Masters Running


Newbies (Read 490 times)


Trails are hard!

    Welcome back, Laurie. happy Sunday to everyone else. I need to get up early for a few more days of work before New Year's. Guess we've still got the Celts and Bruins to get us through until pitchers and catchers report in a couple of months. Disappointing for the Pats, but they still did a lot better than everyone expected. Kevin

    Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



      Good afternoon Everyone, Laurie, I have been considering trying to hawk my landscape photographs at local and regional art fairs. I went to a huge one in Ann Arbor a year and a half ago with Debbie and I think that I can produce the same quality work. I've always had the goal to make money with my photography. I've shot weddings, done portraiture (which I love), and shot fine art/landscapes. I've even sold a few of my works. I am also planning to make a name for myself here as a portrait photographer. I plotting my strategy. A website is probably in my future some time too. Do you know anything about web site hosting/development? 4 miles this morning. 5K planned for Thursday morning. Cheers, Mike


        5K race on Thursday (New Years day) 7 miles today.

        One day at a time

          0 miles on New Year's Day (TOO COLD!!); 9.2 miles outside yesterday (out of guilt); 6.0 miles on the indoor track (19 laps to a mile) today. Trying to get a good start to the year!

          Trails are hard!

            I guess we're not being very talkative if Mike has two consecutive posts--4 days apart Shocked Guess I'm guilty, too. So, Mike, if you're going to hint about races--we need details. As good as the lst? Lots of people? DETAILS! Teresa--I would be dizzy for hours after laps that small. anything that goes around in circles gets me Dead I can't even do a merry-go-round, even though I still occasionally do looping roller coasters. Very relaxing holiday for me. Couldn't believe I had 5 days off. Now I can't believe there's only one left. Bummer. I'll be spending it in the basement trying to find my workbench. Out for a hopefully long(er) run tomorrow. I think the weather is supposed to be a little warmer. Max and I just did a little turn by the lake and it was a bit breezy. Happy New Year to all. Resolve to check in Wink Kevin

            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


              Mike, yes details. Time. Place etc. Happy new year everyone. Going back to running tomorrow at 8am. Laurie

              Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                Hey guys! So sorry I haven't been around for a long time. No running at all & just too depressing to look at either of the running forums for awhile..... actually haven't been on the computer much at all the last couple of weeks or so.. lots of rest, relaxation, enjoying Christmas, New Years & the family. I think my foot is about ready to start some exercise, but will have to be careful. It still gets a little tender, but otherwise is pretty much healed I think. Year end close (at work) starts getting crazy here shortly, so hopefully I'll be able to get into a habit of exercise - or maybe that's good way to ease in again. Debbie - sorry for worrying you. I don't think you called, did you? I will try to keep in touch better as I'm easing in - I am feeling better about things Smile


                  Well, OK. The race was on New year's day. It was a 5K that started at 9:30 am. Not knowing anyone, I was a little apprehensive but worked through it. I arrived in Knoxville with plenty of time to register. Registration was at a restaurant that overlooks the Tennessee river. Temps were in the upper 20's. I warmed up and stretched and then positioned myself about 2/3 of the way back in the pack. As the gun went off I moved over to the left curb where no one was running. I had decided that I would like to at least beat my time from the jingle bell run 3 weeks ago (and maybe come in feeling a little stronger). I settled on a pace that I figured would do the trick and started passing people. I tried to make sure that I maintained my pace and not "chase" people, as I think that was one of my issues in December. At the 1 mile mark I was right on pace and felt very comfortable. At the 2 mile mark I found that I was running even splits Smile . The last mile had a gradual hill that declined to the finish, and I lengthened my stride a little and passed some more people. The course leveled out just before the finish and at the 3 mile mark I kicked it and finished 40 seconds under my December time, and 20 seconds under my stretch goal Cool. I was very happy with that. I ended up finishing 199/482 and 23/41 in my age group. This was a little tougher crowd than the last race. The OA winner finished in a little over 14 minutes. There was an 80 year old man that finished under 29 minutes. Linda, I'm glad to see you back. Laurie, I'm glad to hear that you are on the mend and back to running also. Kevin, Glad to hear that your holidays were relaxing. Teresa, I think I would get dizzy running around in tight circles like that. I got back from my run yesterday to find my dog Jake had let himself out of the back yard and he was sitting in the car port waiting for me as I came walking up the street. Angry I'm glad that he's not one to wander. I'd have spent a couple of hours looking for my other dog. Cheers everyone. Mike

                  Trails are hard!

                    Mike--See, that wasn't so hard, was it? Evil grin Sounds like a great race to improve that much AND beat a stretch goal, too! You're seeing the same thing as I do--finishing a lot higher in the OA than in the AG. When I first started running, I figured, I'm only 50, I'll be running against guys who are up to 59, I'll do great. The reality is that most of the slacker runners have been weeded out by the time they reach masters level. So congratulations on a great race. Linda: great to see you back. Relaxing and time away is a good thing. Now go slowly and carefully so you can stick around. Smile Laurie--hope you had a good run today, even in the cold. Kevin

                    Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                      Hi everyone, Sorry I've been absent too. i'll start back where I left off, & see how far I can get... Mike, your art fair plan sounds reasonable! I didn't even think about the expenses for the display. (re ann arbor) what kind of help could you use? I hope you do it. Great job in your 5K!!! -- I'm glad Jake was there waiting. my latest fun with dogs was when Sadie got sprayed by a skunk yesterday. Laurie... the tenor is Eliz's. ! Shocked I'm glad you're back too. how was your run? Kevin, happy happy back to work. yes. resolve to check in. i read, just don't always write. did you find your work bench? I need to do that. Linda, I'm so glad to hear from you!!! well, you know I would worry. but it's ok, I understand. I didn't call but started to a few times. each time when it was good here, it wouldn't have been good there. but the threat remains. Evil grin I think you're right.. easing in during year end close would be great. auto-smart. Teresa, you are tough. 19 laps to a mile? really? I will never complain again. until i forget. mine is 8 laps. i thought i was a trooper for doing 10.3 last Sunday. too long & things I've got to get done... so just a little of what i've been doing. I did my first trail run 1-01, which was really cool! except, it was hilly, snowy & icy, very rough footing, not manicured type of trail at all & you couldn't see it. I had to walk because i started to hurt, & wasn't dressed for that, & then we got lost. so it was 1:35, & I got so cold it was scary. I'll do it again but plan better. I signed up for a full next Oct. 11. 11 miles this morning, a 10 min. pace. it hurt a little but wasn't awful. best weather we've had in a long time, so I didn't want to waste it. Do any of you do recovery runs? I'm trying to add them, but so far have been doing them too long & a little too fast. Will apply some great advice from SR tomorrow morning.
                        Mike. what was your final time? deb, youre up to 11 miles? Cool! Linda, what are you going to start with? Run or do something else? Kevin, how are the roads up there? We woke to a sheet of ice. I hate the thought of Kim driving on it. She has very little winter driving experience. I ran yesterday. First time in a month. 3 hilly miles with the club. It was the monthly fun run and I didnt want to miss it. My leg hurt the whole way. Today I cant even sit. So far the only exercise that doesnt hurt is swimming. I will discuss this with the PTist today. Looks like running might have to go on the back burner again. Laurie

                        Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                          Laurie, what did your PT say? .... i'm sorry, it seems like I'm always harping on everybody. but (fwiw) it doesn't seem to me like the way to start back after a month off & months of a recurring injury is with 3 miles of hills! Maybe running doesn't have to take a backburner. Just... work back into it gradually. after my 6 mo. hammie layoff, I remember being happy when I could do one lap around the track. (on my rational days Wink) Each situation is unique... but I wonder if it would be worth a try for you.
                            Laurie... the tenor is Eliz's. !
                            In my dreams, it seems. Sad Not sure if we're at the end of the road or just a small impasse. Also not sure how I want to deal with it, so I'm letting it sit for a day or two. Not devastated, but not as happy as I was about it a few weeks ago, either. But didn't let recovering from a sinus infection, mending a semi-broken heart, and the first day back to school keep me from "running" today. I used the quotes because I was ridiculously slow, even for me, but I was out there, darn it. Missed running over the weekend because of the sinuses, and we're supposed to have freezing rain tomorrow afternoon, so I forced myself to get out there. Glad I did. Kevin - belated congrats on the PE exam. Laurie and Linda - hope you heal soon, ladies! Mike - the idea about your photography sounds awesome. Deb - of all the people I know on this board, you're the one most likely to use "recovery run" and "too long and too fast" in the same sentence! Take it easy, girl! Eliz



                              Laurie, I have to agree with the others. 3 hilly miles is not easing into it. That's a bummer if it puts you back on the sidelines. I can certainly understand wanting to get back to it though. My finish time on Thursday was 25:40. Debbie, The expense of the tent and the display panels will be there regardless of which art fair I go to. So it will actually be a one time expense. I could use some help setting up, tearing down, respite. If you want to help, I'll put you to work, don't worry. It sounds like your running is going very well. Where did you find to trail run? I haven't tried that here yet. although, there are plenty of trails to run on, and plenty of people running them too. {{{Sadie}}} {{{Debbie}}} (for having to deal with a skunk smelling Sadie). What's funny about Jake and Maggie is that they have found a way to get into the garage (its detached). Maggie can't find her way out of it though. So, I have to go out to the garage and open the door to let her out. That's the only reason Maggie wasn't out when I got back from running on Saturday. Eliz, Wouldn't it almost be easier if someone just assigned us a boy/girl friend? Sometimes I get so frustrated with the whole "does she like me?" routine. Sometimes I feel like I'm back in high school. But, other than that, I'm glad that you pushed yourself out the door and ran too. Teresa, my head is still going around thinking about 114 times around that indoor track. I'd completely loose track of which lap I was on. I would get up to about 90 something, some one would try to talk to me and I have to start all over again. Kevin, you are right about the slackers being weeded out by now. I think of that 80 year old that finished in under 29 minutes (not that I'm anywhere near 80 years old). I think Knoxville is just a tough running crowd. The guy that won the race on thursday was down the street having a beer by the time I came in. As a matter of fact I think the top 5 finishere were with him. Cheers Mike

                                Hey all - Ok, so haven't done any exercise yet.. told you I was easing in to this. Does thinking about it count? lol Actually I was really tired last night, so got a good night's sleep.. maybe tomorrow will be the day Smile Laurie - I'm going to start by walking on the treadmill. See how it goes with the foot & breathing, and increase as I am able. Debbie - 11 miles? wow you are doing well. How are all the body parts doing? Mike - belated congrats on the 5K! Okay, I better get going, time for work.