Masters Running


Friday September 5 runs and stuff (Read 577 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good Morning! I had a fabulous run CNYrunner/Karin this morning, although at points it was through a torrential downpour. There we were, talking and laughing as we splashed through the rain and flashes of lightning. Big grin Karin was extremely considerate about holding to my slower pace and encouraging me not to overdo it. I sure wish she lived closer, because these runs with her are such a delight. 6.65 easy-paced miles outside with Karin, and then .45 on the treadmill to make it an even 7 miles (yes, Karin, I am such a NUT about finishing with a round number). Happy Friday!

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

    Marathon Maniac #3309

      Good morning all Smile Glad you and Karin had a good time and run this morning Holly. Raining here also, and we really need it. As soon as the rain stops it's suppose to be a lot cooler for the weekend and sunny, as I have a 20 miler planned tomorrow AM. Interesting, and enjoyable day here yesterday. 7 easy / recovery miles last night - 9:00 pace in a slight drizzle which felt good, and my heel was a little grouchy, but tolerable. Kinda weird, it hurts more walking than running Confused Quick WWYD question about my Marathon. The race is around 60 miles away and would only take about an hour or so to get there. I am struggling with just getting up early and driving there, or getting a Hotel room and staying the night before....and money is not the issue. I guess it would be fun to stay in a Hotel and be close to the race site. But driving there would give me a chance to wake up and enjoy a nice ride to think about things and eat on the way. Oh well, just thinking this morning Smile Well, quick post as I need to get started on my paper work on this TGIF. Have a good day all. Tim

      Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

        Holly! Too funny about making it 7 Miles! We did have a blast and got completely soaked. It was worth it though since I got to run with a dear friend and start off my Friday in a super way. Thanks Holly! She did take me up her hill---TWICE. Holly you are doing great, just keep listening to the twinges. We missed you Tim...waited for you and everything. Big grin Aamos, Holly and I will rehearse a bit and then we'll take the show on the road! See you there. TGIF Karin/CNYrunner

        Marathon Maniac #3309

          We missed you Tim...waited for you and everything. Big grinTGIF Karin/CNYrunner
          You didn't miss me...I told you I was going to be sneaky, and the rain helped with that. Full report later on what I heard from you two...especially that part about that "Tim guy" being such a "stud muffin" Big grin Tim

          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

            6.65 easy-paced miles outside with Karin, and then .45 on the treadmill to make it an even 7 miles (yes, Karin, I am such a NUT about finishing with a round number).
            Uh, Holly. Hate to break this to you but you ran 7.1 miles Big grin Are you going to get on the TM for the other 0.9 miles to make an even 8? 3 recovery miles for me today, about 9:25/mi pace, AHR 128

            Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

              This must be the Rain morning. I woke up to hear rain drops outside so i went back to bed. But then I thought "Hey I'm awake. Just go to the Gym and run the Treadmill". So that's what I did. 8.6 treadmill miles at 8:37 pace with miles 4, 5, and 6 at Tempo pace - 8:00, 8:00, and 7:45 min/mile. For those of you on the Atlantic Coast and on up into New England who are waiting for Hanna to arrive this weekend ... get your rain gear out and check that umbrella. Hanna is a BIG Rain Maker! We're getting dumped on BIGTIME down here by Hanna, even by our standards. Bill PS: Nah. Holly's going to get on the treadmill and run 1/10 mile backwards to make it an even 7 like she posted.

              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


              One day at a time

                Day off for me. I'm thrilled that I'm not sore at all from my long run yesterday. I forget, who's the Red Sox fan on here? DH and DS got two free tickets, and they're going to the game Monday night against Tampa Bay. The cool part is that it will be the game that breaks the record for most consecutive sold-out games in the major leagues! I did tell DH that it will be HIS job to wake DS up Tuesday morning, since they won't get back to Portland until well after midnight. Does anyone know about parking for Red Sox games? DH doesn't want to take the train, because he can't afford to take that much time off.

                Trails are hard!

                  teresa--not a big expert on going to the games, but be prepared to spend a minimum of $30 at any of the parking lots. and i think they go a lot higher. So much for "free" tickets Wink we have occasional had some luck on the side street several blocks away, but it's a tricky timing issue as you need to get there just after people are leaving work and before the deluge of fans arrive. Holly and Karin--sounds like a fun run through the raindrops. and who does the helping on math in your house, Holly? Wink out for a lap around the lake this morning. i met a friend running who I haven't seen in a while and he was telling me that a mutual friend had had a heart attack AND a followup quintuple bypass a few weeks ago. he's back on his feet, but he's younger and thinner than me Shocked I thought he was in pretty good shape, too. Quite a pause to think. Kevin eta: Teresa--another option might be to drive down 128 to the Riverside station (right by the Mass pike) and take the train in from there. it's about a 1/2 hour in. take a look on the MBTA map.

                  Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                    Good morning, all! Bill - glad to see your post this morning - I was afraid Hanna might have washed you out to sea. We're waiting to see how much of the weekend she's going to ruin for us in Connecticut. I'm still hoping to get my 20 miler in Sunday, but I'm not counting on it. Teresa - good deal that you don't have any residual pain from your long run! 70 degrees with 97% humidity here this morning. I considered bagging the outside run and doing the treadmill, but I opted for a slow hill run. There was absolutely no breeze, but fortunately it was foggy and overcast so the sun wasn't a factor. 7.12 miles @10:12 pace and 158 average HR. I spotted what I thought was an osprey perched on a pole near Eastern Point Beach in Groton. When I got closer I could make out the white head and cape and realized it was a bald eagle - very strange. The turkeys found the feeder last night. After they finished with the corn, one brave soul decided to check out the house. He peaked into the basement window and then walked over to the basement slider where I was watching him. Wish I had had a camera with me. Good runs and a good weekend to all! Speedy feet and good weather for our weekend racers.

                    Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      Uh, Holly. Hate to break this to you but you ran 7.1 miles Big grin Are you going to get on the TM for the other 0.9 miles to make an even 8?
                      (slaps hand on head) Duh! That’s what I get for trying to do math before 7am. Big grin My only excuse is that I was still giddy from my run with Karin, thinking of all the things we talked about during our run...
                      PS: Nah. Holly's going to get on the treadmill and run 1/10 mile backwards to make it an even 7 like she posted.
             have me thinking there.... Smile Tim – you heard that? I THOUGHT I heard a rustle in the bushes.... As for the hotel question, for a race that close I would always opt for sleeping in my own bed, but then I tend to sleep poorly away from home.

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                        Good morning! It sounds like CNY and Holly had a great time. I ran an easy 6.5, kind of feeling the faster runs of the last couple of days. Sounds like a rainy Saturday on the way. Have a great Friday everyone!
                          Nice to see some of our members having a chance to run together. That's hard to beat and something us isolated canucks miss up here. Off to the cottage until Tuesday with my dad and I get to race in Sudbury too..thigh feeling a little better but tight so it will be interesting to see if it holds out. Heavy rain forecast for my half marathon on Sunday...I SAY BRING IT ON I LOVE RUNNING IN THE RAIN....lets' see if others like it as much as me. Enjoy the day and the weekend. Will post on Tuesday. Tall

                          Recent Best times: None recently

                            Enke and Tet—nice pics yesterday DH—if Enke’s avatar is a cry for help, what do you think of WRFB’s? Holly—I have the same open-mouth problem on all race photos. It’s so consistent that I have to believe that’s how I actually run. Perch—something happened while I was away? Hope you’re better soon. Tim—it’s a personal preference, of course, but I like staying in my own bed, eating my own food, etc. I’d drive. Byll—hang in there; you’ll forget all about Hanah once Ike gets there. Holly and Karin are hardcore; laughing at the lightning and rain! 10.35 miles @ 8:43 pace. Warm and humid with rain heading here tomorrow. Have a good weekend.

                            Be safe. Be kind.


                              A wildfire that raged through Idaho recently revealed remnants of the famed pioneer route the Oregon Trail. That is just a huge weight off my back...I've been searching for it for years's always the last place you look. Holly: Our double-header Saturday is against another seniors team...our season playing against all the whippersnappers ended Wednesday night. Jeanne:
                              On Tuesday, it was 93F with high humidity here. Our classrooms are not air conditioned...
                              Well, when I went to school we had to walk 6 miles through the snow...uphill both ways. Carolyn: 36:01 4-miler? I think that's great..wish I could do it. Ribs: Well, I'm probably gonna start rooting for the Rangers next year...I'm a lifelong Yankee fan and they have the worst team in baseball this year.
                              "He's powered with ram injection but it's understood, I got a fuel-injected engine sittin' under my hood," in reference to all my new spare parts.
                              Brilliant! I'm posting that on the BB list... Tramps:
                              When does football start?
                              As far as UVA goes, the season could start & end on the same day..can't believe they lost their first game something like 200-0. Holly & Karin: Your run sounds wonderful...any good gossip? Ran 4 miles at the track this morning...fifth day in a row for me...that's too much..but we are scheduled for two softball games tomorrow morning which will probably be Hanna'd out. Tried to do another progression run and, like last time, the second mile got me. 9:12 9:19 9:07 8:53 Total 36:31 (9:08) Ran out of gas on the last mile and had to walk for 15 seconds. DickyG
                                DH—if Enke’s avatar is a cry for help, what do you think of WRFB’s?
                                Tramps, that is actually a photo of me which Beer Runner took when I visited him last year. I'm not sure why he is using it as his avatar--perhaps simply a mark of his respectful admiration of me. Dark Horse
                                I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.