ups on the stairs


                  there's two of 'em

                  a front facing and a side facing


                  they just LOOK effective





                  ..................Good Luck to jylnne on The Mudder and Good Running to the rest of ya

                  ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                    Go tomwhite, go! OhboyOhboyOhboy is right!


                    Jlynne, I'm just so impressed with you doing those tough mudder races. I've looked at them and have to say "no way." Good for you!


                    Ribs, how true. The other thing we do is minimize the issue, like a pulled muscle or strained tendon is a "tweak" or a "niggle" that we try to ignore. Sometimes you can, for awhile, but they frequently come back to bite you. Good article. We talk about the fear of loss vs. the lure of a gain when trying to come up with wellness incentives. Which is another thing that drives me nuts... why do we have to work so hard to get people to do what they should be doing to take care of themselves??


                    Jay, I ran up Ester Dome yesterday. Last long run before Equinox in 2 weeks. I never know what to do for taper for this race. It's so important to go into it rested, but you also want to be in top hill climbing condition. Not sure I'm there yet, and not sure I can do much about that in 2 weeks.


                    Welcome home, Starr! I sure wish you could've been here this weekend! The weather and temperatures have been absolutely delightful! It really was crummy when you were here, but I'm so glad you had a good time. Loved the pictures you posted; I haven't been to Valdez in well over 20 years!


                    We're finalizing plans for the Freedom's Run marathon on October 10. Holly and her brother will be driving down, and we'll be staying with WRFB and PDR afterwards. Also, the weekend before we'll be in NY and hope to meet up with Hally/Barb somewhere along the way. Should be a fun couple of weekends!


                      Sounds like so many good weekend stories from races to hiking to vacations. Good to hear.


                      Busy weekend here with kiddos XC race on saturday. High school football on Friday. Notre Dame gane on saturday (sorry UT fans) and birthday BBQ today. Amazed I got any miles this weekend.


                      Now for some Germany soccer on TV.



                      "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                      "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                      MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                        I gotta believe there were more people than moose, bear, wolves, caribou, porcupine, Bison and mammoths up on Ester Dome today keeping erika company. i'm sure glad I got to do it when I could (1991).  It's one of the most memorable mary's of all, just like yesterday. I wish they would have had the muddier's in those days though.


                        Yes amy, I labored through the annual Labor Day Marathon I first did twenty years ago more than a hour faster but, even so, I ran all the way same as in those days and hope it'll make up a little for the Portland Marathon training that's gotten derailed so far this month.  Beautiful start to the real running season at 61 degrees and sunny skies after a brief pre-race sprinkle.  Now back to real labor in store for the rest of the day.

                        "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                          AamosY what are you making with your hatch chilies?


                          Jlynne you entered a race with the word "tough" and are now wondering what you have gotten yourself into? 


                          Since I have a bit of a supply of hatch chilies I made this pork chili verde today  I have made it several times and it is one awesome recipe!  Today I did not really do it to the end.  This is for tomorrow's dinner.  That means cooking up to the last part when you add in some potatoes.  But tomorrow all I have to do is add them in, cook the chili for 30 minutes and serve!  A quick work day dinner that is as good as one you spent hours to make!


                          Today I ran the New Haven 20k race.  A new PW for me in this race.  That is it.  My last run, elliptical or anything else until my abdomen is 100%.  No if, ands or buts.  (One if, I am running with the Rosie Ruiz Fan Club absent my personal demise.  Actually, if I am dead maybe coastwalker,  enkephalin and deez4boyz  could wheel my corpse along?  You know take turns.  One leg, so to speak, each! )  As to my abdomen, I have to lick this strain once and for all.  Since not running combined with not doing any gym work involving the abdomen is not working, this is the new plan.

                          Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                          Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->



                            Welcome home, Starr!  Glad you had a good trip.

                            Speaking of trips, Zimbabwe!!!  Yay, Leslie!  When are you going?

                            Stumpy, island life seems to agree with you!


                            Not hot or humid here - no siree!  Feels like fall is coming!  I ran 11 miles in the local state park, and got rained on for the last 4 miles, but the sun came back out at the end.  It was about 60°, and I was actually kind of chilly when it was raining - glad I had one of those emergency ponchos in my pack!  I guess it's time to taper for Saturday's race...   you guys know how much I love to taper!  

                            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                              Taper schmaper, Wildchild!

                              Twocat - sorry to hear about the strain/sprain whatever it is.  Hope you surprise yourself in the relay, and in a good way.

                              Tet - which full mary was that?

                              Jlynne - I have vivid memories of some details you wrote in your last tough mudder race report!  You are tough!!!


                              I did 13.1 miles on the horse trails.  I did this same run about 2 weeks ago, but was significantly slower today, I suspect because the runs I did Friday and Saturday were fairly hard. The last 4 mile loop was a bit challenging.  Need to rest up my legs and figure out what I should run and how easy or hard until the relay next Friday.  My feet hurt.

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
