Masters Running


Thu Apr 24 Runs and Workouts (Read 496 times)

    I know, I know! (But I'll not spoil it for Vista!) Bill

    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


      Hi Sue! I was going to ask about you today but I forgot. & here you are. Cool It is so nice to have LaVitaDolceā„¢ posts again. Big grin I keep waking up at 3:00 or so, & can't go back to sleep. I used to wake at 4:30, which was perfect. I had a stern talk with myself but it hasn't helped. any ideas?? other than getting up. more hugs for Holly's toes.

        more hugs for Holly's toes.
        That's got to hurt!



          I know, too! But I won't tell her name. I'll let Vista answer.
            5 mile progression run this morning...It didn't start out that way,but when I saw my 2 mile split I got cheesed off with myself and decided to put a little effort into it... 1-8:36 2-7:59 3-7:46 4-7:30 5-7:00 {{{{{{{{{{{Holly's Toes}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
            Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

              Holly, my toes suffer like yours. It's not pretty, but I'm willing to live with it! Lots of good talk and runs already today. No run yet this morning...trying to squeeze 5 or 6 in today. Seeboygo won first place in the speech contest last night - so he will now go on to the next level where the top prize is $2000 towards college. He's pretty motivated by money so I am sure he will rise to the occasion! Both Seeboygo and Seegirlgo are off at a different competition from now until Saturday afternoon. (TSA - Technology Student Association -for those of you with kids.) I might get some extra time to myself for some serious running! Hooray!

                Still no running for me yet. The quads and hips are feeling closed to normal now (ready to dance a vals, but not the rumba yet). I am slowly getting to the Boston RRs. I am so impressed with the fine group of athletes we sent off to Boston. You guys are awesome. LaVitaDolce, some pretty good runs there lately. Nice work today. dg, keep telling that brain to wake up at 4:30 and eventually it will listen to your orders. lynden, it is great to see progressing so well with your training. Your September marathon is going to be awesome. Happy Thursday to all. Nancy

                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                  I lost a toenail Monday, and I think 4 more will be casualties of Boston in the next few weeks.
                  It's a well-known fact that running Boston and failing to post a RR in a timely fashion can have these kinds of side effects. Big grin

                  Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                  "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                    Thanks for the pics Lou. 3 miles in 32:40 for me this morning. Good runs all.

                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      It's a well-known fact that running Boston and failing to post a RR in a timely fashion can have these kinds of side effects. Big grin
                      Oh good golly, Roch, Boston race reports are rather thick on the ground at the moment. Do you REALLY want me to add to the plethora? Big grin Seeboygo - woohoo! C-mom, you should be very proud. That's quite an accomplishment!

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                        Lou, Evanflein's DH's nametag ... does that say "Evan's, goes by Pete, please give back!"? Funny!
                        Bill, it says "please give beer!" Yeah, he's such a hoot. Tongue Perch, don't worry about those 6 lbs, I'm taking good care of them. No matter what I do, I always gain at least 4 lbs on trips. Angry You'd think I'd get some credit for running a friggin' marathon, but apparently not. Last night was crazy, worked too late, kid to soccer, grocery run (they sure ate a lot for not "living" here when we were gone!), quick cleanup to find the table and counter, make dinner, go thru mail, bed be 12:30... where the heck does the time go? To try to get a run, or even some time on the stationary bike, was a lost cause. Maybe tonight... Holly, I got blisters this time around and usually don't have much problem with that. I did neglect to Glide my toes this time around, was worried about other parts. So that, and lack of sunscreen, were my dumb moves this race. Stairs and squats no problem, probably cuz I made myself do them right away.... Seemomgo... that's great news! Congratulations!
                          Wow......some nice pictures and thanks to Lou for posting the names. Come find out, the people I didn't recognize were those I wouldn't have known anyway. Good deal and you all are right......some good lookers. I am off to lunch with my son and then responsibilities tonight forced me to run mid morning for a nice 3.3 miles. The lawn mowers are buzzing again today. No sign of the baby Mockingbirds yet. Spareribs......your question did throw me for a moment until I read between the lines and noticed there was no mention of gender and the reference to pro basketball without the NBA tag led me that way too. EVERYONE has been an ESPN analyst it seems, so that narrowed it down only by a couple of million people. The team I do media for played Old Dominion in the opening round of the NCAA "Dance" this year and it was at the Old Dominion arena in Norfolk, VA. On their wall were two big plaques telling the stories of their most famous women players...Anne Donovan....and the answer to your question (I think)....Nancy Lieberman. She was quite a player and has gone on to a great broadcast/journalism/coaching career. I did NOT know the connection to Mohammed Ali however. Good question and obviously one that several others were ready to answer. I bet that was a great trip. I have had several trips like that with a variety of people and cherish each one. Thanks.......Do you need my address for the check?

                            Erika, I'm behind here from just tracking you guys. Roll eyes I don't know how you do it. Nancy, thanks. I will persevere. mind over mind. one more wooohooo! for the Seefamily. Smile
                            mustang sally

                            Bad faerie

                              Oh good golly, Roch, Boston race reports are rather thick on the ground at the moment. Do you REALLY want me to add to the plethora? Big grin
                              Well, yeah.

                              King of PhotoShop

                                Joey, if you know her and she knows you, I will mention to her that we correspond on this site about running. Send me an email with your real name. I didn't know it or would have asked her if she knew you. I am at: spareribs823 at gmail dot com. Did you see that that nosey LaVita tried to give it away? She is fined $64,000 and will send you your check. Lou, thanks for those pictures. Harriet's daugher looks just like Harriet, very attractive young woman, as were all the other women in the photos. Good job. Bill, what was the "rest" you mentioned in those repeats? Good final workout for you. You're ready. I did 4.5 very slow miles. I imagine the same happens to many of you. You take a day off from running and think that the next day will be sproinky, but it often isn't. The day after that is the sproinky run. Can't wait til tomorrow if that is the case. Hey Karin! I don't travel again until May 14th. Oh, I'm lovin' it. Spareribs